Why I Divorced her the Story

It was January 1998 and my KC Chiefs were playing the Broncos in the playoffs. My wife at the time was at the grocery store. It was half time and I was folding the laundry and putting it away. I was in a hurry and yanked on her panty drawer too hard and pulled it out of the dresser. When I tried to put the drawer back in the hole, it would not fit. So, I looked in the hole to find a CD blocking the runner.

Curious, I watched the vid to discover the ex-wife fucking several black men. She had flown out to Portland, OR. to visit her brother as a surprise to celebrate the 30th wedding anniversary of her brother and his wife. It was April of 1997 and the k ids were still in school so I stayed home with the k ids. Her brother is a 12 years older than her. The surprise was my ex-wife's! Her brother and sis-in-law had already planned an anniversary celebration. Unknown to us at the time, both her brother and his wife were in the swinging lifestyle. The ex found out when all these black men started showing up in their living room. Then her sis-in-law came down the steps from her bedroom and into the living wearing only her lingerie. My wife and her sis-in-law were never close and they had a weird rivalry going on. It seemed like they were always completing for her brother's attention. And oddly enough when the ex wife was around her brother always played the role of BIG-BROTHER and catered to the my ex's every whim, which infuriated his wife. So, sis-in-law told my ex-wife the situation and challenged my ex to take black cock. My ex said that she looked for a way out but just couldn't back down to the bitch sis-in-law. I asked why NOT? She said,"and have that bitch call me chicken and lord it over me the rest of my life?" So, she fucked them while her bother filmed and the sis-in-law directed. I lost my marriage and the Chiefs lost their playoff game that day was a total loss.

At the time, she worked for a farm implement dealer keeping his books. I worked for a farm implement manufacturer as a marketing VP. I got her the job with a guy I thought was my friend. He owned 5 dealerships and was bringing in over $1 million a year. And that bitch could spend money. It was a running joke in our bedroom because her boss kept flirting with her and offering her more and more money to sleep with him. She got a kick out of turning him down and then listening to him jack off in his office afterward.

The ex wife was one of those people that always wanted to have a picture or vid of her adventures. In most of our vacations vids or pics, the ex is not in the vids or pic because she was behind the camera. I guess the draw of having a video record of her fun was just too much for her and she had to have the CD. But if it were not for the CD, I never would have known. The CD have several other vids of her fucking her boss and other coworkers. My ex-wife told me, April at her brother's was her first time since we started dating that she had been with anyone but me. Those guys were big for her sis-in-law but my wife got more meat at home than she got from any of these bbc's The wife said that after she cheated the first time and got away with it, it was easy to cheat again.That happened on a business trip to St. Louis that August, she finally gave in and let the boss film her having sex with a black coworker. She told me that her boss gave her a $10,000 bonus for that one. You can see that vid on porn hub as well "Business Trip Ends Marriage" It was on the CD, also.

Remember I found the CD on Jan. 4 but the latest vid on the CD came from mid December when she slipped away from me at her office Christmas party held at her boss's house. I looked for her off and on between conversations for about 2 hours and couldn't find her. When she re-appeared, she said that she had been outside on the deck. I told her that I looked on the deck and she explained that she was not on the deck the whole time. She had occasionally gone to the bar for a drink and the kitchen for some food and even the bathroom to pee. I must have just missed her. But on the CD, it became clear that she slipped away to fuck a 3 black coworkers while her boss filmed.

I fucked that night when we got home. She was really drunk and horny that night. I noticed that she was extra wet, but I just thought that it was because she was extra horny. I never suspected that I was bathing my cock in the jizz of 3 other men. The other vid on the CD must have been filmed by her coworker as she fucked her boss only an hour after I fucked that morning. I recognized her dress. I was a brand new designer dress that cost an arm and a leg. She had just purchase. It was the first time she ever wore it and I remember that when she put it on - well she looked so sexy that I just had to fuck her on the spot. We were both a little late to work that day. She must have left our bedroom and went directly over to the boss's bedroom. In that one, you can hear that she is particularly sloppy wet. Well that is my residual. In all these vids, she was definitely cheating. Our relationship was supposed to have been monogamous, we were not in the swinging / cuckolding lifestyle.

I took the CD as evidence and moved out that night. I called a lawyer the next day. My ex on the other hand wanted to stay married. But on her terms, meaning that she could fuck whoever and whenever she wanted. I could not agree. I imagine out of fear of what I could do with the CD evidence, the ex aggressively told her story to all of our friends and church members before I ever had a chance to tell my side. She told everyone that I was the reason for the divorce, She told them that she wanted to stay married for the k ids sake, they were 5 and 7 at the time. But that I insisted on the divorce because I did not want to be tied down with k idss and family responsibility.

We live in a small town (population 5000). I became a leper to in this community. I lost the k ids in the divorce and the wife used her story to turn my k ids against me. My lawyer begged me to let him use the CD, but as I said we live in a small town and everyone seems to know everyone else's business. All it would take is one family in the community saying a careless word at the dinner table in front of their k ids and the story of my wife's adventures would be all over the school and making my k ids' life a living hell. Besides, the ex was their mother whom they loved and had to live with. I just could not do that to my k ids. I kept my mouth shut.

My ex-wife married the boss less than a month after the divorce was final. I got the k ids for 1 week in the summer and every other weekend the rest of the year. The ex had turned the k ids against me to the point that when I picked them up on Friday night they only came with me kicking and screaming. I just kept showing up every time and slowly they began to behave better. They would tell me that the ex and her hubby were planning a party. And the k ids always wanted to stay for the party. The k ids could never understand why the parties were always on weekends that the k ids were with me.. They were disappointed that they could not attend. My work often made me late picking the k ids up on Friday nights Many times it was after 7 pm when I arrived to pick them up. I was supposed to be there at 5:30 pm. I always called to let them know I would be late but was still coming. Frequently, the party guest would arrive before I got there. The k ids enjoyed meet mom and "dad's" friends. That always hurt when they referred to the ex-wife's husband as "dad." But they did live in his house and he spent much more time with them than the courts allowed me to spend with them so what should they call him? However, after a while the k ids started asking questions: like why are mommy and daddy's friends all black and how come none of them are married or have girlfriends? Reading between the lines I assumed that the ex was the only woman at the parties sexually servicing all the black men that showed up. The k ids were too small to put 2 and 2 together. I just told them that the single guys always show up to parties first and couples usually show up at parties later. They just had not been there long enough for the couples to show up. And as far as the black men well they came from Omaha and had the furthest drive. They probably did not know how long it would take to drive to their house and had probably left work early to make sure that they were on time and consequently they arrived early. After a few years, they quit asking the questions and just excepted it as natural that on weekends they spent with me their mom would host an office party with black men.

Both my ex wife and I grew up attending the same school and church in our little town. The ex and I graduated High School together but had never dated. Both ex and I ended up going to the U of Iowa. So we would car pool together to school and home for weekends, Christmas, spring breaks and summer vacations. My first date with the ex was at the end of our college sophomore year. We had carpooled together for nearly 2 years before we dated. I was amazed at how easy it was to get her in bed. We fucked and she stayed the night on the first date, but we had known each other practically our entire lives. We got married the summer after graduation from college. We moved back to our home community and found jobs. And we attended the same church that we grew up in. Our roots in this community ran deep and we had many friends and family around. Most people in the community knew us and we knew them as well.

After the divorce, the ex still went to church every Sunday and no one in this community knows the ex's true passion. I am not sure my k ids really know even to this day and the k ids are in their approaching 30. She and her husband have hid their exploits well. A few years ago, I came across that old CD. With the k ids full grown and not porn dogs, I decided that I was finally my turn to tell my side of the story.

Relationships are based on trust. The ex and I had agreed to be monogamous when we got married. It was not like we had a mutual plan to explore sexual relationships outside our marriage. She cheated - She broke the trust. Divorce, for me, was the only option once I could no longer trust the ex to be faithful.
Published by duke92116
4 years ago
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Gene04 4 years ago
Thanks.  I watch those videos, and I always wondered.  You were right.   I'm sure it still hurt you.  Men can sometimes give their love unconditionally.  I know I'm that way.   Whatever we decide the ground rules are, that's it unless we decide differntly.