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The seven of them appeared they wore what looked like hooded ser coats in the emperor's throne room. Guards responded six turn to face the twenty guards while the seventh of the group slowly approached the throne where the emperor sat he had long white hair and white long beard he was old. The young man smiled at him his eyes gold his hair fire red. "Kill them." He ordered coldly still smiling though his eyes held a quiet storm. A bolt of lightning came from one hand while a fire ball slammed into one of the guards his body caught aflame more where sent he screamed. Metal marbles shot from one other, and black ice shards shot from the hand one of the mages. Then one shot from her hand a ball of explosive dust that flew and detonated with a bonfire ball bodies flew every where. He stood before the king who having watched the other magic users work their evil his eyes once holding anger was now full of fear. "What do you want I'll give you gold you can serve me with your magic i...i..I can-" "shhh" the young man hushed him.

then he put his hand on the emperor's head and a metal bullet shot from his hand blood shot out from the hole and the emperor's head fell to the side the fire of his eyes now cold. The man young grabbed the crown and put it on his head throwing back his hood. "Now I am emperor." The guards laid down their weapons in defeat "good now bow to your new emperor! Hail the emperor Zita Dolam!" All six of them sat around the table playing Magic Kingdoms a board game set in a fantasy world where the player explore and adventure. They were all high school friends and The were all eighteen Carlos lit a joint hit and passed it to the next it was a new custom one started as soon as they became official adults. They also had a case of beer this was going to be one hell of a game. Teddy rolled the dice it hit the table rolling around in till it showed the number six. Suddenly they all heard a high pitched sound then a bright light grew at the center of the table it was blinding and they all covered their eyes.

Then he heard the sounds of birds he opened his eyes and He was on the ground looking up into the trees. He got to a sitting position and looked around then seeing he was in the forest with all five of his friends. They all got to their feet "where the fuck are we?" Asked Frankie. "That light do you like we got abducted by aliens?" Wondered Kevin "I say we get out of the forest before it's dark." Said Sam " hay guys I still have the joint. " said Jake they gathered together to smoke. "Cain what should we do?" Asked Carlos "we do what Sam said and get to civilization." "oh no I don't think that's necessary sorry but I think it's best that you come with me." Suddenly they were in a new place it was an old stone fort it was huge surround by a wall. "Come with me let's get you something to eat." They followed him confused but actually hungry or at least he was. He was very aware that some how the man had teleported them to this old fortress.

Finally some one spoke "who the fuck are you and how did you bring us here?" Asked Frankie " I'm Telit Benoso I'm an immortal mage a master of the magical arts I'm two thousand years old and all of you young men are mages as well I confirmed that already now the food awaits." "Wait we're all mages?" Asked Carlos " that's right. " "holy ass hole guys we are mages." Said Teddy. They looked at each other smiling stupidly, then all started to high five each other.  The man was dressed in green robes his hair was blue and his skin was orange he had pointed ears like can elf he also had cat like eyes and tails that waged back and forth. They reached the mess hall and found food was cooking and a young women was working in the kitchen. "Fela we have guests!" "Master you returned!" A girl came out wearing a red leathers seeing them all her eyes went big. "Who are they?" " they're my new students and will be living with us here from now on. Now as you can see these young men are from another world. "

She walked over to them circled them looking at their clothes. "So vary strange people from another world." "What is she saying?" Asked Kevin "oh how can I forget you can't speak out language here let me fix that." He reached out a hand then light came from his hand and turned into a ball then flew at one of them it hit his head and went in then another shot out soon they were all hit in the span of a few seconds. "This spell is used to translate the written and spoken words of This world." "So now we can understand people?" "Lucky for you all nations speak the old tongue." "where are we?" "first we eat Fela set the table." In an instant the table was set with bowls, spoons, plates for bread. "Okay now food it all." "Shit!" She said "okay fine." This took a bit longer but soon the food was in the bowls and cups where full. " " it's a simple teleportation spell but getting the right amount in each bowl and cup is key soon of you will be able to do what she had just done. "

"that's kick ass!" Said teddy "So is there a way for me to learn the language eventually?" Asked Kevin " Food." they all sat down at to eat, he put a spoon in and took a bit it was good the meat was tender and there where familiar vegetables only a bit different he saw there was a carrot only blue then there was the potatoes only they were purple. They are in silence and even he had been hungry from the smoking he wondered about that. He drank from the cup and the drink was bright green was sweet juice. The bread was bright yellow he took a bite and it tasted just like bread. He dunked it in the soup and eat it that way. Once they were all done eating they where taken to a large room with couches and sat down. "I have a question do you have weed?" "Weeds why do want useless weeds they just kill the other plants are you keen on being a weed farmer?" "Do you have drugs?" Sam asked rephrasing the question.

"Of course my student we have strong drink here and a pain reliever oh and some of my vary special made Ziga buds." " tell us more about the buds. " "you smoke it in a pipe oh yes but first you'll need to be able to lit the bowl with magic." Carlos searched his pockets then smiling brought out a full pack of rolling papers. "Guys I have the papers quickly bring the bud Telit." In an instant a box appeared in his hand "now what?" The mage asked "give it here." Said Carlos " he looked at what the box contained and his eyes went wide the buds looked like weed but was golden the box was full to the brim. He closed it out it on the table at the center of the couches broke up some buds then rolled ten in the paper. Suddenly the papers where in the mages hand. "Look at that paper used for this and so thin perhaps I can as well?" He put the papers on the table then in his right hand was the a paper then made a duplicate of the paper in other hand. Carlos finished rolling the first he held it in the air.

"You will teach me to do that, now you should know that one only needs to take one long drag from this particular version of the buds, you see I made it by magic and increased its potency by fifty percent so it is very strong, now give it here so I may lit." "Great." Carlos closed the box and handed the joint to the mage. Just then Fela joined them sitting next to the mage. The man lit the end and took a long drag then held it he passed it and one of the boys took it and hit it then passed. when it came to him he took in the smoke it was light not harsh he held it and looked over to see the whites of the mages eyes become blue. When it came back to the mage he put it out by magic and made it disappear. Immediately they were high and felt super relaxed and amazingly clear headed almost more clear then ever before. "You made this by magic?" Asked Sam "yes magic can be converted into anything from fire to food." "that's strange." " now tell me your names and where your from? " Telit asked teddy was the first to speak.

"I'm Teddy I'm English my last name is Brown we're all Americans and we're all eighteen. " "I'm Frankie Cohan I'm black and Hebrew." "I'm Carlos I'm Chicano my last name is Garcia." " I'm Kevin wilson I'm Chinese and Irish. " "I'm Sam Alexander not the great, I'm Japanese and English I guess." "I'm Jake BadCock and no don't ask if I have a bad cock I hate that! I'm from England my mom is Muslim and my dad is English." " I'm Cain Fallen Eagle I'm white and native American. " "you are all from another world and that is amazing to think that the magic it's self would bring you here, right it is still early in the day, now that we know each it's best I tell you a few things. Two thousand years ago when I was young the order of mages policed the world, even policing royalty. Mages are rarer people and at the time there where only at the most ten thousand but that was from the whole world still one mage is worth fifty men." He said they all listened intently.

"Suddenly policing the world wasn't enough for some and they at least two thousand lead by ten ancient masters took control of a nation then used their powers to rule over people soon others joined their cause, for a while nothing was done and the group of mages conquered other kingdoms until they where a great nation with more as more mages making up their ranks, then the ancient masters did what we all had been waiting for they declared war, they brought the nation's army and lead by master mages but by then their forces were a perfect match for the dark mages. The war went on for five hundred years numbers on both sides diminished and but we won the war and the dark mages what was left disappeared into the magic realm an endless plane naturally the order followed but could not find them. Then the people's of the world turned on the mages and we were hunted every where so The remaining mages disappeared into the magic realm never to return."

"that's fucked up." Said Teddy the rest agreed "I fear that the old enemy has returned and now that your all here I'm going to teach you how to be master mages just like Fela but I must ask you to recreate the order of mages police the world once again. The world has forgotten about magic some my try to use you for personal gain but stay firm for all seven of you will decide the fate of kings and queens. You'll need to find other Mages like yourselves. Once I am done teaching you I will alert the mages in the magic realm hopefully they will come."
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Jblackelk Host 4 years ago
to 000maryxxx : Я женюсь, ты разговариваешь со мной
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000maryxxx 4 years ago
marry  me)

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