Stolen Pictures by member saramano.

I posted this on her/his page. What an ass clown. Hello, thank you for the friend request. I was happy to accept it. When I came to your profile page I got quite a surprise.You say your name is Saramano and that you are from the Central African Republic. You even have three of four pictures of yourself. The pictures were a big surprise for me because they are of my best friend Stephanie. She is from Florida, USA and does not have an XHamster account. So you are a liar and a thief. Those pictures are her. Not you. Take your profile down please, or I will contact XHamster and tell them what… Read more

Posted by Kelli_ 10 years ago 4

Ill manered jerk.

Hello Friends, I just wanted to tell you all that this character, told me I was a "fat fucking slob" because I would not meet him at a hotel for sex. He blocked me right after he said it but if any of you want to visit his page and tell him what you think, that would be just fine with me. Kelli… Read more

Posted by Kelli_ 11 years ago 8

Penis size

I get really tired of all the comments on penis size in some of my videos. So I am going to address the issue one more time in an effort to help you people get a clue. First, penis size does not matter to me or most women. Okay, some of you stretched out whores might need a big one just to feel it, but most normal gals don't. I didn't choose to marry a penis, I chose to marry a man. I married a man with a big heart and a lot of love. I married a man who spent 20 years risking his life to save others. My husband might not have a really big cock. But I don't care. What he does have is the Nav… Read more

Posted by Kelli_ 11 years ago 28

Important note on my blogs.

Dear Friends, Just so you all know, every single post in my blog is true. My husband knows about my lover, and he approves. So everything you read here is 100% true. Sometimes I am able to get pictures, but not always. Sometimes I post pictures, sometimes not. So everything you read here is real. Sincerely, Kelli… Read more

Posted by Kelli_ 13 years ago 4

Birthday Blow job!

Hello friends! Last Thursday, the 1st of September was my lovers birthday. My husband knew I was going to see him that night so he told me that he wanted me to give him a spectacular birthday blow job. Now, one of the hard and fast rules we have is that NOBODY but mu husband can cum in my mouth. So when he told me that he wanted me to suck my lover off, I was thrilled! I arrived at his place a little after 6:00. He was so happy to see me and gave me a big hug at the door. We went inside and sat down to chat a while as we always do. Well, before long he was ready to take me, and he stood… Read more

Posted by Kelli_ 13 years ago 10

Tuesday after Work

On Tuesday when I left the office I was given permission by my husband to go visit my lover. I called him and asked him if I could come over and he told me he would be waiting for me. When I got there he hugged me and we sat and chatted for a little while. Then it was time for what I had come for. He took me by the hand and led me to his bedroom. He slowly undressed me, caressing me and loving on me the whole time. When I was nude, he lay me on the bed on my back. He stood next to the bed and dropped his shorts, exposing his fully erect cock to me. He took a hold of my head and turned it… Read more

Posted by Kelli_ 13 years ago 9

Sunday SEX, is the best!

Good afternoon fellow perverts! Sunday my husband and I went to visit a friend of ours. Yes, our special friend. So we got there and it was raining like cats and dogs. The outside world was flooding away and it was fun to watch. So my husband waits till a commercial in the Braves game and asked me what I wanted. I told him I wanted cock. He looked at me across the room and asked me who's cock did I want. I named our friend who was sitting enjoying the back and forth. He told me I had to beg for it. So I got off the sofa and onto my knees and begged him to let our friend fuck me. He motion… Read more

Posted by Kelli_ 13 years ago 6

Second threesome, and now a one on one!

Hello everybody! We did our second threesome last week and once again it was WONDERFUL! I love cock, I live for cock and I have discovered that I can never get enough cock. So today after work I am going to go see our friend at his place and let him screw me. Then home to my husband who will no doubt do me a second time. How could I get so lucky to find a husband that not only understands my cock addiction, but supports me getting my needs taken care of by another man? We are still having computer issues with the camera so it will be a little while before I can post any of the wonderful n… Read more

Posted by Kelli_ 13 years ago 5


Hello everybody! First, I want to thank all of you that have sent me friend requests. I accept them all with two exceptions. If your picture is blank, you get denied, if your avatar is a picture of a penis, you get denied. Sorry, but that is the way it is. Find something interesting, unique of odd. But please quit with the erections. I don't care to see them. I have seen cock, a lot of cock and guess what? They are all pretty much the same. Try to be a little more original than that! So, I have now be a part of two threesomes and the only word I can think of is "ADDICTED." Yes, I am addic… Read more

Posted by Kelli_ 13 years ago 3

Hello all

Hello everybody, I have been coming to this site for some time, but just recently decided to join. I have received a flood of friend requests and have tried hard to respond to them all. I also have been buried in personal messages, and I am trying to get to all of those as well. If I don't get to yours, I am NOT ignoring you, just trying to work through the pile. I work full time, have a husband and one c***d still at home so my computer time is limited. Thank you all for the warm welcome and I look forward to posting pictures and video one day soon. Kelli… Read more

Posted by Kelli_ 14 years ago 3