Old Flame

She Tasted Delicious... My wife Sue and i had been married some time. She met an old flame of hers called Ray in the town one day and had been chatting for a while when he asked if he could come round to "see her" Sue new exactly what he meant by that because although he was a married man he had been a regular visitor to her house when she was married to her first husband.It had been several years since they had been lovers but she had always said she enjoyed his lovemaking. Sue told Ray she would love him to pop round sometime and they arranged an afternoon date for a few days ahead. That eve… Read more

Posted by jonn9 7 years ago 7

Wonderful Night

Wonderful Night.... After a party in one of the local halls in our town, my wife Sue and i went back to a friends house for a few more drinks. There was a single male friend of ours there called Andrew who had often flirted with my wife in the past and was always making suggestive comments to her, which she enjoyed enormously. I was sitting in the front room having a drink when Sue came into the room, obviously aroused. She whispered in my ear that she`d been snogging Andy in the kitchen,. She told me as they were kissing, he was fingering her and she had been stroking his cock. I was really… Read more

Posted by jonn9 7 years ago 16