Why Black Men and White Women Need Each Other
Why Black Men and White Women Need Each Other and What This Means for our Society.
Have you ever wondered, I mean….REALLY wondered why black men and white women are seeking each other out in such record numbers these days? Is it the taboo, changing times, integrated neighborhoods, civil rights, or all of the above? Is the black man really better endowed, and therefore better in bed?
Well….the answer is a combination of many things, however the most important reason I believe this is happening is that there remains an innate attraction between black men and white women that goes beyond any of these explanations. It is why black men and white women create the most sexually intense and exciting combination, and why this growing trend of black men engaging in sex with white women is changing the sexual dynamic of this country and is well on the way to becoming mainstream, even as it remains the best kept secret in our largely Christian society. Yes it IS a secret, a dark and lovely secret that is transforming the sexuality of our society.
Why does this remain so growing trend remain clandestine? Why is this allowed to go on? Why is it not discouraged? Why has the Christian right not exposed or opposed it? Why is it that just a few decades after the reality of blatant racial segregation, black men and white women are coming together in bedrooms and yes even in public, but mostly in secret to enjoy each other. So many questions, so few answers.
Interracial sex has existed all throughout history and throughout our country’s history. It began when the very first African slaves were brought to these shores, and interestingly enough, it was more tolerated before the civil war than it was after it! We've all read or heard of the white master’s taking one or more black female slaves for his own sexual pleasure, while at the very same time he prohibited black males from being with white females sexually. Well, this may be somewhat overstated. I for one cannot believe that what we observe today did not also go on in the past. Yes white men mated with black slave women, but black men also had intimate contact with the white women during those early days. That ANY black man had sexual access to white women in the old slave south CANNOT have been purely accidental. The fascination of white men engaged with interracial coupling existed even before, but society opposed, much less admitted that white woman could possibly find the black man sexually attractive. To do so would spell the loss of control over his woman and by extension the loss of manhood.
The white man could not afford to allow the expression of black male sexuality to be openly expressed in his society, because he felt that it threatened the entire social order he had so carefully tried to maintain. To accept the validity of black male sexuality, the white man by extension would have had to accept the black male as a human being worthy of respect and dignity within his society.
To the slave masters of the old south, that would have meant the end of their way of life, OR SO THEY ASSUMED! The Civil War was supposedly fought to end slavery, however that is an oversimplification. There were a number of issues that brought the two sides to conflict, slavery arguably being the most prominent issue amongst them. The end of the war brought an end to slavery, but not to the racial prejudice against Africans, and most certainly not to the fear of black male sexuality. Now the black man was technically, legally a free man, but he was even more feared because now he could not legally be controlled by society. Interracial sex, or miscegenation as it was called was even less tolerated now, because it was perceived as more of a threat to the social order than before! The idea that white women could or would choose to be with a black man sexually was intolerable in the post Civil War south. Before the Civil War the white masters had TOTAL control over black men as slaves, so if there was interracial activity it could be covered up much more easily. Part of what the white male masters feared was a loss of their perceived manhood if their women desired or chose black males instead of them as sexual partners. That fear intensified after the Civil War because now the white man could not control the black man to same degree he had in the past, although the black man was in fact not much better off than under slavery.
The civil rights movement of the 50’s and 60’s started the changes that we see still evolving today. Part of those changes is the acknowledged freedom for people of different races to be sexually intimate. Nobody can quite predict where this will ultimately lead, but it IS clear that nothing is going to stop it, and nothing is even ATTEMPTING to stop it. Why is this? I mean, if white men still control society and government, couldn’t they put a stop to this even if by illegitimate means? Given the power of social and government institutions that white men have, wouldn’t it be entirely possible to undermine all of this freedom in very subtle ways, so that the expression of it is still frustrated? I would argue that it could, very easily, but the fact is that it is NOT!
Why do I say this? Well, just take a stroll down any suburban mall in most parts of the country and you will see at least several interracial couples walking hand in hand, kissing, openly showing affection with each other. These couples are overwhelmingly BLACK MALES with WHITE FEMALES, and they are also teenagers!
If there is hostility out there toward these couples I have not seen it! It seems entirely accepted in mainstream America! You see it in clubs, on the subway, starting to be depicted on TV, in movies, ect. The reality is that….it is HERE, and nobody seems to want to stop it or roll it back. White society has gotten over much of their fear, their shock, and their insecurity over these interracial relationships. As that fear has abated, we are now witness to something else, which is arguably another point in the evolution of feelings and ideas. We still as a society have some fear and insecurity, but now we see and feel something else as well, and that something is excitement! Through the subsiding of our fear we can now begin to see the beauty of black and white together. We are now able to appreciate the beauty of the interracial relationship, which is still at this point predominantly black man and white woman, because there is nothing quite so awesomely beautiful as the black man and white woman together!
There are white male and black female couples as well. This too is increasing, but nowhere near as popular as black men and white women. There is a natural and innate attraction on the part of black men for white women. That which had been denied and held to be so taboo draws the black man for just those reasons. I believe that much of this attraction is sexually based and inspired. The black man’s sexuality is powerful, vibrant, and intense. The white woman draws out of the black man the most exciting aspects of his sexuality, because she presents to him everything that he has traditionally been denied. The black man desires to know the white woman intimately; he wants to touch, to taste, to smell, to be enveloped by her Caucasian sexuality. He wants to bury his manhood deeply into that soft pink yielding flesh, which welcomes his thrusts, his ejaculation, and thus validates his potent black sexuality. Black men cum hard when in
“their” white women, because they are welcomed, accepted, and treasured in the white woman’s bed! They are also increasingly treasured in the WHITE COUPLE’S BED! How can this be? There has emerged out of the changes wrought by the civil rights movement a new phenomenon. Now rather than fear and rejection of the black man, more and more white couples are embracing the sexual magic that the black man can work on the white woman, and willingly including the black man within the circle of their married sexuality.
To be sure, there are varying reasons for this arrangement, but suffice it to say that many white couples find it infinitely pleasurable and deeply satisfying and fulfilling to invite the black man into their bed to partake of and enjoy sexual intimacy with the white wife. While some white wives take black lovers behind their husband’s backs, many find this unnecessary, because their husbands are encouraging and supportive of their interracial intimacies. The smart white husband, who recognizes in his wife the seeds of desire for interracial intimacy, should nurture and encourage the growth and development of her sexuality in this area. Many white couples report a newfound joy and satisfaction in their relationship when they have incorporated interracial intimacy into it. The pleasure and satisfaction the white woman experiences at the hands of her black lover allow her to be sexually healthy and whole, in turn making her a happier and more secure partner for her husband. White couples that engage in this lifestyle also tend to bond deeper together and achieve more satisfaction in their sexual relationship as well.
Many black men question why a white husband would allow much less encourage his woman to be sexually intimate with a black man. I believe it is because he knows that the black man can bring out aspects of his woman’s sexuality that he cannot! This is not a value judgment about white men vs. black men; rather it is an acknowledgement that black men have that special ability to sexually excite, inspire, and pleasure the white female. Of that there can be no doubt.
Knowing this, what white husband who truly loves and cares for his wife, would want to deny her the incredible pleasure that the interracial lifestyle can bring? But others might ask, what is IN IT for the white man? The white man marvels at the incredible contrast in
skin color, the muscled ebony hunk on his pale and soft white woman, the sight of the black man’s muscular buttocks clenching as he drives his majestic penis into the warm yielding softness of the white woman’s vagina. The sighs and moans of pure pleasure that emanate from his woman indicate a level of satisfaction that is deep and primal. It is a powerful force of nature, this hunger between black men and white women, and it must…it WILL be satisfied! He knows that black loving touches something very deep, primitive, and magical for his woman, and that she is better, more complete, and more fulfilled for having experienced it. The white man gets to see his precious white woman at her most sexual, and beautiful as her arms encircle her black man’s back and her hips come up to eagerly meet his every thrust, until he shoots his hot black semen deep within her causing her orgasm to become more and more intense as it cascades through her entire being! She returns to her white husband’s arms totally spent and exhausted, but thoroughly satisfied and fulfilled. When next the husband and wife make love, their passion is fueled by the shared recollections of her interracial adultery. The wife is grateful for her husband’s gift of sexual freedom that allows her to enjoy the black man, and that gratitude helps deepen the bond of love between them. The white husband feels much love and pride for his woman, for the way she shares with him the sights, sounds, and lovely reality of her interracial desire for the black man, submitting to the black man sexually in her husband’s presence without hesitation or shame so as to hold nothing back before her husband’s appreciative eyes.
Black men typically realize that the very finest expression of this enlightened interracial lifestyle comes when the white couple invites him to share his superior sexuality with the wife while in her husband’s presence. Some black men are turned off by this, preferring to be with the wife alone, but more and more black men realize that the acceptance of the white man should outweigh this. Black men should understand that the expression of their sexuality with the white man’s wife is something to take great pride in. They SHOULD want the white husband to see and hear it, and to know how much pleasure they are giving his woman. This arrangement is something truly beautiful to behold for all concerned!
Interracial sexuality in our society is by its very nature seductive! It is winning over the hearts and minds of more and more couples because at its heart it is about people getting together to pleasure and enjoy each other. Young white women in our society, often free of outdated prejudices their mother’s generation held, are showing their true needs and desires as more and more frequently they can be seen in the muscular arms of black boys and men. Teenage interracial sexuality is spreading like wildfire and there is no stopping it now, because in truth there is no will or desire to stop it. White parents in increasing numbers are able to accept seeing their daughters with black boyfriends and are accepting, even encouraging this trend. They know it is the future. While they may not admit it publicly, they want their daughters to be free to love and enjoy as they wish. White fathers understand all too well why their daughters date black males, and the look of contentment on the face of their little girl tells them all they need to know. While they may have their misgivings, they are also struck by the wonder of it all. They see their daughters in the arms of black boys and the sight is beautiful to behold as is their daughters unashamed affection for their black boyfriends.
This growing phenomenon may prove to be final nail in the coffin of prejudice and racism. When the white man acknowledges the black man’s sexuality and is comfortable with that sexuality around his women, then you know things have changed in a very fundamental way.
ENDWhy Black Men and White Women Need Each OtherWhy Black Men and White Women Need Each Other 2
Have you ever wondered, I mean….REALLY wondered why black men and white women are seeking each other out in such record numbers these days? Is it the taboo, changing times, integrated neighborhoods, civil rights, or all of the above? Is the black man really better endowed, and therefore better in bed?
Well….the answer is a combination of many things, however the most important reason I believe this is happening is that there remains an innate attraction between black men and white women that goes beyond any of these explanations. It is why black men and white women create the most sexually intense and exciting combination, and why this growing trend of black men engaging in sex with white women is changing the sexual dynamic of this country and is well on the way to becoming mainstream, even as it remains the best kept secret in our largely Christian society. Yes it IS a secret, a dark and lovely secret that is transforming the sexuality of our society.
Why does this remain so growing trend remain clandestine? Why is this allowed to go on? Why is it not discouraged? Why has the Christian right not exposed or opposed it? Why is it that just a few decades after the reality of blatant racial segregation, black men and white women are coming together in bedrooms and yes even in public, but mostly in secret to enjoy each other. So many questions, so few answers.
Interracial sex has existed all throughout history and throughout our country’s history. It began when the very first African slaves were brought to these shores, and interestingly enough, it was more tolerated before the civil war than it was after it! We've all read or heard of the white master’s taking one or more black female slaves for his own sexual pleasure, while at the very same time he prohibited black males from being with white females sexually. Well, this may be somewhat overstated. I for one cannot believe that what we observe today did not also go on in the past. Yes white men mated with black slave women, but black men also had intimate contact with the white women during those early days. That ANY black man had sexual access to white women in the old slave south CANNOT have been purely accidental. The fascination of white men engaged with interracial coupling existed even before, but society opposed, much less admitted that white woman could possibly find the black man sexually attractive. To do so would spell the loss of control over his woman and by extension the loss of manhood.
The white man could not afford to allow the expression of black male sexuality to be openly expressed in his society, because he felt that it threatened the entire social order he had so carefully tried to maintain. To accept the validity of black male sexuality, the white man by extension would have had to accept the black male as a human being worthy of respect and dignity within his society.
To the slave masters of the old south, that would have meant the end of their way of life, OR SO THEY ASSUMED! The Civil War was supposedly fought to end slavery, however that is an oversimplification. There were a number of issues that brought the two sides to conflict, slavery arguably being the most prominent issue amongst them. The end of the war brought an end to slavery, but not to the racial prejudice against Africans, and most certainly not to the fear of black male sexuality. Now the black man was technically, legally a free man, but he was even more feared because now he could not legally be controlled by society. Interracial sex, or miscegenation as it was called was even less tolerated now, because it was perceived as more of a threat to the social order than before! The idea that white women could or would choose to be with a black man sexually was intolerable in the post Civil War south. Before the Civil War the white masters had TOTAL control over black men as slaves, so if there was interracial activity it could be covered up much more easily. Part of what the white male masters feared was a loss of their perceived manhood if their women desired or chose black males instead of them as sexual partners. That fear intensified after the Civil War because now the white man could not control the black man to same degree he had in the past, although the black man was in fact not much better off than under slavery.
The civil rights movement of the 50’s and 60’s started the changes that we see still evolving today. Part of those changes is the acknowledged freedom for people of different races to be sexually intimate. Nobody can quite predict where this will ultimately lead, but it IS clear that nothing is going to stop it, and nothing is even ATTEMPTING to stop it. Why is this? I mean, if white men still control society and government, couldn’t they put a stop to this even if by illegitimate means? Given the power of social and government institutions that white men have, wouldn’t it be entirely possible to undermine all of this freedom in very subtle ways, so that the expression of it is still frustrated? I would argue that it could, very easily, but the fact is that it is NOT!
Why do I say this? Well, just take a stroll down any suburban mall in most parts of the country and you will see at least several interracial couples walking hand in hand, kissing, openly showing affection with each other. These couples are overwhelmingly BLACK MALES with WHITE FEMALES, and they are also teenagers!
If there is hostility out there toward these couples I have not seen it! It seems entirely accepted in mainstream America! You see it in clubs, on the subway, starting to be depicted on TV, in movies, ect. The reality is that….it is HERE, and nobody seems to want to stop it or roll it back. White society has gotten over much of their fear, their shock, and their insecurity over these interracial relationships. As that fear has abated, we are now witness to something else, which is arguably another point in the evolution of feelings and ideas. We still as a society have some fear and insecurity, but now we see and feel something else as well, and that something is excitement! Through the subsiding of our fear we can now begin to see the beauty of black and white together. We are now able to appreciate the beauty of the interracial relationship, which is still at this point predominantly black man and white woman, because there is nothing quite so awesomely beautiful as the black man and white woman together!
There are white male and black female couples as well. This too is increasing, but nowhere near as popular as black men and white women. There is a natural and innate attraction on the part of black men for white women. That which had been denied and held to be so taboo draws the black man for just those reasons. I believe that much of this attraction is sexually based and inspired. The black man’s sexuality is powerful, vibrant, and intense. The white woman draws out of the black man the most exciting aspects of his sexuality, because she presents to him everything that he has traditionally been denied. The black man desires to know the white woman intimately; he wants to touch, to taste, to smell, to be enveloped by her Caucasian sexuality. He wants to bury his manhood deeply into that soft pink yielding flesh, which welcomes his thrusts, his ejaculation, and thus validates his potent black sexuality. Black men cum hard when in
“their” white women, because they are welcomed, accepted, and treasured in the white woman’s bed! They are also increasingly treasured in the WHITE COUPLE’S BED! How can this be? There has emerged out of the changes wrought by the civil rights movement a new phenomenon. Now rather than fear and rejection of the black man, more and more white couples are embracing the sexual magic that the black man can work on the white woman, and willingly including the black man within the circle of their married sexuality.
To be sure, there are varying reasons for this arrangement, but suffice it to say that many white couples find it infinitely pleasurable and deeply satisfying and fulfilling to invite the black man into their bed to partake of and enjoy sexual intimacy with the white wife. While some white wives take black lovers behind their husband’s backs, many find this unnecessary, because their husbands are encouraging and supportive of their interracial intimacies. The smart white husband, who recognizes in his wife the seeds of desire for interracial intimacy, should nurture and encourage the growth and development of her sexuality in this area. Many white couples report a newfound joy and satisfaction in their relationship when they have incorporated interracial intimacy into it. The pleasure and satisfaction the white woman experiences at the hands of her black lover allow her to be sexually healthy and whole, in turn making her a happier and more secure partner for her husband. White couples that engage in this lifestyle also tend to bond deeper together and achieve more satisfaction in their sexual relationship as well.
Many black men question why a white husband would allow much less encourage his woman to be sexually intimate with a black man. I believe it is because he knows that the black man can bring out aspects of his woman’s sexuality that he cannot! This is not a value judgment about white men vs. black men; rather it is an acknowledgement that black men have that special ability to sexually excite, inspire, and pleasure the white female. Of that there can be no doubt.
Knowing this, what white husband who truly loves and cares for his wife, would want to deny her the incredible pleasure that the interracial lifestyle can bring? But others might ask, what is IN IT for the white man? The white man marvels at the incredible contrast in
skin color, the muscled ebony hunk on his pale and soft white woman, the sight of the black man’s muscular buttocks clenching as he drives his majestic penis into the warm yielding softness of the white woman’s vagina. The sighs and moans of pure pleasure that emanate from his woman indicate a level of satisfaction that is deep and primal. It is a powerful force of nature, this hunger between black men and white women, and it must…it WILL be satisfied! He knows that black loving touches something very deep, primitive, and magical for his woman, and that she is better, more complete, and more fulfilled for having experienced it. The white man gets to see his precious white woman at her most sexual, and beautiful as her arms encircle her black man’s back and her hips come up to eagerly meet his every thrust, until he shoots his hot black semen deep within her causing her orgasm to become more and more intense as it cascades through her entire being! She returns to her white husband’s arms totally spent and exhausted, but thoroughly satisfied and fulfilled. When next the husband and wife make love, their passion is fueled by the shared recollections of her interracial adultery. The wife is grateful for her husband’s gift of sexual freedom that allows her to enjoy the black man, and that gratitude helps deepen the bond of love between them. The white husband feels much love and pride for his woman, for the way she shares with him the sights, sounds, and lovely reality of her interracial desire for the black man, submitting to the black man sexually in her husband’s presence without hesitation or shame so as to hold nothing back before her husband’s appreciative eyes.
Black men typically realize that the very finest expression of this enlightened interracial lifestyle comes when the white couple invites him to share his superior sexuality with the wife while in her husband’s presence. Some black men are turned off by this, preferring to be with the wife alone, but more and more black men realize that the acceptance of the white man should outweigh this. Black men should understand that the expression of their sexuality with the white man’s wife is something to take great pride in. They SHOULD want the white husband to see and hear it, and to know how much pleasure they are giving his woman. This arrangement is something truly beautiful to behold for all concerned!
Interracial sexuality in our society is by its very nature seductive! It is winning over the hearts and minds of more and more couples because at its heart it is about people getting together to pleasure and enjoy each other. Young white women in our society, often free of outdated prejudices their mother’s generation held, are showing their true needs and desires as more and more frequently they can be seen in the muscular arms of black boys and men. Teenage interracial sexuality is spreading like wildfire and there is no stopping it now, because in truth there is no will or desire to stop it. White parents in increasing numbers are able to accept seeing their daughters with black boyfriends and are accepting, even encouraging this trend. They know it is the future. While they may not admit it publicly, they want their daughters to be free to love and enjoy as they wish. White fathers understand all too well why their daughters date black males, and the look of contentment on the face of their little girl tells them all they need to know. While they may have their misgivings, they are also struck by the wonder of it all. They see their daughters in the arms of black boys and the sight is beautiful to behold as is their daughters unashamed affection for their black boyfriends.
This growing phenomenon may prove to be final nail in the coffin of prejudice and racism. When the white man acknowledges the black man’s sexuality and is comfortable with that sexuality around his women, then you know things have changed in a very fundamental way.
ENDWhy Black Men and White Women Need Each OtherWhy Black Men and White Women Need Each Other 2
4 years ago