Ice Cream Store Project

When I was f******n years old I really wanted to drive a car. At the time I was helping a family "friend" build a small ice cream stand in the rural community where we lived. I worked on that store for an entire summer and never got paid a nickel. But the owner let me drive his car. It was a 1958 panel delivery, ten years old had been pretty well beat up. I guess that's where the term "beater" came from. But I was in the driver's seat, my feet barely reaching the pedals. We were on a deserted back road late at night. Too soon, the road ended and so did my adventure in driving. We got out of the car, and Jerry offered me a cigarette. I had been smoking for two years already, and most people knew and either didn't give a crap, or figured I'd grow out of it. I took the fag and smoked it like I was Jonh Wayne, all suave and cool. Then, Jerry put his arm around me and pulled me close and kissed me right on the mouth, like I was his wife, or girlfriend, or something. Then he pulled a blanket out of the car and laid it out on the ground. "Come here and lie down with me," he said.

I lay down on the blanket with him and he switched positions where we were head to toe, only his head was at my crotch and vice versa. He unzipped my jeans and pulled them down a bit past my hips and moved my underpants from around my cock. He began to suck it, so I supposed I was supposed to suck his and pulled it from his pants. I started sucking his cock like he was doing mine. Pretty soon, I spasmed and pissed right in his mouth. Jerry coughed and sputtered, and said it was time to go home. I was a tad disappointed because I wanted to find out what was supposed to happen. I knew I was not satisfied, and he appeared to be a bit mad at me. I had no idea why at the time, but I must not have given the required result of his sucking my cock.

Soon after, he fired me and I never did get paid. I told my dad about it and he shrugged it off and said to let it go, that Jerry was a family friend, and it's good to help a friend out now and again. Later, I got the idea that my dad had it going on with Jerry. Lesson learned. Get paid for what you do, one way or another. I didn't even get a cum out of the deal!
Published by casualwear
4 years ago
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xx1236 4 years ago
Some times sex lessons can be learned the HARD/.SOFT way LOL