Tu es derrière moi, juste derrière, collé contre mon corps. Ta bouche contre mon cou. Je fais un geste pour rentrer mais tu me prends les mains …me dis à mon oreille que je ne dois pas être si impatiente...que tu as quelques choses pour moi...mais que pour ça il faut que je te fasse confiance, entièrement confiance…. Même si cette entrée en matière est quelque peu bizarre...je te réponds que oui, tu as mon entière confiance…Alors je sens que tu prends quelque chose dans ta poche … Bien que j’ai envie de me retourner, je ne le fais pas comme pour te prouver mes dires. J’attends, le Read more
I want you daddy
I want you.... I need you.... I crave you..... My body yearns for you.... I'm extremely horny. I have you on my mind and soon you'll be in my sights. Tonight we'll do more than just eat, shower, and go to bed my love. Tonight you will unleash that monster deep inside your soul. Tonight pure carnal pleasure will overtake us. Why you ask my love? Simple.....I want you. I hear you pull into our driveway. It excites me to know that the man I call my king, my Daddy, my husband is home. Come sit down next to me Daddy and let me help you undress a little as you speak on your long Read more
Fantasme inavoué
Je serais là devant toi ...à porter de mains ....tu seras jaloux de mes mains et de ma bouche qui me câline......Je suis là debout devant toi ....nue ....les jambes un peu écartées ...et mes mains me caressent vont et viennent sur ma peau ....me malaxe les seins ...les triturent ...je m'occupe même plus de toi ....parfois c'est à peine si je te jette un regard ...Je m'assieds sur le bord de la table ...les cuisses à présent grandes ouvertes ...mes doigts sur ma chatte ...caressent mon clito ...le pincent ...tournent autour .... Je me fais l'amour toute seule ...je n'ai pas besoin de toi Read more
Matin coquin
Je suis allongée sur le lit …sur le ventre …le menton dans les mains ….je suis là ..je ne fais rien à part rêvasser ….Tout, rien …images viennent et repartent sans laisser de traces…Je suis d’une humeur paresseuse …Tu arrives …tu me vois là, te voilà attendri de ce spectacle Allongée ...presqu’innocemment si ce n’est la nuisette remontée bien haut sur mes cuisses …laissant voir le rebondi des mes fesses …l’ombre de mon sexe entre mes jambes légèrement écartées…Une bretelle qui a glissée….Je suis en train de mordiller un stylo….En fait, l’attendrissement laisse la place au désir ….cette i Read more
Take me
I look at the clock. 4:00 p.m. You'll be home in about an hour. I rush to get the house picked up and get myself ready for you. I go and take a quick shower, making myself nice and clean, soft and smooth. I go into the bedroom and put on the thigh length, red silk robe you like so well. My nipples harden as the fabric glides across them gently and I can feel myself getting wet with anticipation of what the night will bring. I go back into the living room and sit on the couch awaiting your arrival. 5:07 and I finally hear you pull into the driveway. I jump up off the couch and rush to the d Read more
Miss you
I couldn't stop thinking about you last night...although that's no different than any other night. I don't know how much longer I can do this. Pleasure myself wishing it was you. Praying that the next time it will be. I want you to see what you do to me, and feel how wet you make me. Last night I pretended you were watching me...maybe from outside of the window, or from across the room. Maybe watching from the foot of the bed or laying right beside me...This is what I did. It was ten. I know because I looked. I told myself I wasn't going to let myself cum until 1045. I had a candle lit on m Read more
Tell me ...
Tell me about how hard your cock is as you sit at the computer reading my words? How your cock jumps just by seeing my name on the screen. Hoping for my words, anticipating, but a little apprehensive because you know what I can do to you. The buttons I can press, how I can turn your fantasies into mine and serve them back to you darker and hotter and more erotic than you could ever imagine. How I can inflame you, tantalize you to the very edge, over and over, driving you slowly insane with lust. You know I can manipulate you with the promise of my lips, tongue and my fingers. I know how you bu Read more