Mom and son

Just a few thoughts about mothers and sons...

It should become a respected and praised behavior between moms and sons to be caring about each other more than mostly today. Moms are proud of their sons and are able to be more emotional than any other person. At least till the boy gets to an age of 17 or 18 and can go his own way, having a girlfriend and later having a wife taking care about his needs.

Their relationship has been as intimate as can be from his birth on. And nobody can tell me that their wives didn't enjoy breastfeeding in a far more sensual way than just taking it as a daily plight. My wife from first marriage - which ended when she passed away from cancer so much too early and I still feel her at my side so often - confessed that there was some special arousal building up in her while feeding our boy. About 2 or 3 months after delivering she regularly was hot after fulfilling this sweet service.

After bringing him to his little bed we made love (don't want to call it 'fuck' in memory of her) instantly, no matter if day or night. I must admit that seeing her breastfeeding had given me a kick from day one. Probably the feeling was increased because her titties had grown so much larger.

Now and then I even sucked some sweet drops of milk and didn't steal it from our junior because my wife had milk in such a rich amount that regularly drops of her milk poured out.

She kept on with breastfeeding for almost 2 years but of course his appetite decreased a lot since when he was about 8 months old. But surely enough it wasn't only the milk as food. It was the sensuous caressing and hugging with his mom.

He had a very intense relationship to his mom and I can proudly say that he hasn't become a wimp or at all. No bad influence on his growing up. Like many 'facts' that people talk about, this is pure bullshit too. At least in our case.

Until his age of about 15 years when like all boys he wanted to be a 'man' and disliked being hugged by his mom - mostly if his friends were around - he kept the very tight relationship to her.

At home we had a policy of open doors. Never locking bathroom- or sleeping room doors. For our son it has been absolutely normal to see his mom nude and in case that she had a shower now and then he jumped into the cabin with her. It was fun for both in a very playful natural way.

I for myself did strictly keep myself out of this. Admittedly there was a slight fear in me that he could become a gay. Though I mostly think for myself, that was something that belonged to the indisputable rules in my view of life. You may call it oldstyle.

When he was a boy, he regularly came over to our bedroom in the morning and crept into the bed. And though he was free to choose, he always entered the bed on the side of my wife. She had to move into the middle and we sometimes talked and joked, sometimes started to snooze again. It was a perfect harmony. A loving harmony and it had nothing in common with sex at all.

As probably many c***dren do, he had a lot of fun to creep below the blanket and play a hidden 'monster' creeping up to the surface 'suddenly' and scare his mom. Both she and me played the game and acted as completely scared to death before we all started to burst out in a laugh.

By the way he was never so much interested to play that game with me. His saying was that women are much easier to scare than men. I have no clue where he learned that.

Depending on his mood, set for jokes and adventures or set for hugging and caressing, he often 'dived down' under the blanket and crept around between his moms legs, over her belly or between her titties.

When in this mood and in need of tenderness, he always tried to crawl inside of her sleeping skirt. That was the most intense contact possible.

Sometimes he fell asleep between moms titties and we both talked in a whisper to let him sleep.

At one day he was tangled inside of her skirt. We saw that he was moving wildly and made strange noise. At first we smiled at each other because we thought that he was playing a version of his 'cruel monster'. Then we got aware that he was in panic because he was trapped.

My wife hugged him and soothed him until he stopped to weep. Minutes later he wanted to start another dive. My wife and I were anxious having just escaped a possible disaster. We told him to better stay on the 'surface' but he was unhappy.

Then my wife whispered to me if it was indecent if she would take off her sleeping dress. I didn't think so. Everything better than seeing him in danger. I shook my shoulders.

She thought for a moment, then she got up, undressed and returned into the bed. Though so many years ago, I do still remember that she blushed for being so 'lewd'.

But it was the right decision, no matter what other people might think about. It was pure, it was lovely and it was the best way possible to let a boy learn about tenderness and love.

From that day on, she always stripped when she got aware of junior being in need for hugging and caressing.

Beside the most important fact that he grew up with a lot of love, shelter and tenderness, there was something else. Our son learned so much more about man and woman and love than most other boys.

One moment that I still remember like it happened yesterday was when he was about 7 years old. Junior slipped under the blanket and as often he lay between his moms legs with his head on her belly. He was silent for some minutes and probably had fallen asleep. My wife and I were about to fall asleep too when he suddenly started to wiggle.

His head stuck up and he had a completely puzzled expression on his face. After some moments he burst out 'there is something'. We had no clue. Again some moments later he pulled the blanket aside and stared between his moms legs. Then he told us what his c***d's eyes saw and what he had felt with his hand before. It was like 'a worm is creeping into mom's Muschi' *)

*) I intentionally wrote down 'Muschi' that probably nobody outside of DE/AT/CH will understand. Using the word pussy or even worse cunt respectively their German counterparts that are really gross words was a no-go. So it was clear to us as parents to avoid such expressions. So now you know that Muschi is a very cozy expression.

Junior had discovered the thin string of the tampon and couldn't understand it. My wife becalmed him and assured that there was nothing wrong. A week later on a Sunday our son was in the mood for hugging again, my wife told me that it was time to tell junior about bees and flowers. She continued that it would be the right time for me to go jogging for an hour or so. I understood and accepted. They needed time on their own for it. Again this is something about the special relationship between mother and son.

When I came back, they were waiting for me in the kitchen to have a great breakfast. In a short moment when junior was in the bathroom, my wife smiled at me and said 'now he knows what a bee does with a flower.'

After breakfast junior went out to take a ride on his bike. My wife grabbed my hand and pulled me into our bedroom. She was in the mood to practice flower and bee.

On that evening when junior was asleep, she told me that she had told him all that she thought was adequate for his age. She had told him everything from the point of pure love between man and woman. Junior knew enough about the private parts of male and female and how babies are made. She had not explicitly told him about menstruation because he was too young for that. But he knew that there are days in a moms life when she is weak and the tampon helps.

She jokingly told me that our son would probably try to catch a glimpse of my dick when I was in the shower. Nothing to worry about, he just had to see with his ‘scientific’ look what had been without interest before. Then she giggled and told that she had been the object of a very close inspection in the morning when she had taught him. She had allowed him to explore her titties and the area where he came into the world. Caressing her titties was nothing new, he had done it so often. But now it was more with this new 'scientific view'

She giggled again. She had told him in words fitting for his age, that moms like it very much when their titties are caressed. Our son had been eager to learn. She couldn't keep her nips from getting stiff. She had answered his question about what was happening. Trying to keep lust and sexuality a bit out of their talk, she had explained it with a loving feeling of mom. With a smile she added that she had been hot as a bitch and our son would surely become a wonderful lover when grown up. With a grin she asked if I was becoming jealous. I played it cool and said everything would be fine if I can get my piece of the cake.

Telling him about the place in her belly where he had been before birth was easy. With a smile she told me that junior could hardly believe that he had ever been so tiny to fit in.

Telling him about her Muschi was a more delicate action. She had tried to let lust and sexuality aside and told him that it was a great pleasure for a mom when this area is caressed with love. And she had continued that a dad feels the same love and that makes his 'dicky' grow and it slips in. When mom and dad are very much in love, 9 months later a baby will be born.

With the lightheartedness of his age our son had started to explore her Muschi and he had not only looked at but touched her. While she blushed, my wife told that she had felt completely naughty while she lay there with spread legs in front of our son. But she knew that it was so much better for him to learn about it this way than later from dirty pictures.

She said that it had been a good idea to send me out. If I had been there she surely would not have been able to do it. Junior had seen that area so often but surely never in this straight way. And he had touched her there so many times when he had crept under the blanket. But he had never touched her with a special intention.

Our son had many questions and my wife answered all of them laying the course in direction of love again. Without knowing it, his probing fingers had some effect on my wife and when she felt it, she was considering to stop the lesson. It was a bit too late anyways. So our son learned about the moistness and about that magic small knob that created so much 'love' in his mom.

His curiosity would have extended the teaching lesson endlessly but my wife ended it.

When we talked at night, she confessed that from a certain moment on she had special feelings. Feelings that she declared to junior as being an expression of love. But in fact she was hot and had a hard time to wait for my return and the boy out of the door to ... make love.

One consequence about telling junior all about love and nothing about sex was that he regularly practiced his new knowledge to make his mom happy and give her love. She had her emotions completely under control. Not even a single time I was aware of her moaning but that clearly was only the outside. Her nips were stiff like pencil erasers when we got out of bed and she couldn't wait to see him leave the house to make love with me.

During the next years nothing changed drastically. We discovered that our son at age of 10 or 11 more and more rarely hopped into our bed. We took it as a normal sign of growing up. Then around his 12th birthday he returned to the old behavior.

My wife found out what was the reason. To a part he wanted to be a 'big boy'. Right. But when he returned to the old habits, she physically felt that something had changed. She told me about it but demanded that I wouldn't even dare to confront him with a single word about it. What had happened was that he was struggling with his hormones. On the one hand he was in need for hugging and all. But on the other hand he felt the awakening of his little pecker when he was close to this lovely woman.

Again my wife was the one to clear things up with junior. She was able to do it in a very sensitive female way. Just as a mother can do best. On a Sunday morning she suggested that I should prepare breakfast and clear up the kitchen while she and junior had to talk.

Half an hour later both came down to the kitchen. Junior was happy and relaxed. My wife was happy too but not really relaxed.

Same procedure as years before: When he left the house to visit friends, my wife grabbed my hand and dragged me behind her to the bedroom. We made love like mad rabbits.

After calming down and still in bed she told me, that something had happened. This had caused the irritated expression on her face when they came down. She hesitated to continue but then, after begging me to have no bad feelings about her, she told me.

She had talked to our son and according to his age, she extended the 'pure love' theory and told him that his reaction was completely normal. That problem cleared, they hugged and kissed. Other than before, he gave her 'real' kisses, french kisses. He must have learned about that somewhere on the streets. Then she felt that he, while laying on top of her started to moan and his fingers cramped into her tits. His small boyish body started to shake and my wife knew what had happened. No, he had not penetrated her. But simply feeling the warmth of her body had made him cum on her tummy.

A cleanex tissue solved the problem and she reassured him that everything was ok.

What had troubled her down in the kitchen was that something had gone much too far and she felt guilty. From my side I could only tell her that she had done nothing wrong.

I can truly say that I have never witnessed our son penetrate his mom. Now and then it was obvious that he came while toying around with her, but he did so on her belly and another cleanex wiped the traces away without even me being really sure if it had happened.

I think that there was a bit more than what I witnessed, but I have never asked my wife about it. One point why I believe this is, that when junior was about 13 years old, she told me that she sometimes felt guilty because she felt the urge to let him slide his dicky - that wasn't anymore a dicky but a dick - into her Muschi.

For me it has never been arousing or a sexual matter to see junior be close with my wife, but it was arousing to see her being aroused.

As mentioned, our son hasn't become a freak and has had a truly good upbringing.

This is why I think that concerning a mother-son relationship things are different.

I would strictly object a father-daughter relationship. That is a completely different theme and the cause should be obvious.

Just my 2 cents...
Published by senior-master
5 years ago
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thighfan 3 years ago
Worth a lot more than 2 cents...darn  interesting essay  on the subject!
senior-master Publisher 3 years ago
Hi Peter! I have to add that 95% of their relationship was purely 'normal'. Just mom and son. And at times my wife had to teach him lessons and use her authority. For example when he was lazy with his homeworks for school. And though my son at times tried to persuade her and get a 'bonus' knowing about her love, these limits were strict. After all I think that going too much beyond the normal mom-son relationship in dayly life could have led to a negative outcome. On very rare occasions I saw him hugging my wife in a very slightly above-average way when hugging her, kissing her with his tongue in her mouth and grabbing her tits. But he knew that he was near the boundary :smile:
senior-master Publisher 3 years ago
to umk_a84 : Hello umka84. Sorry, my russian is so minimal that I can not write text in russion. But if you like to translate, you can use google translate. Greetings!
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senior-master Publisher 3 years ago
to randyolfart : Well, I think that their relationship surely was nothing to tell the neighbours about. But it was a win-win situation. My wife told our son how to get rid of his aching hardon in a much more sensual way than one of the girls his age could have done. Added the fact not having to worry about making a teeny girl pregnant with all the complications to follow. And surely my wife was the one to steer their actions at the beginning when our boy was too impatient and surely far from being a good lover. His dick needed relief and that was it. A girl of his age probably would have made jokes and hurt his feelings when he had cum prematurely. And the other part of the win-win deal was that my wife enjoyed it as a very deep form of motherly love AND - though I never watched them 'in action' - I'm sure that she had several great orgasms when he had learned the way to be a good lover. So often after them having their time together it was apparent the whole day. She was in a great mood, loughing, joking and holding the familiy together with a lot of ideas about our acivities (nonsexual) all together. Going out fishing, hunting, hiring a canoe and what else.
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Very l loving story! While I enjoyed and am positive about your story, I don't think I would have turned out well if mom had started me that young. But then again maybe not. I do know that between us as adults, we are totally loving, and respectful=never using gutteral itles about each others bodies.
umk_a84 3 years ago
Добрый а на русском есть вариант текста?
robert_33324 4 years ago
Lovely story
jblvdgr 5 years ago
what a warm story full of love! Thank you for sharing.
senior-master Publisher 5 years ago
to whoreseller : Hmmh, I just had to smile about your mentioning 'keeping a cool head and not allowing the situation to get out of control'. Our son comes very much after me though he has a lot of her good points of personality. From what I guess he took over control in a way I would have :smile: But as I have never tried to spy on them I couldn't swear. After all that was a good decision. There has never been a bad feeling whatsoever between us.
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whoreseller 5 years ago
I think I know, what you mean. There is certainly no symmetry, girls are (and for a long time will be) different from boys - also in that respect. You are also right, the next steps were initiated by your son, and your wife was trying to keep a cool head and not allow the situation to go out of control.
senior-master Publisher 5 years ago
to whoreseller : It's a delicate matter and can result in the opposite from the intended ... In case we had a daughter, I don't think that I had intended to start something. Maybe it's questionable and oldstyle thinking but in my opinion a special relationship of a boy to his mom is different. Not easy to explain. Just thinking boys are strong and girls are not. The same  for grown ups. Concluding that my wife was giving and weak and junior ruled, guess you understand it.
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whoreseller 5 years ago
Those are very delicate matters, but I do admire your wife for putting the good of your son before her needs and urges. In my opinion she didn't do anything wrong and I wish my wife and me would have enough courage and delicacy to explain those matters to our daughters.
ehewichser59 5 years ago
to senior-master : ich kann euch alle (drei) nur beglückwünschen einen solchen weg für euch gefunden zu haben
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senior-master Publisher 5 years ago
to ehewichser59 : Ja danke! Ist ja immer ein etwas sc hwieriges Thema und man läuft Gefahr in die Ecke der Kinderf... gestellt zu werden. Es gibt aber auch wie in unserem Fall viel mehr um Vertrauen und Erotik als nur "das Eine". Danke für das feedback
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ehewichser59 5 years ago
well written and interesting to read