
Unlike much of the stuff posted by others on xhamster, this is a real and honest account of the changes to my body as I take Oestradiol.

Took a good look at my chest this afternoon and realised that there is no way it would pass as male anymore. Breasts are small, but nipples and areolas completely feminine. Up to now I had always been able to k** myself that no-one would really notice the changes if I took my shirt off......no more! Feels like a sort of tipping point.

Realisation made me have a good look at my penis and balls. I know that, like most people who have one, I spend a lot of time in close manual contact with my penis, but it was only today that an objective view told me it is quite a lot smaller than it used to be. My balls have also become very small and soft.

For those who are interested, it now takes at least an hour to achieve an erection and if I do not "grab" an orgasm when I can feel it starting , the desire and ability to have one can disappear in an instant.

A less obvious change is that my skin is now much softer than it was and the hair on my arms is much finer. Definitely more female than male.

Just to be clear, I have no desire to live as a woman. That being said, the fact that my male characteristics are diminishing and female chatacteristics are starting to be dominant is exactly what I had hoped for.

Will post more as the months go on. Meanwhile, thank you for reading this.
Published by kentdenied
4 years ago
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skibumhi 2 years ago
so damn sexy
TimKent 4 years ago
Very interesting stories.  What does your wife think about it?
Rachelmeemee 4 years ago
What a most interesting read of your account and journey over time and your views on how this has changed you. I would like to know more about this way of life for me xx Rachel xx 
Magliman 4 years ago
Thank you so much for sharing. I have read your posts and seen your pictures. Very exciting journey. I find it exciting to read because I (all too often) have experienced bodily changes after cancer treatments. I have liked something and I could have done without other things.
dogbreathjesus 4 years ago
I cant thank you enough for sharing your transition.