CAMGIRL 101 - Shit to do first

So you’re broke as fuck and you are stoked on camming and want to shred off all your clothes and make a million bucks right this fucking second. I get it. Read this first. It’s worth it to be prepared. SOCIAL MEDIA SHIT (DO THIS FIRST) 1) Lock down your personal social media. Instagram, facebook, twitter - set all that stuff to private, or if you’re not partial to it, delete it. If you’re using your full first and last name on Facebook, don’t. At the very least, change your last name to a nickname. If you’ve got the time and the patience (and you’re paranoid like I am), go through and… Read more

Posted by -AS- 6 years ago

3 Things I Learned Being a Cam Girl

I've always been hyper sex-positive, so a short stint as a webcam model made total sense to me. To my surprise, it ended up being a profound learning experience. Some time last year, I did a one-month stint webcam modelling as somewhat of a personal experiment. As somebody with strong opinions and the internet at my disposal, I felt like I’d done so much blabbing re: sex-positive feminism and THE SEX WARS without truly experiencing all sides of the spectrum. So, I decided to throw myself, with all my temerity and no expectations, into a form of sex work I knew absolutely nothing about. To m… Read more

Posted by -AS- 6 years ago

My Story

This month means to me five years have passed since the first time I had stem cells. They peak at five years because the work they do is so deep you will not realize the effects until it has set in a while. I have been very many different women. I have hurt to extremes I wish did not exist for anyone. I have been bedbound, used an electric wheelchair, lost the ability to walk, regained the ability to walk, got out of bed, am healing from a slew of what doctors tell me is the rarest case they have ever seen and probably will in their lives. This makes my life very difficult because nobody knows… Read more

Posted by -AS- 6 years ago