Fake and Rude Females Accounts

I have to say their are alot of fake females on here, using pics from google, various porn sites, and most of them don't reply to messages, because put it simply, they are not who they say they are, of cause some are real, and think they are very special, just because they got a pussy and tits lol listen loves, you are just a number to me and if i pm you and you ignore, 1 or 2 messages, i will block you, i don't know who some of the think they are, i actually send a nice message, yet it get ignore, maybe that the way they were brought up, have pig manners, anyway i just delete and block, can't be arse with collecting a friends list, when most of them are just fakes. some are also rude to me, having a go at my personal choice, what i do is my own personal choice and not yours.

I send a friends request and they accept, but when you message them, you get a whole load of abused, doesn't sound very lady like to me, why accept if you don't like the way i look and what i do on here, so what if you're a lesbian, you still accepted, and i ask why did you accept, if you hate men that bad ? why leave nasty messages and comments, having a big mouth, and than blocking, so brave ain't they, pathetic really, i don't think they are real lesbians,as real geniune lesbians, wouldn't be using pics from porn sites. i have a lesbian friend outside here, she very nice and warns me their are alot of fakes and nasty people everywhere.

Ladies, why don't you try and be kind to people, is there any reason, not to be. have a think about it, when someone like me say hello, and ask how you are and hopes you have a nice day, at least it not a dick pic i am sending. anyway i just like to thank some of women on here, for been friendly and chatty, pitty the majotity can't be like that.

Published by zap22
4 years ago
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Thermy 4 years ago
there are plenty