Chastity castration/потеря эрекции от ношения chas
Я ношу chastity первый месяц, целый месяц я не испытывала ни утроенную эрекцию от полного мочевого пузыря, ни мастурбировала членом, занималась только оральным, анальным сексом с игрушками и растягивала соски вакуумом. Сегодня я меняю силиконовый chastity, на металлический, сняла утром силиконовую игрушку, села посмотреть под утреннее кофе свежую эротику на сайте и попыталась возбудить penis, но кроме смазки ничего не произошло. Эрекции не было текла только смазка, а процесс не вызвал особого удовольствия. Пришлось поиграться лаская penis через кружевные трусики и играя пальцами с анусом и простатой, т.е как женщина в процессе мастурбации.
I wear chastity for the first month, for a whole month I did not experience a tripled erection from a full bladder, nor did I masturbate with a member, only engaged in oral, anal sex with toys and stretched my nipples with a vacuum. Today I change the silicone chastity to a metal one, took off the silicone toy in the morning, sat down to watch fresh erotica on the site under the morning coffee and tried to excite the penis, but nothing happened except lubrication. There was no erection, only the lubricant flowed, and the process did not cause much pleasure. I had to play with caressing the penis through Lacy panties and playing with my fingers with the anus and prostate, i.e. as a woman in the process of masturbation
I wear chastity for the first month, for a whole month I did not experience a tripled erection from a full bladder, nor did I masturbate with a member, only engaged in oral, anal sex with toys and stretched my nipples with a vacuum. Today I change the silicone chastity to a metal one, took off the silicone toy in the morning, sat down to watch fresh erotica on the site under the morning coffee and tried to excite the penis, but nothing happened except lubrication. There was no erection, only the lubricant flowed, and the process did not cause much pleasure. I had to play with caressing the penis through Lacy panties and playing with my fingers with the anus and prostate, i.e. as a woman in the process of masturbation
4 years ago