The first time I sucked off a guy.

I met him on fabswingers, after a bit of chatting and some nervous deliberating he invited me over. Now this was the first sexual encounter I would have with a man and the first fun I'd had with anyone since breaking up with my first girlfriend, about twelve months previously. Anyway, I turned up at his house and he welcomed me in. Originally we were just going to compare cocks and maybe wank each other off. The only time I really encountered another males organ was in public showers, school P.E. lessons and the odd fleeting glace at public urinals. So I didn't really know what to expect in te… Read more

Posted by gilad87 8 years ago 3

Little issue with the showers

So, I decided to go swimming yesterday evening(its a bit quieter then). I had a nice relaxing 40min swim and the pool was virtually empty. I picked a moment where it had be a while since anyone had left for the men's changing room, and got out of the pool. I grabbed my towel from the locker and headed for the shower. It was empty, JACKPOT i thought, I whipped off my shorts and got under one of the shower heads. I was having a peaceful naked shower with my little willy bouncing about freely, when I heard a number of footstep approaching - "oh no!" I winced. Next thing 5 or 6 lads walk in, ther… Read more

Posted by gilad87 8 years ago 1

Looking for some one to chat to...

I really want someone(preferably female) to chat to online. Naughty talk and to tease/humiliate me. Please help! Thanks, Gilad.… Read more

Posted by gilad87 8 years ago

My first GF, blowjob and dumping.

i was 23, wen i met my first gf. she was 17, short, great body and really cute. she told me she'd been having sex since 15 and i was her 10th guy. I lied and said she was my 4th, (tho after we split up i told her the truth). I asked her what she thought about the size of my cock, she said it was fine but deffinatly the smallest shed ever seen, she even giggled wen she saw me soft for the first time. she gave me my first ever blowjob, which felt amazing, my cock just dissapeared in her tiny mouth. she said it was good cos it didnt hurt her jaw! I lasted about 2mins then shot my small load in… Read more

Posted by gilad87 11 years ago 2

Losing my virginity

Well a really drunk girl slept with me wen i was 21, she was all over me, telling me she'd fancied me for a while. she took me to her room and we started snogging, this was the first time i had ever kissed a girl! This carried on for sum time until i got the courage to touch her boobs. she took her top off for me, and a pair of medium sized tits popped out, they felt alot soffter and lighter than i had imagined. i gave them a suck and we carried on kissing. it was going well untill she put her hand down my pants. she kind of grabbed wat she could then felt around for the rest, she gave me a s… Read more

Posted by gilad87 11 years ago

The first time i showed my cock and realised i was

Well i used to go to college on the train, quite often id sit with these two girls from my village. once on the way back i was sat with them, and they started talking about the biggest cocks theyd seen and how big their current bf's were. They were 16 yrs old i had just turned 18 and still a virgin. most of the guys whos cocks they were talking about were in my year at school. they both agreed that about 8,5" was the biggest theyd had and all the others were over 6". So they then turned their attention to me! "so tim how bigs urs?"(the nice girl) i blushed and said "thats a bit private!" "nah… Read more

Posted by gilad87 11 years ago 5