Three chubby old ladies want hot petting

Joan, Susan and Dot were in their early to late sixties and had been friends for years. They met once a week to bitch about getting older, fatter and complain about their husbands ignoring them or failing to fulfil their needs. Dot, who was the oldest at 67 was the most vocal and honest saying that her old man just rolled on top of her every couple of months and shot his load after two minutes. ‘When we were courting, he really had to work for it. From kissing, fondling my titties and finger fucking me took him at least three months. Now he can’t be bothered to do anything. I’m fed up with it… Read more

Posted by seniorsexlover 2 years ago

My old fat aunt turned me into a piss lover

Back in the very early 1960's I was in my last year at school – and a virgin. My mum got sick and ended up in hospital and with dad having to work, I was shipped off to my aunt Flora’s for the next few weeks. Thinking back she would have been in her mid-70's by then. But she was quite a liberal lady for the day, saying things like ‘Don’t worry if you see me naked or I am used to being on my own, you see.’ In all the time I was with her she never closed the bathroom door and I'd often seen her sitting on the toilet so when she had a pee and I'd heard the hiss of her peeing and the splashing sou… Read more

Posted by seniorsexlover 2 years ago 3

Restroom surprise

When I was growing up in Kansas in the 1950s and 1960s, I discovered the special restroom in the city park near my parents house. I would ride my bicycle over to the park in the afternoons or on Sunday morning when I knew it would be busy. I liked to go in and say hi to any men that were in there. I was always the only boy. It made me feel special and excited, after I learned that they liked to watch me play with myself. I would go to the last stall, there were six, and go in and stand on the toilet lid and pull my pants down and begin to masterbate. The old men would stand around the open sta… Read more

Posted by Rfh756 4 years ago 48

Camping in Kansas 1962

My group had been camping together for about a year, not very often, maybe once a month. My tent mate was Robby and he had a lot more cock hair than me. After a few times sleeping together, we were showing each other our boners. He would let me pull his bushy cock hair while he jerked off. It was really exciting for me when some of his spunk hit my hand. There were usually three adult fathers on a trip and they always slept in a fancy tent by themselves. One time Robbies father was one of the dads. I didn’t know him at all since he had never been one of the volunteers before. After lunch on Sa… Read more

Posted by Rfh756 4 years ago 32

Ruined Wife

I have been trying for the last few years to get my wife to have sex with another man. She said that she would never do anything like that. She did start to let me take nude pictures of her and of her playing with some of her toys. One night when I was talking to someone in an interracial chatroom when they ask me if i had any pictures of my wife. I had never thought about sharing them with anyone else. I started getting excited just thinking about someone else looking at her naked body. I knew that I had to hide her face in case someone we knew might see her and recognize her, so I used a pic… Read more

Posted by hondo1906 2 years ago 1

Judy gets fucked good

Judy's Story, Part 1 The story could be about me, a voluptuous, well fleshed woman of 55, of course, preparing for a night out at the club, when her 20 yr old nephew, and his 21 yr old friend arrive at her house asking to stay for a week. They are going to the 5 day cricket match, and Judy's house is only a short distance from the venue. She has 2 spare bedrooms, and they have stayed before, so she agrees, and even contemplates staying in for the night, but they insist she has her night out. Judy goes to the club, it is 8 pm, about half full, and there is a band playing, she buys a drink, sco… Read more

Posted by madjack1 4 months ago 6

First time with son

So as I kept secretly making love with my daughter my son turned 18 couple weeks ago, we had a pool party for him and a bunch of his friends, we let them drink and have a good time. I had on a pretty small bikini especially for the size of my big tits most of them are hanging out, had to keep readjusting it all day to keep my nipples hidden, and I also was wearing a thong bikini bottom which really showed off my sexy ass and thighs. Wasn't trying to turn all the younger teenagers on that is actually for my husband who is also at the party. My husband got a call to go to work so I stayed in the… Read more

Posted by kdm112360 11 months ago 27

my wife and her brother

My fantasy about my wife Caroline & her brother Sonny. Every time we go up there to visit I normally have to go to bed early do to the long drive. My wife and her brother stay up and catch up on how things have been going

...this gets me excited! We would stay at her brother’s house. He has been divorced for about 6 years and he is 4 years older than my wife. We always seem to have stuff to take up to the family. So the plan was that I would unload, Sonny would carry the stuff into his house, and Caroline would unpack. So we began. I was moving everything out of our vehicle and was half… Read more

Posted by bobert53 3 years ago 11


I recently learned about erotic electrical stimulation, or “e-stimming.” As my wife is older now, e-stimming comes in handy to maintain sexual health, so to speak. I started by using a TENS unit and some crude electrodes made from copper tubing or wire. Then I researched it a bit and found a lot of good info at forum. I now use a homemade amplifier and electrodes. If you want to know how to make a DIY estim amp, see the DIY video at and join forum f… Read more

Posted by SmartChris 11 years ago 2

A True Start then A Mum Fantasy

If you have read my post entitled “Mother's Stories” I can tell you that the first part of Jane's Testimony is based on something that I actually did! It was in the early seventies and I was a teenager, living with my parents in a council house, with the puberty sap rising and an increasing interest in girls and nudie magazines. It began one evening purely by accident. In those days my parents were very conscious of costs and as a consequence we only had one bath a week, the water heated by an electric immersion heater which only went on on a Sunday evening. So, during the week the family used… Read more

Posted by radionpg 3 months ago 17

My Amazing Spontaneous Mother – Unforgettable

My Amazing Spontaneous Mother – An Unforgettable Afternoon My school-friends John and Mark had come over to my house after school exams one day in Summer and we were sitting and chatting in our lounge, listening to records and generally relaxing. None of us had heard my Mum enter the house, which wasn't surprising really as we had the music quite loud and we were rather distracted by a girlie magazine that John had brought with him. It was nothing special by today's standards, but we appreciated it; we didn't have a source of anything stronger. This one featured a nice striptease for e… Read more

Posted by radionpg 4 months ago 17

Used Roughly Infront of My " Boyfriend "

This post was deleted.
Posted by JayneGreen 3 months ago

MOM at Tyrones

Read more journal entrys on day she went to Tyrones to entertain his friends, from what she wrote she didn't wear much, and dad drove her. They discussed Tyrones useing her when he wants, not where they had wanted to go, dad wanted more control of who fucked mom but Tyrone seems to be taking over. Since all she wore was heels, thigh highs and short bra with a rain coat , dad parked behind his house mom wrote she got out took off coat and handed it to dad, walked up steps and rang bell. One of his men let her in, pinched her nipples and slapped her ass then walked her into !living room. She sai… Read more

Posted by kennym65 6 years ago 7


I knew from the time I was 14 that I liked watching white women fucked by black guys, why ? I saw my mom getting fucked by two black neighborhood men while dad and next door neighbor filmed and took pictures, they were naked also and hard. I guess it started when I was 8, they would take me to my grandparents once a month for the weekend, I found several pornography magazines in a box in the attic when I was 12, would take a couple with me to grandparents to jerk off to. One weekend in April when I was 14 I forgot to take some, being just a mile from home I snuck out window and rode bike hom… Read more

Posted by kennym65 6 years ago 17

Staying with Grandma

When I was younger I used to get left with my grandmother a lot. She was a widow of many years and she adored me, I was always her 'special one'. When ever I would stay it was natural to sleep in her bed. She used to wear blue nylon nightdresses and I would have pyjama tops and underwear because I didn't like to wear pyjama bottoms in bed (too hot). She would read me a story every night and I would fall asleep on her heavy breast ( I can still smell her fragrance now, Lily of the Valley perfume mixed with the unmistakable fragrance of an older woman. As I grew older we continu… Read more

Posted by AshRyan 7 years ago 49

staying at my aunts she babysits

I was 12 when I had to stay with my aunt and I remembered her well from the past. Mom and dad had to go to funeral out of town for 2 days. I was interested to see what it would be like with her alone. When she came in she seemed angry about something so I was cool and stayed away waiting to eat WelI I was eating when I dropped a glass and it broke this sent my aunt off and I was scared what she would do . I had to clean it up and then she told me to go watch tv and leave her alone. I sat for some time and soon started snooping around when she came in and caught me in her desk ,she didn't li… Read more

Posted by philly789 7 years ago 24

Hubbies daughter from 1st marriage

It was Thanksgiving 2011, my only daughter born 14 years earlier, came over to my house as me and my wife had been divorced for a couple years. My ex-wife dropped her to spend the Thanksgiving weekend with her dad. It was pretty warm and she was wearing a simple white tank top, some cute booty pajama shorts, looking beautiful like she always does with her blonde hair. The turkey had two or three more hours to go so we decided to watch Netflix which I had on cable in my bedroom on TV. She snuggled right up to me like she always said and told me she missed me and I told her I missed her too but… Read more

Posted by kdm112360 4 months ago 18

True story

This is a true story from a number of years ago when I was 25 years old. Internet wasn’t invented so I used one of those papers that people sold things in, usually in the back were contact ads and that’s mostly how I met people back then. Most of the adverts were very similar in what they said, guys looking for other guys but the one that caught my eye was posted from a gay couple, a 37 year old with a 21 year old partner who were looking for inexperienced guys to play with. I'd only been with a couple of guys by then so I rang the number and left a message telling them as much about me as I c… Read more

Posted by Gavrilo123 6 years ago 14

In Sest

Jack looked around the room in study hall at all the other boys and girls. He wondered if any of them had been having sex with their parent. Surely not, he thought. Then he thought about his own mom. The Friday before and the Friday before that when she came to him naked and stole away his virginity. Her hairy pussy covered with all that fluffy black pubic hair. How it smelled and the way she moved. Her creamy white tits dangling and jiggling. His cock began to stiffen knowing she had requested him to stay home with her again that Friday night. Both times she had shown him something different.… Read more

Posted by fuckaholic100 7 months ago 1


Author : Sassy Classy My son had recently turned eighteen when I started noticing him doing things like peeking in on me while I was taking a bath, watching me get dressed in the mornings, checking out my butt when I'd bend over, and once I even found a pair of my used panties under his bed. Then I noticed in the evening when I'd wash the dishes, he would often come and rub my shoulders, but he'd slyly try to lift the front of my shirt enough that he could look down and see my nipples in the process. He was as tall, if not a little bit taller than me, so I'd feel him breathing down my neck a… Read more

Posted by CLAIRSBOY2 5 months ago 5

Guide for men How to dominate us women

Push her against the wall/bed/floor/table. Hold down her wrists (above her head, behind her back, by her sides). Lean your weight against her to create the feeling like you are dominating her body. Push your knee between her legs and roughly spread them wide. "Spread wide for me, sweetheart." Manhandle her. Put your hands all over her as if you can't get enough. Grab her breasts, squeeze her ass. Worship her. "God I love this hot/tight ass of yours". "This hot/tight ass of yours is all mine tonight." "You have the hottest/tightest little body ever." "Your body was made to be fucked by me." Ki… Read more

Posted by Openmilf 2 years ago 71

Serving Those Who Served O/our Country

i had a very vivid dream last week, likely due to all of the Veteran's Day activities and news i was exposed to. With that said, after waking from the dream with wetness between my legs and many ideas about what i had 'experienced' in my dream, i am expanding on what i remember for this blog including elements of the dream along with creative elements that i imagine would become part of the ongoing arrangement, see below. -n It had been a perfect day on Haulover Beach and my Husband and i had been enjoying lounging au natural in the warm sunshine and frolicking naked in the ocean for several… Read more

Posted by nadia877 2 years ago 71

What the Window Cleaner Saw!

I am working from home for the start of this week and being a complete slag at the best of times, have been very busy with my colleagues visiting plus, my husband's work pals on Monday. Today however, I have a few meetings I had to prepare for so needed to be good! That lasted until about 11 o'clock when I was horny as fuck, so having done some good work, thought I would have a wee wank! I Skyped Master who gave me instructions to finger my tits only in the garden so anyone can see me if they look but no one did. Then Master said I could wank too a video we made with me obliging my husband's w… Read more

Posted by fucktoy-slag 1 year ago 63

Ceras in the night of the Break In

There is a crash through the back door and I go to investigate. I see that the door has been forced open and I run to get my phone not really considering what that implies. Out of no where arms shove me into the wall and a body follows to hold me still. A hand covers my mouth. "You make a sound and your not surviving this sweetheart." I freeze as I come to the realization that a strange man is in my house pinning me to the wall. This becomes more apparent as I hear the stretch of duct tap as her seals my mouth and binds my hands. "Walk me to your room now, " he growls. "We are gonna have… Read more

Posted by Partyceras 2 years ago 4

New twist on fantasy with Dawn

Here's a new twist on one of my favorite fantasies about Dawn. We managed to be able to arrange to have two of our good male friends over early on a Friday evening when they were able to stay the entire weekend with us. I was early getting home that day and helped Dawn finish up with things around the house before they arrived and I made sure that I had several new SD cards for the cameras and camcorder and was really looking forward to seeing just what kind of, hopefully, nice super sharp images I could get with my new Macro lens. I was hoping to get such good pics that if I wanted to take th… Read more

Posted by luvcuntlickingsluts 2 years ago 5

Fucking my My mother inlaw and my mother.

It started when I came home from a job abroad, and I didn't have a key to our flat so I vent to my inlaw parents, my mother inlaw opened the door in her dressingown and bid me velcome and offered me som coffee and when she placed her opposite me with her speaded legs, I had the most beautiful wiev between her big tigths and I saw her silky paleblue bloomers, my cock got up and was stiff as a pole, it was 10 months since I had some pussy, she notice me looking but din't, say anything nor did move her legs, when she a bit later got up her gown opened and I saw her blue bloomers and her big tommy… Read more

Posted by jrgenhenry 10 years ago 96

Derrick, a black stud, cums in my wife

Derrick had been fucking my wife's white pussy for almost an hour. Fucking is not quite a proper description. Devastating her cunt is more like it. His black cock, 10 inches in length, wrist thick, and riddled with mean looking, crazy pulsing veins stretching her white pussy, pulling and stretching her lips in and out as he pumped into her. My wife was on her back, her legs spread for him and her cute feet anchored in his ass cheeks. Her hands moved from holding and grabbing his ass cheeks, rubbing his ribs, holding his massive triceps, grabbing the back of his heas, and pressing them… Read more

Posted by cuck4life 11 years ago 18

Granny’s New Friend

Granny’s New Friend By BossDaddy A few years ago, my grandfather had a heart attack and died leaving my 75-year-old grandmother all alone. She was in good health for someone her age but the family decided she should move into a nursery home so she would have friends her own age and keep active. My brother, sister and myself all live busy lives and we live on the other side of the state from her nursery home. When we went to visit her, she looked great. She was happy and healthy and we felt good that we made the right decision putting her in the home. One day while we were visiting her we met… Read more

Posted by TheBossDaddy 4 years ago 4