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Satire, an archetype invented by Roman poets, has promised to revert to taking a backseat role with effect from Friday. This will allow satirists to resume control of a vehicle that was threatening to nullify itself by creating real world conditions so ridiculous that it had become increasingly difficult to mock them. In recent months, Satire had gone into overdrive, first creating a fictional character called ā€˜Donald Trumpā€™ who would pretend to campaign to be the worldā€™s most powerful man by making clearly preposterous, self-contradictory and impossible statements, but then ensured that he… Read more

Posted by gf1900 8 years ago 3

They knew did they not?

So here I am pondering my past..... For years I had been dressing, for want of a better word in mums roll on, bras and knickers borrowed ( again for want of a better word ) from friends female siblings and my cousins, and tights and stockings nicked from the corner shop. Then I started work and had MONEY........ oh what to spend it on?????..... well one thing was train fares to Leeds and Huddersfield.... Little shops in arcades Martell's, Irene Gilpin's and I think it was called Dorothy's (Market walk Huddersfield) Suspenders Basques Bras Knickers Stockings all these things I bought for my… Read more

Posted by gf1900 9 years ago 13


From the Newsbiscuit site Following the initial success of its mission to photograph a comet from close quarters with the Rosetta rocket, the European Space Agency (ESA) has revealed ambitious plans to celebrate with a dazzling display of performance art. Initially it is planned that Rosetta will land a small probe capable of sketching a cartoon cock on the surface ā€˜as a statement as to the impermanence of life, art and snowballs in hell.ā€™ Having copped a quick feel of the amusingly-shaped comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and tested which way the cosmic wind is blowing, Rosetta is now poi… Read more

Posted by gf1900 10 years ago 6

Two nights alone

Well I hadn't realised just how out of practice I am. The other half is off for two nights and so I thought to take advantage, ...had a good shave and set to. mother did warn me this would happen to my eyesight lol I need some of the glasses that let you see to put your makeup on as seen (along with the shewees and surgical supports) in the supplements that fall out of saga magazine lol but a play with the toys first.,did I say I was out of practice? yep its all a bit tight, anyway pics of a couple of outfits to post tmoz all done in the best possible taste and we'll see what tommorow b… Read more

Posted by gf1900 10 years ago

every so often

Every so often a customer comes into the shop and when they go I am left with a raging hard on. This lady was slim about 60 wearing a lbd and heels omg did I want to shut the shop and fuck her I do hope she comes back soon as the body language said??? Anyway I wonder if she would peg me, hence the hard on XXXXXX Gaynor… Read more

Posted by gf1900 10 years ago

What comes of using a still camera for vids

bugger made a new vid 8'31" long (2gb) came at 8'55" missed it… Read more

Posted by gf1900 12 years ago 1