I had almost forgot... 1996... Walking home from the neighborhood tavern I ran into the apartment complex hottie, we'd spoken on occasions, but nothing exciting. She was always busy.. We were both toasted, and it was a hot summer night She said she had the keys to a friend of her's I had met ..a real hottie. 5'6" extremely fit who worked at a Gym. She said it was cool and she was taking care of her Cat. OK.. so we got there, she opened the door, lights were off, dark as sin. I walked in and she ripped my shorts off and sucked my cock to full attention. She pulled me to the floor and played with my cock. Abruptly she got up and cut on the ceiling light. There sat her friend. Fully clothed and they began to discuss my cock. That turned me on. She walked over and began to play with it. About then, a Redhead I knew, Roxy came out of the back, stood between my legs "I always wanted to see his cock, Now I want to fuck him". I said I always wanted to fuck her. She said she "damn it...on the rag, but I suck you off and you can cum in my mouth" Here I am laying on the floor of an apartment with 3 fully dressed girls and 2 others in bikinis I saw at the kitchen door watching the show, butt naked with a raging erection, getting a blowjob and cumming in Roxy's mouth to cheers. The redhead stood up and exclaimed how good my cum detail. If that wasn't enough, the girl from the couch said "I'll get him hard again, I want a taste". She pulled off her top exposing a huge perfect set of titties, no sag.. firm and all natural, with 1/2 nipples. I was back in action in 60 seconds. All of a sudden, 3 more girls who I knew all of them came in from the clubs.. By that time I couldn't be embarrassed.. Things got hazy from there, but I do remember munching on some meaty shaved pussy while getting a blowjob and a finger in my ass. The pool parties were even better after that night. I was passed around like fat joint...and I wasn't about to complain.
Published by butch711
4 years ago
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