A light was still on in the front room of the home where Mr. Henry lived. It was a small, two-bedroom home on the outer lot of a suburban area. You gave a light knock on the door, and Mr. Henry answered. “D! Good to see you. I thought you might take me up on the invitation. Please come in.” It felt strange stepping into your teacher’s home. The front room was rather spartan, except for a couple of large bookcases. What did you expect in an English teacher’s house? “Thank you for the invitation.” You smiled, then made a simple query. “I don’t even know your first name…” “You can call me Mr. Read more
Mr. Henry 1 / for 'D'
Friends had talked you into going to the high school reunion. It wasn’t something you were terribly excited about, but it fell on a weekend off and there was little else happening. Registration at the front desk was kind of fun. They had a tag ready with your name on it, and your yearbook photo! This little feature would help in identifying quite a few classmates, as some of them looked quite a bit different. The ‘social hour’ was just that. Milling around, and touching base with old friends. It wasn’t just students - a few of the school staff had showed up, including the principal, who reti Read more
The Guest
I’d just finished dinner when the phone rang. “Are you busy? I need you over here. And bring the toy bag.” No problem. I didn’t have anything planned, and it was always fun to have a spontaneous adult playtime. I entered through the back door, and was greeted with a kiss. “Come on in.” You invited. I wasn’t expecting to see another woman in the front room. It was evident that you’d both had a few drinks. You weren’t drunk, mind you, but that giggly little state where some of the inhibitions are cast aside, and things are sometimes said that otherwise wouldn’t be. “She doesn’t think that a Read more
The Shortest Story on Xhamster
She sucked his cock. Then he fucked her. The end. (For those in a hurry) Read more
TESSA 11 - The Resort - Party Time
The cottages appeared rustic on the outside, but were roomy and comfortable inside. A young woman wordlessly walked you to ‘Cottage #4’ following the completion of your cleansing procedure at the clinic, and left you at the door. “Hey, bitch! Come on in, you slutty little white whore!” It was the first black man who had come into your room last night. The man whose complaint had resulted in your punishment enema was also there, sitting naked on a couch. Another heavy-set black man and a very pretty woman with short, nappy black hair sat together on a double loveseat. “Meet my uncle, cunt.” T Read more
TESSA 10 - The Resort - The Cleansing
You’d been given a card with an order to appear at the Resort Clinic at 4:pm. You were given directions, and you then walked down a hallway leading to an exit door. About halfway down the hall, you spotted one of the few male slaves in the facility. His thumbs were tied behind him, and his balls were roped to a post. On his back in black marker were the words: ‘I AM A MASTURBATOR’. His head was locked inside a leather gimp mask, a dildo stuffed into his mouth, held in with a rubber strap. As you walked past, you could see a second dildo pushed into the man’s rear. He was whimpering and cryin Read more
TESSA 9 - The Resort - The Young Buck
You had a bit of free time, and spent a bit of it looking around the building. There were no locked gates, as it was highly unlikely a voluntary ‘slave’ would need to make their escape in the nude. The building seemed to go on forever. As you approached the center of the building, you noticed The Garden Room. The Garden Room was literally an open space in the building, a full garden with lounge chairs, trees, bushes, and flowers. It was a warm day, and the view looked enticing. You entered, and found a comfortable recliner. Nude sunbathing was always a luxury, and you closed your eyes for a Read more
TESSA 8 - The Resort - Mister Sato
Mister Sato’s room was at the end of a long hallway. The room was quite large, with huge windows looking out over a thick forest. There was a woman hanging upside down in one corner, suspended in an elaborate rope tie. A second woman was bound closer to one of the windows, her outstretched arms secured to a thick bamboo pole. Her knees were lifted up and tied just below her elbows, her pussy garishly displayed. A black silk bag covered her head. “Welcome. I am Sato.” The man said, gesturing toward a chair. “You are new.” You sat down, as Sato pulled out a wooden box, slightly smaller than Read more
TESSA 7 - The Resort - Administrative Briefing
“Please come in, Tessa!” Came the voice from inside the office. “Sit down, and make yourself comfortable. I just wanted to go over a few things, and make sure we’re all on the same page.” It sounded like something a superior at any office would say. The woman continued. “First off, anything of concern you need to address?” “Well, the wooden horse was quite painful - my pussy is still bruised from it!” You said, standing to show the woman your painful marks. She only smiled. “Yes, Professor Adrian.” She nodded. “He does enjoy his implements, doesn’t he? But, not to worry - that bruising will Read more
TESSA 6 - The Resort - Good Morning
Coffee. You awoke to the wonderful smell of coffee being poured. Two collared women had entered your room to gently wake you, unlocking you from the chain, and briefing you on the morning ahead. “Breakfast will be in the main hall.” Said one of the women, setting a china cup on a saucer. “Diane is completing her service today, so she’ll be receiving a ‘farewell’ whipping in front of the group. You’ll have a bit of time to freshen up - we’ll come and get you.” The Great Hall was great, indeed. Fine wooden tables and chairs, set out in front of a theater-like stage. There were about 14 nude w Read more
TESSA 5 - The Resort - Room Service
You had nearly fallen asleep when two men entered the room, carrying an oil lamp. “Room Service!” One of the men smiled. Both men were black. Both men are nude. Both have huge cocks. “Suck on this cock, cunt.” The first man says, putting his dick directly in your face. You don’t really have much choice. The head of his cock is almost a challenge to get into your mouth, but then, you’ve alway had kind of a secret attraction to black guys. “Buns up, bitch.” The other man grunts. Without taking the first man’s cock out of your mouth, you turn your butt submissively. “Spread cheeks, fuckhole. Read more
TESSA 4 - The Resort - Day's End
Adrian finally lifts you up from the wooden horse after the allotted 20 minutes. Your crotch feels like it has been resting on iron. “I need to pee.” You beg. “But of course.” Adrian says, pointing to a bucket in a corner. “I mean, a restroom, please.” You cry. “Restrooms must be earned. You may urinate into your pissbucket like a common slut.” There’s no choice. Your legs are still tired from the horse - trying to squeeze, and lift up. You used muscles you haven’t used for a while. You reach down for the bucket. “April! Dan!” Adrian calls. A nude man enters, leading a fat naked woman o Read more
TESSA 3 - The Resort - whipped
“Tessa, is it?” Marco asked, walking you down the hall. “Yes, some call me ‘Tess’.” You added. “You’ve got some nice tits, cunt. I’m going to enjoy punishing them.” Marco smiled, enjoying the somewhat shocked look on your face. “You’re going to like begging to suck my cock when I start whipping those udders, too.” He laughed. The door opened to a full room that looked like a salon. Two women, wearing collars on their necks, and cuffs on their wrists and ankles tended to you. One of the women had a red ball gag in her mouth. You were bathed, and your pussy shaved and perfumed. You were the Read more
TESSA 2 - The Resort - Admission
The next few days were kind of a blur. Files were emailed back and forth, arrangements made. Liability concerns addressed. More paperwork would still need to be signed, but the arrangements were made. You would be paying for the honor of staying at the resort. This would cover the cost of your meals and lodging for five days. It also underscored the fact you were willing to pay for your own sexual punishment and use. The charge was largely offset by the resort covering all of your airfare and transportation costs. You arrived at the airport in time for the screening, carrying only a small b Read more
TESSA 1 - The Resort - the ad
A simple ad on a porn site caught your eye. “Are you a woman seeking discipline and sexual service?” The ad only included an email address. You were interested enough to write it down. The simple wording captured your imagination, and slowly overwhelmed you. You tried putting it out of your mind, but it kept returning. You sent an email to the address, asking for more information. The next morning, a response was waiting for you. ‘Thank you for your interest. We offer women a chance to live out their fantasy of becoming a real life ‘O’, turning themselves over sexually to men (and women) w Read more
Eva 9 - The Eyes
The next picture was a close-up of a pair of eyes. Eva could tell right away that they were Miho's eyes. No cocks, tits, or pussy - just Miho's naked eyes. But the more Eva looked, the more she saw. In some ways, it was one of the sexier pictures Eva had seen in the book. Miho began to take on a new understanding to Eva. Each photo had provided a new insight, a new freedom, a new power. This photo held even more. If the eyes are a 'window to the soul', this picture spoke volumes of Miho's history. While Miho was a beautiful woman, she was not a glamorous star - but she had the aura and glow o Read more
Eva 8 - Dessert
"Dude!" Harold shouted to Peter, as they met outside the ice cream shop. "Hey, Harold!" Peter smiled. The boys knew each other well. In fact, their mothers had delivered the boys in the same hospital on the same night. Harold was born shortly before midnight, while Peter's mother gave birth just before sunup the next morning. Eva entered 'Ye Olde Ice Cream Shoppe' with the two boys in tow. It was one of those places with wrought iron chairs painted white, and dainty little tables with red and white checkered plastic tablecloths. "Welcome!" Smiled the girl behind the counter. Her name tag re Read more
Eva 7 - Kathy and Peter
The next photo showed three men. The first man was on his knees, eyes closed, his lips around the tip of a cock head. The face of the man being sucked was not in the picture. His pubic area was shaved smooth, and he was pushing forward, trying to get more of his stiff cock into the sucker's mouth. Eva's breathing deepened as she saw the third man in the photo. Naked, sitting upright, a leather collar around his neck, and his legs spread by a bamboo pole. His ankles were secured to the pole with rough looking ropes. His helpless cock stood at attention. Eva could sense the emotion in each of t Read more
Eva 6 - The Power
The next photo in the book was of Miho. She was bent, breasts tied in a 'rope bra' fashion, with her hands secured behind. The picture was an action shot, with a black leather whip less than a foot from hitting Miho's ass. A man stood in the foreground, his wet cock standing straight out, pointed directly at Miho's face. Eva fell into the picture, as before. She got out her magnifying glass, and looked at the details closely. A woman was wielding the whip. The man's cock was wet with saliva, and pussy juice. Miho's breasts were not too big, and not too small. They were perfect - and the rope Read more
Eva 5 - The Book
Eva spent the next day off from school studying the book Miho had given her. It wasn't the sort of book that could be flipped through. Each page could be focused on for several minutes, fifteen minutes, even an hour or more. Eva got out a magnifying glass. While most book pictures were composed of tiny dots making up a full image, the photos in this book were different. Magnifying a rope offered detail of each strand in the rope - and each thread in a strand. The colors, and shapes in each picture played a role in the full story. It was as though Eva was discovering a new language, a new mean Read more