Pass it on.

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway. The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds. Think big anyway. People favor un… Read more

Posted by 9cock 11 years ago


What a strange term that is, BBW; what could it mean, Some people don’t know, They may think it obscene, What are these abbreviations? Some kind of magic, Or heavens creations? I think I know what they are, And I would like to pass it on, So here’s just a thought, To say before your gone, These people are big, Beautiful too, If your with one, How I do envy you, Just to feel one in your arms, Is to know heaven above, And to be with one, Is to know true love, They are smart; they are sexy, But yet so demure, To be smitten with them,… Read more

Posted by 9cock 11 years ago 2

When do I feel most free?

When do I feel most free? When I live beyond my own definitions. *Today I'd rather have peace of mind than live with my mind at pieces. If you confuse me, I bless you and release you. *If it were still in my best interest, it wouldn't be in the past. *Any fear I may have may appear as a wall. It is actually me beckoning myself to walk through the mist. *I promise never again to have a lover as a distraction in my life. I shall hav… Read more

Posted by 9cock 11 years ago


I'll keep you close to me. You are what I desire to have at least once. Caressing that body. Slowly. I remove your clothes, slowly. You lay in bra and panties, I retain only boxers, pitching tent. We want this. But no rush. I kiss those full soft lips, we tongue. Only the beginning. Kissing and nibbling on your neck. Kiss down your chest, between your breast. I hold your soft supple belly, running my tongue to your panty line. I bury my face, tonging that deep navel. Kissing the inside of those huge thighs, the bottom of feet to sucking your toes. As you sit up, I rele… Read more

Posted by 9cock 11 years ago

What is sexy

Sexy is that sultry voice That plays on a mind Sexy is the way you make A heart skip a beat every time You walk on by Every time you say a name Sexy is that smile you flash That’s meant for the hall of fame Sexy isn't just your hair Or your skin Sexy is that golden heart Sexy is that goodness That lies within Sexy can be the way you hug or the way you lick your lips sexy can be the way you dance The sensual swing of your hips sexy is the confidence you carry sexy is your aura sexy is the way you have… Read more

Posted by 9cock 11 years ago 2

I love "BBWs"

I have never made it a secret that I like thick women. I hate to use the word preference because to me that word seems to imply some sort of conscious effort to go after certain things.And that is generally not my circumstance. But when a woman has meat on her bones, full figured nice round ass ETC features to go with a pretty smile I usually notice.Just like I notice that I tend to gravitate to women who wear glasses or have long leggs and women who wear flattering clothing. However I am proudly not married to any of these u*********s characteristics to a point where I have not dated outsi… Read more

Posted by 9cock 11 years ago 2

Lame pickup lines

Ahhhhh yes…. The masterful art of the pick up line. A very disciplined and challenging study for any man to master. The various techniques. The decorative approaches. The array of angles and nuances that must be mastered. But just like golf, the tradition of approaching women with crude, clever or even disgusting comments can never truly be mastered. As the times evolve, a man’s mouth-piece to remain affective. But where does this need to be clever and witty come from? What is so hard about simply saying……. Hi….. My name is Julian. What’s Yours? This has been a growing topic, at… Read more

Posted by 9cock 11 years ago

Sex VS. love

Trey Songz hit the nail on the head with this one. I had been hearing the song on the radio for sometime before I actually saw the video and the illustration was pretty amazing. He summed up I think the sentiment that a lot of men have as they start to separate between physical gratification and the sort of emotional connection that feeds a man’s soul and direction for a lifetime. But just as important, the video director accurately captured the difference in how those sort of relationships start off. And some of the key triggers that can send a brief encounter to the left or to the right… Read more

Posted by 9cock 11 years ago

Why Won’t he Call you After Sex?

Why won’t he call me back? I know he isn’t trying to play me! What’s up with this guy? People hear this a lot. A perplexed lady trying to figure out why a once hot friend has now cooled. A guy that a woman involves herself with and ultimately becomes intimate with, suddenly stops being super attentive once she goes into the Tommie Strong book with a GTD entry next to her name. (Got The Drawers) But why? He was stalking your whole life when he was pursuing you. He was responding to texts messages right away. Always available to you whenever you called. Eager to take you out… Read more

Posted by 9cock 11 years ago

women and drama

Not "all" women ok????? calm down keep your sexist comments to yourself lol or by all means share them in my blog which is why its here "smiles with a big smirk" Why do Women manufacture problems that don’t exist? Women are Drama Queen’s and don’t we all know it! I hereby bring this painful and irritating issue to light and hopefully save someone from going crazy by Women’s cruel/manipulative tactics. The answer is quite easy. Women CREATE drama simply to put men to the test. Women are attention-seekers in constant need of reassurance and affirmation that someone cares for them an… Read more

Posted by 9cock 11 years ago

Dating a man in prison

If you are a woman dating, thinking about dating, or have met a man through an online prison pen pal site who is incarcerated you may find yourself asking one or more of the following questions: What should I expect? High phones bills Dishing out money from paying prison talk lines that enables people to accept inmate calls on their cell phones, money on his books, etc. Plenty of letters from him sometimes enclosed with toilet paper made roses, drawings, other handmade crafts, and photos. Long distant travels for inmate visitations Promises and stories of his plan… Read more

Posted by 9cock 11 years ago

Do black men feel they need an excuse for dating

Why do black men feel they need an excuse for dating outside their race? How do you feel about interracial dating? Do black men use white women? “An excuse means to seek to defend or justify” If you prefer strawberry ice cream over chocolate ice cream you don’t have to find an excuse or express revulsion towards chocolate ice cream to justify eating strawberry, right? For black men who choose to date white women or other non-black women, understand that “real” love doesn’t have an excuse attached. Your decision for dating women of other races should stem from your attraction towards the… Read more

Posted by 9cock 11 years ago

Top reasons why white women love black men

Please comment.....Not stating any of this as fact just want to open a discussion. Top reasons why white women love black men 1. “Rhythm in Bed” – Black men have good sex 2. “The skin” – Black skin feels great on white skin 3. “Treat them right” – Black men cater to white women and treat them right 4. “Confidence” – A black man’s presence is amazing 5. “They are healthy “ – Black men take good care of their skin 6. “European men are very feminine” 7. “Never a dull moment” – Black men are entertaining 8. “Good looking” – Black men are sexy 1. As it relates… Read more

Posted by 9cock 11 years ago

History of dirty words for my XHamster friends

Fuck. Cunt. Twat. Cock. Pussy. Until fairly recently, authorities on English considered the first three too sexually vulgar to include in standard English dictionaries, while the genital connotations of the other two were equally unmentionable. But in many other languages, equivalent terms that describe the genitals and intercourse are not considered vulgar. How did these English words become so tainted? The answer has nothing to do with sex—and everything to do with political conquest a thousand years ago. The story of our dirty words begins with the Angles and Saxons, and later the Viking… Read more

Posted by 9cock 11 years ago

Why Do Men Need to Rank Women?

I happened upon this picture on Facebook and got sucked in the way one might when driving by a car accident on the freeway. At first, I found the attempt to divide women into either attractive or not, (in public) by virtue of their curves, or lack thereof, absurd. But that wasn't even the half of it.Last I looked there were 6,689 comments of people debating which female "figure" was better, and each did so with a tone that put forth opinion as fact. Even if there was such a thing, who cares? Men are going to be attracted to whomever and whatever they are attracted, and more than likely, it wi… Read more

Posted by 9cock 11 years ago

Racist Pornography

XHamster edits to much of the wording kinda weird being this is a "porn" site funny how they allow a tribute to teens and celebrities but i get edited in a blog? well to whomever reads this im sure you can fill in the blanks : ) The criticism that pornography is racist comes from the Left—from publications like Ms., university departments of Women’s Studies, and groups who believe that all sex work is male v******e against women. Their current champion is author Gail Dines, whose recent book “Pornland” blames every one of America’s evils (except the Social Security mess) on pornog… Read more

Posted by 9cock 11 years ago

Unacceptable Fantasies

XHamster edits to much of the wording kinda weird being this is a "porn" site funny how they allow a tribute to teens and celebrities but i get edited in a blog? well to whomever reads this im sure you can fill in the blanks : ) How Common? What Do They Mean? Some women have fantasies of being forced into sex. At first glance, **** fantasies make no sense. Why fantasize about something that in real life would be traumatic, repugnant, and life-threatening? But on closer examination, such fantasies are not unusual. Many men daydream about getting the girl by rescuing her from a d… Read more

Posted by 9cock 11 years ago

Message of Hope For Anyone Seeking A Relationship

Lead With Your Gifts Each of us has what I call "core gifts". They aren't the same as talents or skills; they are simply the places within us where we feel and care the most deeply. Some examples of core gifts are an innate generosity of spirit, a profound sensitivity to others' feelings, a passion for justice, or a quiet and deep receptivity. Our core gifts are as unique as our fingerprints, and when they are treasured and acknowledged, they become the most exciting and straightforward path to intimacy. When we honor our gifts, we sense that we have something precious to offer. We feel ou… Read more

Posted by 9cock 11 years ago

The Temptations of Online Anonymity Online dating

Dating is a miserable business. Part popularity contest, part Nuremberg Trial, part aik**o (block that rejection!), we meet and greet and hope for the best, sometimes clicking, mostly not, and often wondering: Why do we bother? When I was single, I hated it (the dating part). Until I hooked up on the Internet. On friends' advice, I went anonymous, describing my nameless self in glowing terms, and hoping against hope that the people checking out my profile were being a lot more honest than I was. It's not that I was lying, exactly. I was just massaging the truth. A lot. I felt powerful, hid… Read more

Posted by 9cock 11 years ago

Common errors women/men in love make

In the interest of saving bad feelings and broken hearts i write this blog 1) You make your partner the center of your world this is a no no. If you devote all of your energy and focus to the other person then two things are going to happen. You will neglect yourself by not improving upon yourself and keeping your life in line and you will eventually make that person feel smothered and they will try to put some distance between you to get air to breathe. Your partner should feel loved and cared for and get some of your attention and focus but not everything. 2) You try to "fix"… Read more

Posted by 9cock 11 years ago