Getting tired, very tired of this site...ok i could move, but it used to be so good. I dont know what has changed but its just so frustrating now. I like chatting, men or women, but it seems people in the "dating" section dont!!! I was "friended" and after a thank you and two requests for a chat..blocked? I thought i had a deff friend , chatted and got on well, i asked what biscuits she liked ( to put them in my campervan)...blocked !!!.................i wont loose any sleep but , is it me ??? ?? Read more
Just saying hello and trying to make new friends??? So many people on here since lockdown you would think a few would interact and say hello back??? Xx Read more
Gordon bennet!
Where do i start. Ok, so lockdown has got us all pent up and frustrated, i can accept that. I also accept guys are frustrated to the point that they pose as wives? Read my earlier posts. Everyone is having a hard time, no pun intended, but now there has been an influx of "women" who want to claim your email addy.....lets move from here to ok im a techno donky but i can see it, xham get a grip, cum on guys you are destroying the commuinity that we had !!!! Gurrrrr Read more
Shall I? ??
Im getting very, very pissed off with guys posting as women! The other day with all my "experience " on xham I was sucked in bigtime, thankfully it didn't cost me anything but I can see now it could have.. after getting worked up "tina" asked to swap to hangouts, ...after a while asked for my number to send vid....why? Hang outs have there own vid just thinking should I start a blog on here to name and shame???? Read more
Hi all, I hope you are keeping well and truly safe through these difficult times.xx. Now this is very unlike me to make a blog being an old school techno-donkey but its doing my bloody head in!!! Ok, it was bad enough before but now obviously because of lockdown there are loads more people on here, people are accepting friends requests left right and centre, clicking the buttons and not even bothering to read the page of the recipient! !! Why??? I've tried to narrow the margins by only accepting uk based people who in their blurb on their pages state they like to chat...I could name 100s but I Read more