Who Plays Destiny

I heard from someone that some of the users here play Destiny either Xbox or Playstation. How many guys (and girls) play it.… Read more

Posted by AS21 9 years ago

Sex marathon

When I was watching Chile trounce the defending champ Spain during the World Cup, I read an article that a Chilean Porn star will go on a 16 hour sex marathon, I gotta say is that even possible?… Read more

Posted by AS21 10 years ago

Any PS3 gamers

Anyone play PS3, if so add me AS21Snake. If u know if there are gamer girls tell em to add me. I gots mad respect for em.… Read more

Posted by AS21 10 years ago

For the Record

I recently noticed that I get messages or comments from men whether it is my pics or not, but I need to set the record straight... I AM PURE STRAIGHT!!! Guys I respect the fact that u like my pics and stuff but understand I love women, as in I love tits, pussy, and ass of pure females. I dont have any grudges against it. But I just dont like the fact that I get some gay sex thing, it just creeps me out.… Read more

Posted by AS21 11 years ago

When was the last time you had sex.....

Last time I had sex was when I was a senior in high school, it was with a classmate in my phys ed class. She had a liking for me, and thought I was hot, so that weekend when she was nice and lovely, and we fucked each other when the parents were away. After that, I just felt lost and never wanted to be like some sort of tool. So I decided not to have sex until I know I found a woman of my own. So ie: its not celibacy. Its just that I have sexual frustration because I couldn't find a woman outside this site. Ever had the same problem?… Read more

Posted by AS21 12 years ago 2

My Story

I know that most people may or may not care about me, so Ill just say this for the record on why I was gone for 6 months. Work and school, the two of them was like endless rondo, cant get out. Besides I felt like I needed to be away from here for a while. Lets face it, this Raven need to soar through the darkness, trying to find the light, there was light at the end, embraced it but I just couldn't accept it. Because who am I gonna bask in the light with, myself. Thats why I came back, missed this place, even though I rarely gotten love and recognition on here because of what I am.… Read more

Posted by AS21 12 years ago 3

Things change or not.

I havent been gone but for a month and I came to realize that nothing has changed, nor hasnt been the same ever since I came on to this site. I have had a bunch of friends and I have chatted to some of them, which I can understand that they have a boatload of messages on their part. But it made me wonder how come I dont have that luxury, its like my profile has become next to nothing even for an entire year. Almost though I have this Antisocial shit ringing up behind me. Sometimes this Raven doesnt understand why he flies through the night and thinking, what is his true intentions. Almost how… Read more

Posted by AS21 13 years ago 1

My Neutality

There have been so many attacks among users on this site, and I was involved that one time. So Let me take this opportunity to say something like this.... "I shall not to attack a user, not to let a user attack me, and not join the conflicts of other users". Cause right now Im declaring my neutrality. Thanks Orb.… Read more

Posted by AS21 13 years ago

PS3 users

who here has a PS3 besides myself and Sociallubricant and is very fumed of whats goin on at the PSN. *update* Ignore that blog cause ITS BACK!… Read more

Posted by AS21 13 years ago 4

My Self Discipline

I take pride and respect seriously. Im here to enjoy the porno and make friends. Besides I read every About me section on profiles like its the rules, to which I abide by. I know the concept of my socalled "self-Discipline". I need to think before what I say. I dont say "I love ur pics, wanna fuck" or any othe cheesey line to which I could think. I say the truth. Even though I bend rules that I nearly break. Of course there are some ladies here think that they dont need men, to which I have no problem by, I wont add people who have strict rules and whatnot of course the &qu… Read more

Posted by AS21 14 years ago 1

The Wings I wear

I have the wings on my back, but these wings are not white, they are not light, they are black and they are dark. They are dark as the night, the night is the only way I can fly, I see through the darkness as I go. What I am is the dark and not the light. A man like me is the darkness looking for the Light, the light to me, is a woman with white wings, represent the day. Cause If you have light there must also be a dark, Black wings must have white wings. Fly through the rage, the sorrow, the fear, and the pain to find the joy, the happiness, the kindness, the courage. I fly through the negati… Read more

Posted by AS21 14 years ago

Man with no agenda

Title says it all, I have agenda when it comes to addin people. I just wanna be friends regardless of what race or prefs they could be. Whether black, white, latin, asian, straight, gay, lesbian,. or even transgender. I respect these prefs, it is my primary rule. Im not here just to show off, I learned that when I joined here. All I ask is to respect me, and my friends on here. Im NO FAKER NOR PERV. I am what I am, a nice and respectable gentleman.… Read more

Posted by AS21 14 years ago 2

I dont judge

as the title says, I respect people regardless of what their preferences are, cause that is not how I am. I may be straight, but I respect choices of others. That has been my primary rule for years, and I have never broken that rule for any......any.....FUCKIN reason whatsoever. I am NOT that type of guy, and if u hate me, thats fine. Even if u dont like it. OK, But I want 1 thing, Dont judge me for what I am please. Thanks.… Read more

Posted by AS21 14 years ago 1