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Personal information
I am:
John, male, heterosexual
Manchester, United Kingdom
Female, heterosexual
No, and do not want any
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Very short
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178 cm (5 ft 10 in)
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About me

Hi everybody. I just thought I'd update things a little. I've been a member of the XHAMSTER community for while now and in that time have met some lovely and friendly people. Thank you to all. As I stated previously, I joined to chat, flirt, make new friends. And of course to watch hot porn.
As i've always loved reading erotica and watching pornos since forever, i decided it was time to look for a good adult movie site to join. And after first speaking with friends who were already using 'xH', i decided to check it out for myself. I'm so glad i did, as 'xH' on the hole, is the complete package and in my opinion, unbeatable. More importantly though, 'xH' is what i would term a safe site, which for me is the most important thing. I like xHAMSTERS strict content rules too, as you can safely look through the many different catagories available, safe in the knowledge that you are not going to accidentally happen upon something unsavoury or more importantly ileagal.

Film wise, i much prefer older vintage movies to a lot of the more modern stuff. I tend to look for full length films with a story line (well of sorts anyway), rather than a just a compilation movie or clips. Most modern films to me are like compilation movies really, as they tend to jump from one well filmed almost clinical quality scene to the next, with not much of a link or a story to join them.

Nasty/Slutty women. (Women who know exactly what they want, and are not afraid to go after it, or to demand it).
Bondage, ( preferably but not exclusively with sex. I don't really see the point of bondage without sex ).
Anal sex.
Rough sex, ( After all if it's not rough it isn't fun ).
Pain, (I'd actually love to explore my desires, and to discover what my limits are sometime).
Oral sex.
Forced sex, (male and female).
Domination, (male and female).
Humiliation, (male and female).
Degrading, (male and female).
Fully clothed .
Sexy clothes, Uniforms/ elegant dresses and women who power dress.
Watersports, pissing & piss drinking,
Dogging/public sex.
Leg & foot worship.
Facesitting/smothering/sexual-asphyxiation/breathplay/choking & gagging.
Ass & Pussy, worship.
Shoes/stilettos/strappy Sandels/court shoes and so on......
Ah my fetish list could go on and on. I'm both broad minded and open minded too. And as such i am always open to new ideas and eager to try new experiences. (as long as they are legal and within reason of course).
I quite like Vanilla sex too. After all, its always nice to kiss and cuddle up to someone special. Especially on these cold winters nights. Not much into watching Vanilla porn though ( I tend to find those films boring to be honest ). No I'm sorry, but as long as it is LEGAL, kinky and looks hot, I'd much prefer to watch a good kinky film any day.

I like to write erotic stories in my spare time. Please read the one below and let me know what you think. I have also written stories for friends that i have made elsewhere on the net. I base each story I write on that particular persons fantasies, gathering as much detail as possible from them first.


MY name is Michael K Yorker. I was once a rich happy bachelor. A playboy, if you like. Well i was until the fieghtful day Cupid fired that bloody arrow.......Or did he ?
Gentlemen, If you are sitting comfortably I shall relate my terrible tale.

Wait a minute, wait a minute. Before I begin, i have a question for you. But first, please read my story carefully, as it may just save you from what happened to me. Read it, then think before you answer :-
A strange and very personal question to ask, i know. Let me tell you my story, and then I'll ask it again.

My greatest weakness and my downfall as it happens has always been beautiful women. And that my friends is where my story begins. Whilst out with some friends one evening, drinking in one of Londons many trendy wine bar. Humphrys Bogheart like, I was on the lookout for some company. Soon i spotted a tall statuesque, classically beautiful but unknown to me at the time, a totally evil and dominant woman. Sitting across the crowed bar from me and showing plenty of shapely thigh, she looked hot. Watching her closely even as I chatted away. I noticed she would keep glancing over and smiling at me.
Yep her Smokey grey eyes easily capturing mine, held my gaze. Like a startled rabbit caught in the beams of a speeding car's headlights, i was powerless to look away. It actually became a competition between us, a test of wills if you like. Who would blink first and be the first to turn away. Well guess what guys, that's right, yours truly lost. Flashing me a wicked victorious grin, glancing down at the empty glass between her long slender fingers, she looked back over at me.
"The game is on". I told myself. Confidently making my way over, i introducing myself. Offering to by the beautiful stranger a drink, I took the stool beside her. Needless to say neither of us went home alone that night. Or for that matter any night since. And the rest as they say is history.
Claire, a stunning beautiful woman, was all sweetness and light, soft and loving. She was fun to be with in public, and sexually adventutous in the bedroom. The perfect partner, she was someone i could proudly show off to my friends and my staff back at the office. Taking her home that first time to meet my parents. Relieved they were totally taken with her and convinced that i had at last met the right girl.
Her infectious bubbly personality ensured that i quickly fell deeply and madly in love with her. Wedding bells were soon on the cards, followed in deed by a lavish stylish wedding.
It was at our reception that I finally got to meet her friends. Like her, her girlfriends were all of them tall, beautiful and extremely leggy. I thought at the time that something was odd though. You see their partners were all extremely handsome and rich, but very quiet. The men looked totally uncomfortable around the women. I actually thought, that they looked scared of their own shadows and frightened to death of their gorgeous partners. Since that night, I have in deed found out that they are frightened to death of their partners and why. But I'll come to that a little later.

Our honeymoon to Italy was very lavish, i had spared no expense. And at first at least, it was everything a honeymoon should be, and very romantic. We made love at every opportunity, took long romantic stroles into the local village and around the country hotel's extensive and beautifully manicured grounds. In the evening we would sit on the balcony of the Honeymoon suite and eat the most wonderful candal lit meals, as we gazed lovingly into eachothers eyes.
Unfortunately it was during the holiday that things quickly started to go wrong and our relationship began to go dowhill fast. Getting more and more upset i felt that everything was falling apart as Claire 's attitude toward changed before my bewildered eyes. Sure I should have read the signs, but with love being blind as they say, i just didn't pick up on the clues. As the fortnight went on, she became increasingly moody and iritated with me. The slightest little thing i did or said that she didnt like, and she would blow up and hit the roof. Intercourse was soon forbidden. Yes that's right Intercourse was forbidden, giving way only to Oral sex. Even then it was only when she wanted it and on her terms. Still trying to work out what i had done wrong, she dropped her next bombshell on me. Having gotten up early, showered and dressed, before i had awoken. Turning to me, she told me she needed space to breathe and some "Me time". Trying to get my head around what she had just said. Before I could say anything and still reeling in shock. Taking herself off, she walked out of the room and down into the local village. Leaving me all alone with my thoughts and to stew. I decided to get drunk. She didn't return until later on that day, and that was only when it had suited her too. After she had gotten back for the third time, angrily i confronted her. Demanding answers. I wanted to know where she had been, what she had been doing. Soon though i wished i hadn't bothered, for screaming at me, she lashed out and slapped my face as hard as she could. Shocked and rubbing my burning cheak, i backed away before she could land the second painful stinging blow. Shooting me a venomous wuthering look, she coldly informed me that whatever she did from now on, was none of my business. Returning from her next trip into town, looking happy and oddly satisfied, she demanded sex, well Oral sex anyway. Forcefully and giving me a look that brokered no argument, she ordered me onto my back on the floor. Spreading her feet and standing over my upturned face. I watched as she slowly peeled her very damp pungent smelling knickers, down her long shapely legs. Taking them off she dropped the awful sodden rag onto my face. Laughing and bending at the hip, she proceeded wipe them over my nose and my mouth. Heaving and gagging at the awful clammy feeling and the smell, it was all i could do not to throw up. Sneering at me, she threw the rag over onto the bed. Ordering me not to move, slowy squatting down like some perverted pole dancer, she lightly brushed her puffy sticky labia back and forth across the tip of my nose. Ordering me to smell her pussy, grabbing my ears between strong fingers and twisting them, she sank her cunt fully onto my nose. Waiting a moment, then sliding her hips backward, she ordered me to open up. Scared she would hit me again, if I didn't do as she said, cautiously i opened my mouth as wide as possible . In horror i was made to watch her play with pussy and to slowly finger fuck herself to a powerful orgasm. Placing a hand on my forehead and pressing down hard. Holding me firmly in place, she began to spoon and scoop what i all to soon found out out was sperm. Carefully taking aim, she made sure that every last drop went straight into my waiting mouth. When she was satisfided there was no more left inside of her, clamping a hand over my mouth, she ordered me to swallow the lot. Gagging on it and with tears of humiliation welling up in my eyes, I did. I knew then with a sinking heart that the cheating bitch had been fucking around behind my back. I guessed too that that pretty much answered my earlier questions. Where had she been ? What had she been doing ? Slowly lowering herself completely onto my face and making sure to draw out the full horror of my situation. She sat her full weight on my mouth and ordered me to carry on cleaning her up. Laughing she added that when I was finished with her cunt. That I could make a start on her ass too.

The next evening, on returning to our suite at about 11:00, Claire was not alone. The door bursting open, three young Italian studs stormed into the room. I'd say they were all of them in their early to mid 20's. And making a 'B' line straight for me, before i could react, grabbing me. I found myself being carried effortlessly through to the bedroom and over the to the huge emperor size bed. Dropping me unceremoniously and working together, I soon found myself naked in the centre of the bed. Sat up, my back hard against the cold wrought iron framework of the sold antique head board. Seizing them one at a time, my arms outstretched sideways, my wrists were easily bound to the metalwork. Next using their belts, my legs were bound tightly together both above my knees and at my ankles. Finally picking up one of Claires disgarded stockings, passing it through the frame either side of my neck and tightly around my throat. Tying it off, I found it impossible to move my head or to turn away. Stuggling to get free even as they laughed at me, I soon realised that there was no chance of escaping my bonds.
Stripping off as they talked and jeered, i looked over to see Claire walked into the room behind them. Wearing a cold evil grin, she strutted around like a big cat. I noticed that she was a little wobbly stilettos though and that her dress was ruined. The beautiful expensive little black designer number. The little black dress that had been brought for her for my pleasure and that I hadn't even seen the bitch in yet was erecked. One of the shoulder straps snapped, the other had been torn off completely. The tight fitted bodice was hanging loose and ripped. The rag for now that was sll it was stank of cheep booze, cologne and cigarettes. Her stockings, laddered and torn, we're streaked with jizz, as to were her bare thighs the upper swell of her ample chest. Her throat her chin, the bridge of her nose her eye lids and brows and even her usually imaculate hair was also matted and sticky, thick with cum. Tussled and unkempt it looked as though her hair had been twisted around a fist or fists and pulled hard. Her makeup as a result was a complete mess. Her mascara had run, her eyes sparkly and wet. Her lip gloss badly smeared, it didn't take a bloody Einstein to work out what she had been upto.

By the time we had returned home, my wife was a different person completely, and unfortunately so was i. I was a beaten and broken man. More importantly, i knew that I had been stitched up like a kipper. For sitting me down in our luxurious suite, on that final night before flying back. Laying down the law, Claire told me how things were going to be between us from now on.
Inserting a disc into the DVD, telling me to watch it. Unbelievably it showed to what lengths she and her gang had gone to, to ensure that i would fully cooperated with them. Gloating as she played it, she told me that our frst meeting had not been by chance. Like the cat that got the cream, she explained that I, my fortune and my company had been targeted for as she put it, "A hostile takeover". She went on to explain that my entrapment down to the minutest detail, had been planned and worked upon, for many months before we had even met.
One of the people on screen, a woman i had come to know only as Joanne; an Ex Film and television Makeup artist, had easily using her skills turned her entrapped rich husband into a very believable likeness of me. Together with yet another of the women, they had made the film I was now being made to watch and showed the three of them taking part in an extremely perverted and kinky menage a trois. Laughing Claire told me that she had been the one operating the camera, and that she had actually directed the show, as she called it. Feeling numb and cold, i listened dumbstruck as she informed me that we hadn't even met when they had made it either. Watching it with a sinking heart, i knew that even though the lighting was poor and the sound was virtually none existent. In a court it would easily have stood upto scrutiny and would have convinced all those watching it including myself, that it was the genuine article. And that it clearly showed me being unfaithful and cheating on my beautiful new bride.
Turning the TV off, Claire told me that if I did not do exactly what she wanted from now on, That she would use the disc as evidence of my infidelity. Divorcing me, she said she would take great delight ruining me. Pausing to let the full gravity of her words, and my situation sink in. Carrying on she went on to say that if that movie didn't work, that for extra insurance, they had filmed the guy / my double carrying out a number of shall we just say ileagal activities. Showing me all four of those films too, i realised these wicked unscrupulous women had me over a barrel and just where they wanted me. With tears welling up, i realised that there was nothing i could do about it. The vile content on these discs were so bad that; well put it this way. If they were ever made public, not only would a judge throw the book at me 'n' chuck me in prison. But he would most likely throw the bloody key away as well. And as if that wasn't bad enough, Laughing she coldly told me that once copies of them had somehow found their way into the hands of the press, ie the TV and the Newspapers. That once those jackals had gotten their teeth stuck in; that my parents would be ruined and our family's good name would be dragged through the mud too.
Yes by the time she had finished speaking and had shown me all of the discs. I was in no doubt that I was as screwed as her gangs other husbands had been before me.
All pretence of being a sweet loving wife gone, Claire was angry irritable and cold. On returning home, the first thing she did was to forbid me seeing and talking to my parents on my own or from having anything to do with friends.
That evening yet another of the gang came around. Jayne a beautiful and successful Barrister, had already drawn up a contract between us. Telling me not to bother reading it, she explained that once i had signed on the dotted line, that Claire would take full control of my company my bank accounts, pension schemes, my shares, property portfolio and investments, with immediate effect.

" Now" the woman told me as she uncrossed her long shapely legs. "Claire tells me you are quite the pussy eater". "Prove it", "Get over here and start earning your keep NOW!". Looking over at Claire , I watched her spread her legs and hooking them over the arms of her chair. Pulling her skirt up, she excitedly began to rub her already very wet looking pussy, through the sodden gusset of her expensive sheer silk panties. " Well what are you waiting for" she snapped. " You have your first order dear husband. So do as you are told".
Getting to my feet, I slowly walked over. Reaching out and running her fingers over my crotch, Jayne ordered me to kneel before her. Tgen petting my head as though I were a dog she sat back.

I had now become her house husband, my job to tend to her every need, to cook and take care of the home. Finally and all too late, the penny dropped. I realised that our whole relationship, whirlwind romance and so on had been all an elaborate scheme to get her hooks into me and her hands on my fortune. Angry with myself and feeling nothing but bitter hatred for my beautiful new wife. I realised what a blind fool I had been and how easily I had become hooked on her and firmly in her power. Completely under her control now, I was her powerless. Gone completely was the demur almost Snow White like woman I had easily fallen for. Addicted to her now, I was like junkie or an alchololic. And just like an addict, i was unable to get enough of her or to break free of her ever tightening grip on me, both physically and mentally. Yes I knew with a sinking heart that i had little to no chance of escaping my fieght.

My evil Queen as i now knew her, having finally revealed herself in all her terrible and beautiful glory, reveled in the power she had over me. She would beat me regularly, for no reason at all. Save for the fact that inflicting pain really turned her on and fed her twisted appetite. Taking every opportunity she could to humiliate and belittle me, she would abuse me in anyway that would amuse her. She would wield also her vicious looking strapon cock as freely and expertly as she would say her whip, a cane or her favourite riding crop. Cuckolding me too, she would bring home men and women, complete srangers to me, for me to service. Laughing, she would watch and masturbate whilst ridiculing me in front of them. I would be used too as the sweetener in many of her shady business deals. Being a complete slut she would come home at all hours of the night, drunk and sometimes angry or frustrated. Waking me in a temper, her pussy and ass red and raw from the many cocks she would have just fucked . She would wait impatiently for my weary ministrations to begin. She didnt need to order me to get to work, being well trained i new exactly what was expected of me. It was my job to clean her up and sooth her aching body. Softly and tenderly to begin with would slowly lick and kiss her sensitive and painful pussy and ass. Settling in for a long and tiring night, i would not be allowed to stop until she was completely satisfied and ready to fall into a deep deep sleep.
Knowing how much i hated it, she took great delight in making me eat the cream pies filling both of her pussy and ass. Telling me as I did, just how the stranger she had picked up had fucked her.
She would also take great pleasure in bringing guys home to fuck right in front of me. Forcing me to clean his sticky cock, she would make eat her ass and pussy.
She loved to, to make me worship her sweaty aching feet. Waiting for her return home, i would be expected to remove her shoes and lick her nasty feet clean. She loved me to worship her arches and to suck on her heals and her delicate little toes. This I was expected to do enthusiastically, whenever she got home from work or from partying hard.
Knowing how repulsive I found it. She enjoyed Making me lay on my back before her. She would then force either her dirty wadded up cum soaked panties or her stinking sperm streaked stockings deep into my mouth. Ordering me to chew on them, she would make me suck them clean. If she was feeling especially naughty, crouching above ny burning face. She would piss in my mouth. Soaking the already awful tasting items therein. She would order me to suck and swallow the acrid bitter tasting fluid through the gag. I would not be allowed to stop or to remove the delicate from my mouth until she was completely satisfied that they were as clean and virtually dry as i could get them.
Holding femdom parties all the time too. She would invite only those wicked manhating women that i had met at our wedding. These wild femdom orgies cost me a fortune to host and would last for days on end. Filled with dread, both myself and the others pets, again they were the frightened men i had met at our weddingwould be passed around the baying savage group and forced to perform all manor of perverted and kinky sexual acts on both eachother and for that matter on the women themselves. We would get very little rest all weekend, the women constantly horny, would order us to service and satisfy them whenever they demanded. And when we were finally too fatigued and had become far to weary to perform. Bringing in male and female escorts and common street prostitutes to fuck them. They would later give us to these people, to be used in anyway they fancied, as a reward for their services. Yes forced to serve everyone there, we would fear every moment of our long and terrible ordeals. She would also loan me out to her friends and to her many perverted business aquaintances for their own sick and twisted pleasures, when they asked for me.
And deep down, I would love every moment of my new life, becoming a truly happy and content man.

So gentlemen, renember next town you are out on the town, and you see beautiful woman across a crowded room A hot sexy woman with come to bed eyes. Ask yourself this question.
You have been warned.....

Please feel free to ask me anything you like. I would be thrilled to chat to anyone. I would also like to know what people think of my profile and my favourites list.

And finally i take both criticisms and compliments well, as i don't ever wish to upset, embarrass or offend anyone. So if there is something about my profile or list of films and clips that does upset or offend. Plesse let me know as soon as possible, and I'll see what I can do. Now all that aside please and if you're still there after reading all this, please cum say hi and let's have a chat.

John xxx

Although I'm perminently connected to xH, because I'm lucky enough to have an unlimited Internet package. I'm not always around, so please bear with me as I will try to reply to everybody who contacts me.
Thank you.

I apologise in advance. But with having so many favourites in my list, there will inevitably be some repertition. I put this down to the same film having been given different tittles, depending on who posted them. When I know I have such an issue, I will immediately delete one as applicable.

BTW, the way I choose a film is to view its stills. If i think it looks interesting, I bookmark it to one of my to be watched later folders. As a result, although I'm not a great fan of Vanilla sex, be warned that there may well be the odd scene that gets through my cencorship net.
And as i don't wish to unduly upset anyone, or you are easily offended by people being loving and nice to eachother. I strongly advise that you look elsewhere for your kinky and perverted kicks.


As i've written in the list of my likes above. I want to find out what my limits are. I would therefore like to participate in a professional or Amateur adult film. Curious i want to see if I will enjoy the work, and to see if I have what it takes to make it in the industry as a professional sub.
As you can tell reading my list, there are plenty of other things that interest me to, and that i would very much like the chance to experience, with your help. Hopefully with the right like minded individual or group, i will be able to explore and achieve all of my goals.
So what am i looking for. Well i would very much like to be used and abused by a one or maybe two sadistic mistresses, or by the right couple, and for them to do anything they liked with me.
However, obviously i do not wish to be perminently marked in any way or to be perminently injured either for that matter. And as we would be using safe words anyway, I feel that i would be in control and that it would be upto me to see just how much pain, humiliation and punishment I can take. Other than that i am pretty much in your hands and willing to try anything that you would wish to do to me.
So if you are GENUINELY interested, and think you could help me out. If you live in Manchester area. And if you like the idea of having a completely free hand to explore your own domme side and fantasies. Please feel free to get in touch, by privately messaging me here at xH. Hopefully we can then chat and see if we are into the same kind of things.Getting together for some fun, one day i hope to be able to add my very own femdom film to my list of favourites, and to be able to proudly show it to the world.
Meantime i would like to thank you for taking the time to read.....
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OurFetishLife 8 days ago
Amazing avatar!
rickandmary 1 year ago
Thank you for the invite, but not for me sorry
Lisa_gut_und_bose 2 years ago
Thanks for the invite x
Dunk_1 2 years ago
Thanks for the add
dayzzombus 3 years ago
Add me as your friend / Добавляйтесь в друзья
dayzzombus 3 years ago
Add me as your friend / Добавляйтесь в друзья
dayzzombus 3 years ago
Add me as your friend / Добавляйтесь в друзья
sukram6666 3 years ago
Thx for the add
Radoni79 3 years ago
Thanks for the add.
Nicolas741 3 years ago
Thanks,, Best Regards
❤️Thanks for the invite!!!! ❤️❤️
captJack33 3 years ago
Thanks for adding me great page 
toma89999 3 years ago
thks 4 accept me as friend
oeil58 4 years ago
thanks to add me
bodiesolo Host 4 years ago
to davgarqui1 : Thanks for the request
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davgarqui1 4 years ago
Thanks for the add.
ericatranslady 4 years ago
add me plz
jorisboris 4 years ago
Candymadcd 4 years ago
Thank you for accept my invitation...You are so so hot... Horny Kisses from Mexico City. Muackkkks
Nice vids
alangb 4 years ago
Thank you for the invitation, accepted with thanks and appreciation.
latexina 4 years ago
tribute me and my Pig PW 123
bodiesolo Host 4 years ago
to ukbiguy69 : Yeah i love vanilla sex but its boring as hell to watch or read. So i enjoy the kinky stuff. Hope you like.
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ukbiguy69 4 years ago
to bodiesolo : horny content like
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bodiesolo Host 4 years ago
to ukbiguy69 : Cheers mate. I will get round to finishing and tidying it up one day lol
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ukbiguy69 4 years ago
wow theres alot t read here wow
Couple_of_Lust 4 years ago
(。^_・)ノ Hello & ThanXXX !!! (´ε` ) ♡

❤️ Take pleasure with our pics and vids… ❤️
rum51 4 years ago
Thanks for the add xxxx!
bodiesolo Host 5 years ago
No probs.
bodiesolo Host 5 years ago
Cheers. I really nust finish it. Its pretty rough at the mo. Love your vids. Id love to see your galleries. Im st work but would love to chat properly some time