Cock Knocker

THERE IS A BRIEF VIDEO. Shelly has this bag of stainless steel cock rings of all sizes at her house. And needed me to hold on them for a few days. For he mother was visiting her for a day or two. Mary is a very controlling person and will go through her daughters stuff just to go through it. Her mom would freak if she found them rings. I say let her find them, that's what you get for being snoopy. So I took them home and had to play with them. I put on a few large rings around my balls before I started to get firm. Walked around the house for a bit waiting to go limp. Once I was limp sta… Read more

Posted by Gehld 12 years ago

Lights Camera Lots of ACTION!!!

Looking for a Camera Person??? I have always wanted someone to video me in the moment. I fantasize about be filmed, gets me so excited. Don't need any pro just someone that can get the good shots. If there is anyone that would like to video me and is in the nearby area lets see what we can do. Only serious people please.... Leave me a post or Private Message.… Read more

Posted by Gehld 12 years ago

Puss n Boots

There is one thing in the fall and winter that drives me crazy. Women wearing boots with tight jeans and cotton leggings. Something how them boots draw that ass tight and legs firm up. All the while the jeans show every little detail. The only thing missing is a camel toe. Wow talking about making my balls tingle and cock throb. Love the PUSS n BOOTS ladies.… Read more

Posted by Gehld 12 years ago

Wacking Wally World

Driving down the interstate extremly horny and hungry. I had seen a sign for a burger joint. Didn't see the whole sign, got off on the wrong exit. While sitting at the light this car pulls up to the driver side. I look back over my shoulder through the rear passenger window and see this handsome older gentalmen. I say he was early 50's clean cut lightly salt & peppered hair. We caught eyes, I then made a little more effort to see him over my shoulder. Looked back at him and again we caught eyes and he has his right arm extended over the headrest of the passenger seat. Light turns green he… Read more

Posted by Gehld 12 years ago 2


I have pulled tendons in right wrist and stitches in two left hand fingers :( This makes it a bit difficult to relieve the pressure with in!!!!!! HELP… Read more

Posted by Gehld 13 years ago 1


WOW...... I was going to take a shower when my balls had that tingling sensation. As I stood there trimming my tree top my cock was getting firm. So I grabbed my rubber cock ring and put it around my cock. That wasn't enough, so around my cock & balls. That wasn't enough either, I really wanted to have my cock and balls all tied up, like a friend done to me before. So it was around my cock and between my balls. Looked like a cannon ready to fire. So I jacked my cock while my separated balls jiggled. What an awesome filling; my balls were moving in different directions :) you know like a… Read more

Posted by Gehld 13 years ago


I am as Horny as a 5 Pecker Billy Goat.… Read more

Posted by Gehld 13 years ago