What's the world coming to? First Xhamster changed a straightforward site into a bloated, convoluted site. I rarely look at my "news" page as I detest the new look. Now Tumblr is banning adult content. I only made a few real friends there, but will treasure them forever. They all have Reddit accounts, so it's not the end of the world. I just deleted my Tumblr account after having it for many years. I guess it is time to delete this account too. Read more
Friend requests
I do not add you as friend if: 1. Sending a friends request without some sort or comment or private message. 2. Sending one liner messages like: “Hi”, “Hey how are you”, etc. Please put some effort into it. 3. You "collect" friends (This is seen, believe me) 4. Cock for your avatar. 5. Profile is empty. 6. Content of no interest to me. 7. Content is hidden or password-protected. 8. Content is not available and is not visible to me. 9. No own content. 10. No Photo - I will not talk to people with ghost profiles 11. Male Profiles With A Female Photo For An Avatar - That is devious and deceitful. Read more