I actually enjoy facials very much and I am 100% sure that I got this from watching porn. My bestie's would probably say: "Stop watching porn", but it's too late, watched too much already! LOL But it also gave me self-reflection and some thoughts about face cumshots in general. Why do I let people cum on my face? I have not always been on the pill so i haven't let every guy i have been with cum in my vagina for safety reasons, so cumming in my mouth or on my face is my preferred option. All guys love their cum and love to see a woman love it too by letting him shoot it all over her face. Read more
How was your first Tinder hookup?
Im using Tinder as the example, mainly because i personally have used it the most. I use others like Bumble so the question is more about dating apps and sites .. To those of you who have hooked up with other people on Tinder, how was your first time? Did you go to his/her place? Did you talk about what you were going to do before meeting up or was it all spontaneous? Was it a one-off or a regular thing? Was you cheating ? Read more
My Threesome With Strangers (MMF)
its a true story and i have not gone into too much sexual detail but will update it if there is actually any interest I had a long day on Saturday and lots happened but the evening ended with me getting the train back to Bridgend from Cardiff at 10pm with my friend. She was so drunk, I had called her husband to pick her up. I had chatted with a couple of guys in the train and they asked me to go for a drink with them after I saw my friend off. So I did. To cut a long story short, they suggested we all go back to my place to have prosecco and order pizza as we were all star Read more
My introduction to Piss Play (Golden Showers)
This is a true story. Its a common question i get in my inbox on this site so to answer the question for the masses, Yes, I've been pissed on. First time wasn't sexual or even voluntary. It was when I was in middle school. I was a bit of a social outcast in my school years and was a easy target for bullies generally. Looking back i did enjoy my school days but think i spent to much time trying to find acceptance by attempting to befriend more popular people who would sometimes be mean or take advantage. But back to my introduction to piss play, I was walking home from school Read more