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kind of transgender-that help peoles understand wh
Transgender: A term for people whose gender identity, expression or behavior is different from those typically associated with their assigned sex at birth. Transgender is a broad term and is good for non-transgender people to use. "Trans" is shorthand for "transgender." (Note: Transgender is correctly used as an adjective, not a noun, thus "transgender people" is appropriate but "transgenders" is often viewed as disrespectful.) Transgender Man: A term for a transgender individual who currently identifies as a man (see also “FTM”). Transgender Woman: A term for a tran Read more
transgender M2F
fill up and find out about yourself My score is 73% You are probably a MtF transgender, showing some signs of being non-binary. You likely identify as female. There are not many MtF transgenders as compared to the majority of the population. If you wish to read up more, there are many helpful articles on male to female transgenderism online. Read more