Long time no see

Hi everyone.

Long time since last time. Haven't used this site for some time.

I am back home in Sweden.

Just came back here to xhamster and update my profile. If anyone is silly enough to wonder of my history here is my old profile


Hi guys!

I am sorry I been away. I won't be here much in the future. Maybe just go in and chat a bit or write some. But not looking for meetings

I've met a man that I love and that care for me. A man that is a real man, not a sissy like my old man. But not a player that plays dominance games. he is simply a man and enjoy that!

He is 53, born in Turkey. But live here in Frankfurt. His k**s are adult and live in Turkey still so it's just he and me.

He has found me job too! Feels good to have a normal job again. OK not a fancy job like before, but that was never me and after all the stupid stuff I done I don't think I can go back there. But it's a real job.

I feel like I found my place.


------- Many months ago:

Dreaming of going somewhere sunny!

Wehre should I go?

I never been to Africa, seems soo hot! But much of it is kinda scary, for a single girl to travel alone and cheap.

Any ideas where to go?

My story:

A year ago I was married to a nice man. I had a good job that paid good as project manager.

But I was bored. My man was no good in bed. Nice and sweet, the few time we fucked the last year. But my hints that I wanted him to be more dominant just made him blush like. So finally I divorced him.

My job paid good and was kinda nice. But a a bit boring. And I'm like a sub and don't like to be a boss really.

My job took me some days every month to Brussels office, I am from Sweden. And sometime I started to do more naughty play in my free time. When in Brussels and lonely in the evening I dressed like a whore and finally sold myself as a whore on the street. It was such a rush. SO forbidden, so scary and so submissive.

I decided I needed a new start, more adventure. And first thing was to leave Sweden. So I decided to move fulltime to work in Brussels. I took my boss there out for dinner to talk about the possibilities and seduced him to come to my hotel and fuck me. He was like 60, fat and married. And after that we fucked once or twice a week.

And he got me a new job in Brussels so I quit my Swedish job. A bit less pay and first time it was more just an assistant job but he promised it was just a wait for an opening.

Instead after one month he told me my trial work was over. I checked the papers and it was true. I had no job and he just wanted to get rid of me before his wife found out what we had been doing.

I stayed a bit longer in Brussels. Working streets. Trying to see if I could work in red light window. Even had a pimp for a time. He was no pro pimp but he helped me until he got scared by the cops. Most if the time I kinda liked it! Finally I was a girl first and most and all. Not a woman pretending to be a man and a boss.

Ok sometimes the sex was horrible. The men smelly. But afterwards those are the encounters I remember when I play with myself.

Anyway this gets too long. I saved some money for a vacation and decided to go to India because it's cheap to live there and it's so excotic. Well to make a long story short the money lasted less than planned and the guys in India paid a lot less for sex than here.

And now I am back in Europe. In Germany. Freezing and dreaming of the south!

To senimental like to delete stuff


Hoppsan - sometimes things happen fast

Back from India a bit quicker than planned and expected. But I got to good an offer. My ticket was no longer valid as I overstayed and this cool guy offered me to travel back with him and he paid! Who can say no to that!!

So now I'm back in Europe. In Germany. In Frankfurt. First time in this town but found a cheap hostel! Great!

But I don't like the weather, so lloking to travel south. Maybe Spain?

Looking for temporary work:
* Strip at parties
* Housecleaning
* Private porn movies

Will update more soon!


Soon going home

I've had some fun here in India, but didn't really wok as planned and visa ends in couple of weeks. So starting to plan my trip back home to Europe.

But not done here yet. I'm in Goa now!

Still look for cool people!

Love to strip at parties! Make men happy! Do massage!

Would love to work a week at a massage place to make some money!

Also love to do my dream to be in a porn movie! Can't do that at home, don't want my friends to find out.


Looking for fun! And extra work, wanna stay here long time and don't have so much money.

Any offers? Maid? Waitress? Stripper?

Maybe even porn if it's local and not sold in Europe. Maybe a movie about a white woman sold as whore in India?

If You are a man or woman, any age. That think You can help me. Please write. I honest wants to try the things above. strip, do porn. Even work as whore. But so scary on my own. Maybe you can be my pimp :-)

Old update

Lots of things happened and I been away from here. See my blog here.

Too make a long story short, I fucked my boss, lost my job, got busted by cops and lost my pimp.

But I'm fine anyway! Maybe even better like this!

Been out lookign for some short time job, then maybe I going to travel. Any ideas? Job, travel or both?

My old, several weeks old, profile:

I really should update this page as lotsa stuff is kinda old.
I am no longer married, ok I am on paper but we have moved apart and file for divorce on monday.
I know longer live in and work in sweden. I am right now loading my stuff to move full time to Brussels.
I slept with my boss to get my new job in Brussels.
And I have tried street whoring as a second job.

Check out my blog!

I'm a swedish woman 34 years old. I'm bisexual. I divorced my husband after many years of boring straight saturday sex. I am submissive. Really submissive. But never got to live it out right with my husband, or at work.

I am in Brussels now, but like to move to sunnier country.


What I look for in a man:
1/ Legal age
2/ No older than 150, unless he is real manly
3/ He is a real man. That's not about looks, it's attitude. No sissys. No subs.
4/ He, or they, wants fun.
5/ He takes what he wants.
6/ He doesn't give a shit about if I enjoy the sex. It's for him.
7/ Any looks and race, but immigrants is bonus points. Fat is bonus points.
8/ Inexperienced is cool.

What I look for in a woman:
1/ Legal age
2/ No older than 200 :-)
3/ She liked to be the boss. Be my superior. Laugh with me, and at me.
4/ She likes fun, her way!
5/ Sex, or not sex. Just friends is cool. But friends with me more like your admirer kinda

Some things I wanna try:
1/ Lesbian sex.
2/ Gang bang
3/ Much older guy Done
4/ Much younger guy
5/ Sex with one or more younger immigrant guys. Using me as your fuck toy.
6/ Sell myself Done, see my blog. Not for the last time
7/ Someone else sells me
8/ Sit in red light window (But I'll never dare because collegues might see me)
9/ Strip at a party
10/ Nude waitress at a party. Best if both men and women there
Published by anna4slave
4 years ago
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haveabig14ya 4 years ago
Sounds like a fun gal...best of luck finding your real man!
MorePeter 4 years ago
Welcome back. I am glad you are still alive and healthy. I was afraid something would have happened with ll the plans you had.