New story Xdating

A slight departure from my normal stories in that I have written about a dating site for fetish lovers. It is part of a few stories that I am writing about the perils of on-line dating. Which when complete I will publish on Kindle as a collection Until then you can enjoy them for free here once completed.

If you remember nay of my stories but they no longer seem to be here then I have probably transferred them over to Kindle where I get paid. Sorry I like money more than even more than I like you kind comments. If you want to find them search on Amazon Camille Amadeus, amongst other things you will find stories that have never appeared on Xhamster. Expectations are slightly different so I can right more story to porn content so its not all about the cash.

In particular I am having fun with my series of Weir-doll stories where instead of like weir-wolves where humans turn to wolves the weir dolls turn into walking, talking, fucking living dolls on the full moon and at other times when they fancy it.

Camille Amadeus
Published by amadeus281
4 years ago
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