How I ended up here, and what I found.
So, I stumbled onto this site while surfing for an erotic video to enjoy by myself, when my husband was out of town, and I was feeling a little horny. But I also liked reading the comments and posts, so I created my profile to be able to leave some comments of my own. I even thought that someone might want to pass some time and chat.
What I didn't anticipate was that guys would be flirting and hitting on me, and what's really surprised me is how much I like it. Why is it that I find it such a turn on?
What I didn't anticipate was that guys would be flirting and hitting on me, and what's really surprised me is how much I like it. Why is it that I find it such a turn on?
4 years ago
Now, this is not a site for knitting patterns where others praise your home-made knitting pots. So, getting an attention on a site like this creates a tension in the diaphragm, will the tension make you break boundaries you hadn't thought of?
On top of that, the vast majority of people enjoy the attention of others, but for some they should not get too close. The most classic example is Donald Trump. He loves the limelight as long as the CNN journalists and other "untrustworthy" journalists stay far away.
The interesting thing is whether you learn sides of yourself that you may not know as well.