When MTF crossdressers have sex with men

I found an interesting article that referenced another article within.


Here is just a small excerpt...

But now we can introduce an oddity in this pattern: crossdressing males who, at the very least, dress and act like women, even if it’s only for (sexual) pleasure. Such crossdressers are still technically ‘male’ (at least, I’m assuming those cases where they haven’t gone yet through hormonal treatments and surgery) and have the normal male libido, including the desire for sexual contacts with multiple partners. Now we seem to find a match between those cisgender heterosexual males looking for ‘easy sex’ with something that they view as being ‘female’ (because they identify with being heterosexual!); while, on the other side, we have males who don’t mind dressing and acting the part of females, therefore attracting male partners easily.

In other words: such an arrangement is not very different (in terms of sexual activity, that is) as what happens between male homosexuals, but, from the perceptional point of view, the cisgender heterosexual male views himself as having sex with something ‘womanly’, and does not need to drop the ‘heterosexual’ tag from his self-image. He’s still as male, as cisgender, as heterosexual as the next guy; the difference is that he now found a way to get many willing partners — who think in a way much more closer to their own mindset — who look and act female, and welcome and encourage being treated ‘like a woman’.

It is also a common rumour that sex with a crossdresser is much more fulfilling than sex with a ‘real’ (= cisgender) woman. This, of course, is only a question of perception, and naturally it cannot be taken as a ‘law of nature’, to be refuted or confirmed. Nevertheless, there are a few points where we can understand why sex with a crossdresser, from the perspective of a cisgender heterosexual male, can be ‘more fulfilling’ — beware, though, since they are very sexist and therefore not politically correct:

1) MtF crossdressers are much more willing to engage in sex — especially, of course, anal and oral sex — than most female partners;
2) Crossdressers tend to be obsessive in the way they dress, the kind of lingerie they wear, and so forth; most women, especially once they are happily married, will seldom wear the kind of outfits that males are so fond of;
3) Males, in general, are not so good at faking orgasms; both parties know that, and therefore it’s far more likely that the moans of pleasure from a MtF crossdresser are real and not faked; contrast that with having sex with cisgender female prostitutes, where there is no guarantee that everything might be faked;
4) Because MtF crossdressers are usually ‘invisible’ — most leading ‘double lives’ — they are far more likely to keep quiet about the casual sexual encounters they have, i.e. no, they won’t ring up their spouse/partner and tell them about it;
5) For the same reasons, it’s also much less likely that such crossdressers engage in blackmail or other extortion techniques, since those will necessarily reveal their identity as well;
6) Although this is not universal, of course, there is a slightly higher chance of crossdressers willing to engage in many different sexual variants or even indulge in other fetishes as well (BDSM, for instance), and there is an overlap between certain communities — while the average female partner might not be so willing (this naturally depends on a lot of things, mostly personal experience, and cannot be seen as an universal rule, but it certainly is the perception that those males have of crossdressers).
Published by alexistv
5 years ago
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bbwlovah3 3 years ago
It is however important that people are aware that completely (100%) straight MtF crossdressers (not transsexuals) exist in the world and I'm an example of it.  I've been playing dress up, almost entirely for sexual gratification since before I was old enough to masturbate to completion.  I also had a girlfriend during those formative years who had very wide hips and since I was very athletic at the time, I would often wear her panties and she would wear my boxer shorts.  At first it was "for fun - haha" but it morphed into me buying her panties simply so that I could wear them.  We broke up because she had serious mental problems, but me being a bit of a sissy had nothing to do with it.  Then you have my wife who knew before we even got married that I at least liked lingerie, but she eventually put things together that I was a closeted crossdresser.  She's allowed me to be me as long as I don't embarrass her or spend too much money indulging my fantasies.  I have no desire to be with a man for any reason.  I do enjoy seeing other men like myself in panties - and although I guess there is a turn on factor, I am more focused on the panties than I am on the man wearing them.  Transvestites and Crossdressers are a shared term - these are people who derive pleasure from wearing the clothing of the opposite sex.  There is no specificity that sex has to be homosexual.  Transsexual is a person who wishes to transition their sex to that of the opposite.  They either identify as a female or male and they develop accordingly.  All that having been said, I fooled around with a male friend when I was just old enough to masturbate and I have never had the desire to do so again.  I find me gross.  In fact, I find myself so gross that I dress like the opposite sex so that I like myself better, lol.  No, in all seriousness, I have explored this extensively and I have even blogged on my page about trying sex with a man because I wanted to make sure that I wasn't letting homophobia get in the way of a good time.  I now know with clarity that I'm straight.  Also, I like to be pegged but not because I desire having a cock inside of me, but rather because I love the orgasms I have when my prostate is stimulated.  My wife's fingers are too small so we got a strap on.  She jerks me off when she fucks me.  I still have some hang-ups though - I won't dress up in lingerie when my wife pegs me as I don't want to misconstrue what is going on.
Desertdaddy1 3 years ago
Yep. They will ask to suck your cock and thank you for giving her a facial.....period....got me hooked
manupxx 5 years ago
to tiffanytvslut : it does, but nice to see it in writing
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tiffanytvslut 5 years ago
to mrproh : makes a lot of sense doesn't it ... lol
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mrproh 5 years ago
That sums up why i only fuck sissies. That best sex. We need more femboys introduced to that sissy life. Believe me, I'm doing my part
GurlMaster1 5 years ago
Excellent reading and True..
russtcb 5 years ago
I'll say this; the sexual encounters I've had with a gurl while I was dressed as a male have been some of the best of my entire life. 
CarrieAnne21 5 years ago
seems legit...