My all beginnings
Version Anglais
Hello, I want to say that I love humans as well as a****ls and that all I write is true. My adventures with a****ls started very young. I was raised in my very first youth on a farm. I have always watched the breeding of a****ls with an attraction and a great curiosity in my early youth, when I saw the bitch of the farm being caught by a male neighbor that excited me at most to the point, yet I was very young and I bandaged so hard in my pants that it hurt me, I saw this dog get excited at the ass tight my dog and then he calmed down, I wondered then what would happen? he then managed to pass a paw over the back of my dog and it is thus stay connected, I was stunned, I watched them until the moment the male managed to free himself; I saw at that moment his big cock all red and fat that he lick minutely, I can tell you that at the sight of this cock that seemed huge I let everything in my pants; it is at this point that my interest in the sexuality of a****ls began. In the evening in my bed, I thought about all this and I started to bend again hard, I began to fiddle with my cock and I found that it was wet at the end and that it slid by itself around my fingers, I then went to polish between my thumb and my index and I jounced after 1 minute. I had trouble falling asleep tonight and I told myself that I had to take a closer look at the sex of my dog.
The following Saturday, I asked mother to go walk the dog because she was still at the chain, she accepted and I took a rope and I went for a walk in the bios which was right behind the farm where there was a very large cabin that my older brothers had built (I'm the youngest of a large family of 6 c***dren), not once in the cabin I began to caress my dog who let herself go and who took a certain pleasure especially when I touched her on the rump, I was there to satisfy my curiosity, so I began by lifting his cock and I saw her vulva swollen and slightly wet, I already bandaged, the male had mounted well and she was still in heat As soon as I started to touch her vulva she turned her ass and lifted her tail, she was all 'crazy', I calmed her by stroking her and then I started touching her pussy again so it was worse she twisted herself it even more ass she wanted a big dick male, I pushed a finger but since they were small there was room for 3 fingers, I penetrated like that and she liked it, so I left my shorts and I fiddled my little tail but so hard, my fingers were wet by the juice of my bitch and mine, I caressed the glans and my bitch then came and licked this pretty glans impregnated with its smell, I had my body and my cheeks on fire.
I was no ass, I took the caresses of her vulva and she was still happy by stretching my ass, so I thought back to the big cock of the dog who had covered and I thought I was going to do the same as him, I placed behind her and with my hands I clutched like the legs of the male she liked it a lot, I presented my cock at the entrance of her vulva and I penetrated easily (I did not have a big cock at that time but it was very hard and the dog had already had several litters, now it would be impossible, look at the beautiful picture of my cock today), I felt an intense heat when I was completely in her vagina and she hugged regularly inside, she did not move and seemed to the angels, again I thought of the male that it had protruded 3 days ago and I started to move in this sex of hot bitch, it did not last long before I enjoy very very strong in it; I quickly disbanded, I wiped her vulva and me my cock and I am backed I took the rope to bring the bitch back home, my mother asked me if she had been nice, I replied that yes of course ,,,, This is how my sexual relationship with a****ls began, I will tell you the next time. For me the real a****l sex is not a fantasy, I really know what it is, I've always been super soft and not 'forcer' with them, today I miss it and this site will maybe allow me to find a solution so that I can again give pleasure to a****ls and to myself.
Well the following is nothing very exceptional (whatever!) For 4 years I enjoyed the joys of relationships with the bitch of the farm, still in the cabin in the woods behind my house; but I specify that it was only during his heat because you know well bitches do not accept relationships outside these periods (I will talk about it), so 2 times a year and trying to enjoy it and him to make it as enjoyable as possible. When her heat came at the end of the 6th or 7th day, I took her to walk and it always ended in the cabin, before I played a lot with her, to run, she who came to bang against me ending up rubbing against my legs and raising his cock to make me see her pussy swell all that was asking to be caressed and masturbated as she loved it, ultimately in the cabin I massaged the vulva, it was 'crazy' and she jumped on it after a minute and then presented me again with his ass raised tail to start again, after a while I simulated the legs of the male who holds it with both my hands as if she was a prisoner and the I him I showed my stiff cock to the edge of the vulva and I put it gently, she loved it and bent the back of an approving sign, the heat of her vagina vagina and regular contractions were that I ejaculated after 2 or 3 mid born in intense pleasure; I started again until she was less crazy and that it did not interest her any more. Once I saw him with the same male as the first time, at the very beginning of the protrusion, I saw him climb over him and stick him to the ass trying to put on his little red while he went more and more quickly being stuck to his ass then calmed down but still panting as it is not possible, I understood that he had to put it all (I understood later the knot) and the he turned around and they were stuck for at least 15 minutes, I jerked off quickly; I let them get disconnected and then as soon as the guy is gone I took my dog to the cabin and I immediately jump in my turn (they are always ready in these cases) with her vagina filled with cum the male, it was too good.
I really would have liked to bring the male with me to the cabin but I've never been able to do it because he did not know me and he was wild enough, I often thought about his big red cock that I saw when he was took off, I would have liked to caress this penis that made me dream but I never had this pleasure. Here it lasted until I left the farm for work and went to Paris; I have not had any relationship with bitches for 10 years until the day I decided to buy my first Vega dog a beautiful Hovawart but this is another story that I will tell later. So after the first time that I managed to shoot my dog imitating the male who covered it I became interested in all the females who were in the farm, unfortunately my parents raised only few a****l breeds, The bass court no interest, the pigs yes but it never really attracted me, the smell of pigsty is very 'hard', well I admit that the few times I accompanied my father brought the sows to the boar it made me hard bandaged and then I was impressed by the boar's tail (odd) and the number of times it mounted it but I never had the urge to stand out a sow , never. On the cattle side it was a lot more interesting so I got closer to our dear cattle. Like all females the period of heat makes them ever more interested but it has nothing to do with the follies of a bitch (which is sweet sweet and demanding), but nothing to see at all, the positive side is that even if they are not 'on the hunt' that's how they say in the countryside, they are always welcoming so that we can slip our cock in the warm and let our juice go, they s' fuck, they like to mass vulva when they have their heat, we can even put their hands in the ass do not bother them besides the inseminator
put their arm on them when he gives them a spangle to fill them, it always impressed me when I was little. I waited for my parents to be in bed and I went quietly in the stable when I had too hard cock, I knew the sweetest (because that is not always the case) and I cleaned their ass and the vulva (it pleased them) and I massaged them and put 2 or 3 fingers, I took the chair used by my mother to milk them, I settled just behind with caution and I put my tail most as deep as I could but they must not have felt much ... How many times have I done it? we will say at least thirty times, there were many cows. For my dog, how many times have she protruded? and probably a little more because even if she was in heat that 2 times a year but it was welcoming for ten days, I protruded twice times 2 times a day when I could; But the pleasure with my dog was incomparable because she showed me her affection and her desire and then after the first time as soon as she was in heat she made me understand that she wanted me to take care of her, what I was doing for my pleasure and his. Here are my adventures of my period in the country. My time in town was much less interesting, I had 2 bitches, a hovawart and a briarde, both super nice and hot during their heat but I never could not see the size of my cock and vagina so tight because they never had litters.
After… It has been about 11 years without there being more a****ls in my life; marriage, c***dren plus life in Paris so it was a little out of my mind (not really) and t in 2003 I decided to share again the life of a bitch at home, a pretty hovawart that I had 4 months, a real soft toy. It was necessary that the qualities of this dog correspond to several criteria that I had at the time: beauty, softness with the c***dren and guardian in spite of that, this bitch fulfilled all these qualities. I spent a lot of time in her early youth to educate well, everything went for the best and then to 8 months she had her first heat and everything came back to me with force . I did not touch during the heat that followed so my sex began during his 3rd heat; but unlike the bitch I had at a farm I could never get her
so I only simulated the ride of a male and him masturbate the clitoris and make him happy by putting a finger as deep as possible, I felt the heat of her vagina and her regular tightening, she took a lot of pleasure and when I stopped she came back quickly to me to represent her vulva all swollen and asked for a tail to put it on; I tried to prepare it gradually to project with my tail but it was never possible and I never wanted to hurt him so I stayed on my frustration at this level, I often put the glans to him the entry of the vulva and a little more but never thoroughly, but I would have liked to do it because I know how good it is to feel his cock ensconced in the vagina of a bitch, it is super hot and we can not resist the contractions of her vagina. She sucked the glans after I put it at the entrance of the vulva, then I jerked and I squirted very hard with such excitement, she came licking what was left on my penis so I stroked it all over telling him kind words and we stopped there; our antics lasted about 30 to 45 minutes. During this time I fucked my wife every night with passion and it always ended in doggy thinking about the beautiful ass of my bitch; I think she never understood why I fucked so much during the heat of my bitch !!! I had a 2nd dog, a briarde, I educated him in the same way but still more gently because they are very sensitive dogs, I did not do anything more with this dog; except that she asked for more and always wanted to be carressed and masturbated during the good period of her heat; she still had a real particular, is that when I put the tip of my cock in the pussy and I forced a little it began to wave and made the same movements as a male who begins to want to penetrate a bitch, it was amazing and absolutely hyper exciting, it was really good to masturbate after these moments of sex with my beautiful bitch. I spent exquisite moments with my 2 bitches, since more sex with my friends the a****ls, ie since 2010 ,,, that's why I seriously think again about the acquisition of a dog or a bitch but if I do I think it would be a male because I always dreamed of holding a beautiful dog's tail in my hands (memory of youth when I saw this big red cock of the male who came to project the bitch of the firm) and I would love this feeling of feeling this beautiful red tail slip into my ass even if it would scare me a little. So it's a difficult decision to make because I know all the constraints of having a dog e to handle it properly. To follow ... not in my stories but in the decision to take a companion on 4 legs.
Hello, I want to say that I love humans as well as a****ls and that all I write is true. My adventures with a****ls started very young. I was raised in my very first youth on a farm. I have always watched the breeding of a****ls with an attraction and a great curiosity in my early youth, when I saw the bitch of the farm being caught by a male neighbor that excited me at most to the point, yet I was very young and I bandaged so hard in my pants that it hurt me, I saw this dog get excited at the ass tight my dog and then he calmed down, I wondered then what would happen? he then managed to pass a paw over the back of my dog and it is thus stay connected, I was stunned, I watched them until the moment the male managed to free himself; I saw at that moment his big cock all red and fat that he lick minutely, I can tell you that at the sight of this cock that seemed huge I let everything in my pants; it is at this point that my interest in the sexuality of a****ls began. In the evening in my bed, I thought about all this and I started to bend again hard, I began to fiddle with my cock and I found that it was wet at the end and that it slid by itself around my fingers, I then went to polish between my thumb and my index and I jounced after 1 minute. I had trouble falling asleep tonight and I told myself that I had to take a closer look at the sex of my dog.
The following Saturday, I asked mother to go walk the dog because she was still at the chain, she accepted and I took a rope and I went for a walk in the bios which was right behind the farm where there was a very large cabin that my older brothers had built (I'm the youngest of a large family of 6 c***dren), not once in the cabin I began to caress my dog who let herself go and who took a certain pleasure especially when I touched her on the rump, I was there to satisfy my curiosity, so I began by lifting his cock and I saw her vulva swollen and slightly wet, I already bandaged, the male had mounted well and she was still in heat As soon as I started to touch her vulva she turned her ass and lifted her tail, she was all 'crazy', I calmed her by stroking her and then I started touching her pussy again so it was worse she twisted herself it even more ass she wanted a big dick male, I pushed a finger but since they were small there was room for 3 fingers, I penetrated like that and she liked it, so I left my shorts and I fiddled my little tail but so hard, my fingers were wet by the juice of my bitch and mine, I caressed the glans and my bitch then came and licked this pretty glans impregnated with its smell, I had my body and my cheeks on fire.
I was no ass, I took the caresses of her vulva and she was still happy by stretching my ass, so I thought back to the big cock of the dog who had covered and I thought I was going to do the same as him, I placed behind her and with my hands I clutched like the legs of the male she liked it a lot, I presented my cock at the entrance of her vulva and I penetrated easily (I did not have a big cock at that time but it was very hard and the dog had already had several litters, now it would be impossible, look at the beautiful picture of my cock today), I felt an intense heat when I was completely in her vagina and she hugged regularly inside, she did not move and seemed to the angels, again I thought of the male that it had protruded 3 days ago and I started to move in this sex of hot bitch, it did not last long before I enjoy very very strong in it; I quickly disbanded, I wiped her vulva and me my cock and I am backed I took the rope to bring the bitch back home, my mother asked me if she had been nice, I replied that yes of course ,,,, This is how my sexual relationship with a****ls began, I will tell you the next time. For me the real a****l sex is not a fantasy, I really know what it is, I've always been super soft and not 'forcer' with them, today I miss it and this site will maybe allow me to find a solution so that I can again give pleasure to a****ls and to myself.
Well the following is nothing very exceptional (whatever!) For 4 years I enjoyed the joys of relationships with the bitch of the farm, still in the cabin in the woods behind my house; but I specify that it was only during his heat because you know well bitches do not accept relationships outside these periods (I will talk about it), so 2 times a year and trying to enjoy it and him to make it as enjoyable as possible. When her heat came at the end of the 6th or 7th day, I took her to walk and it always ended in the cabin, before I played a lot with her, to run, she who came to bang against me ending up rubbing against my legs and raising his cock to make me see her pussy swell all that was asking to be caressed and masturbated as she loved it, ultimately in the cabin I massaged the vulva, it was 'crazy' and she jumped on it after a minute and then presented me again with his ass raised tail to start again, after a while I simulated the legs of the male who holds it with both my hands as if she was a prisoner and the I him I showed my stiff cock to the edge of the vulva and I put it gently, she loved it and bent the back of an approving sign, the heat of her vagina vagina and regular contractions were that I ejaculated after 2 or 3 mid born in intense pleasure; I started again until she was less crazy and that it did not interest her any more. Once I saw him with the same male as the first time, at the very beginning of the protrusion, I saw him climb over him and stick him to the ass trying to put on his little red while he went more and more quickly being stuck to his ass then calmed down but still panting as it is not possible, I understood that he had to put it all (I understood later the knot) and the he turned around and they were stuck for at least 15 minutes, I jerked off quickly; I let them get disconnected and then as soon as the guy is gone I took my dog to the cabin and I immediately jump in my turn (they are always ready in these cases) with her vagina filled with cum the male, it was too good.
I really would have liked to bring the male with me to the cabin but I've never been able to do it because he did not know me and he was wild enough, I often thought about his big red cock that I saw when he was took off, I would have liked to caress this penis that made me dream but I never had this pleasure. Here it lasted until I left the farm for work and went to Paris; I have not had any relationship with bitches for 10 years until the day I decided to buy my first Vega dog a beautiful Hovawart but this is another story that I will tell later. So after the first time that I managed to shoot my dog imitating the male who covered it I became interested in all the females who were in the farm, unfortunately my parents raised only few a****l breeds, The bass court no interest, the pigs yes but it never really attracted me, the smell of pigsty is very 'hard', well I admit that the few times I accompanied my father brought the sows to the boar it made me hard bandaged and then I was impressed by the boar's tail (odd) and the number of times it mounted it but I never had the urge to stand out a sow , never. On the cattle side it was a lot more interesting so I got closer to our dear cattle. Like all females the period of heat makes them ever more interested but it has nothing to do with the follies of a bitch (which is sweet sweet and demanding), but nothing to see at all, the positive side is that even if they are not 'on the hunt' that's how they say in the countryside, they are always welcoming so that we can slip our cock in the warm and let our juice go, they s' fuck, they like to mass vulva when they have their heat, we can even put their hands in the ass do not bother them besides the inseminator
put their arm on them when he gives them a spangle to fill them, it always impressed me when I was little. I waited for my parents to be in bed and I went quietly in the stable when I had too hard cock, I knew the sweetest (because that is not always the case) and I cleaned their ass and the vulva (it pleased them) and I massaged them and put 2 or 3 fingers, I took the chair used by my mother to milk them, I settled just behind with caution and I put my tail most as deep as I could but they must not have felt much ... How many times have I done it? we will say at least thirty times, there were many cows. For my dog, how many times have she protruded? and probably a little more because even if she was in heat that 2 times a year but it was welcoming for ten days, I protruded twice times 2 times a day when I could; But the pleasure with my dog was incomparable because she showed me her affection and her desire and then after the first time as soon as she was in heat she made me understand that she wanted me to take care of her, what I was doing for my pleasure and his. Here are my adventures of my period in the country. My time in town was much less interesting, I had 2 bitches, a hovawart and a briarde, both super nice and hot during their heat but I never could not see the size of my cock and vagina so tight because they never had litters.
After… It has been about 11 years without there being more a****ls in my life; marriage, c***dren plus life in Paris so it was a little out of my mind (not really) and t in 2003 I decided to share again the life of a bitch at home, a pretty hovawart that I had 4 months, a real soft toy. It was necessary that the qualities of this dog correspond to several criteria that I had at the time: beauty, softness with the c***dren and guardian in spite of that, this bitch fulfilled all these qualities. I spent a lot of time in her early youth to educate well, everything went for the best and then to 8 months she had her first heat and everything came back to me with force . I did not touch during the heat that followed so my sex began during his 3rd heat; but unlike the bitch I had at a farm I could never get her
so I only simulated the ride of a male and him masturbate the clitoris and make him happy by putting a finger as deep as possible, I felt the heat of her vagina and her regular tightening, she took a lot of pleasure and when I stopped she came back quickly to me to represent her vulva all swollen and asked for a tail to put it on; I tried to prepare it gradually to project with my tail but it was never possible and I never wanted to hurt him so I stayed on my frustration at this level, I often put the glans to him the entry of the vulva and a little more but never thoroughly, but I would have liked to do it because I know how good it is to feel his cock ensconced in the vagina of a bitch, it is super hot and we can not resist the contractions of her vagina. She sucked the glans after I put it at the entrance of the vulva, then I jerked and I squirted very hard with such excitement, she came licking what was left on my penis so I stroked it all over telling him kind words and we stopped there; our antics lasted about 30 to 45 minutes. During this time I fucked my wife every night with passion and it always ended in doggy thinking about the beautiful ass of my bitch; I think she never understood why I fucked so much during the heat of my bitch !!! I had a 2nd dog, a briarde, I educated him in the same way but still more gently because they are very sensitive dogs, I did not do anything more with this dog; except that she asked for more and always wanted to be carressed and masturbated during the good period of her heat; she still had a real particular, is that when I put the tip of my cock in the pussy and I forced a little it began to wave and made the same movements as a male who begins to want to penetrate a bitch, it was amazing and absolutely hyper exciting, it was really good to masturbate after these moments of sex with my beautiful bitch. I spent exquisite moments with my 2 bitches, since more sex with my friends the a****ls, ie since 2010 ,,, that's why I seriously think again about the acquisition of a dog or a bitch but if I do I think it would be a male because I always dreamed of holding a beautiful dog's tail in my hands (memory of youth when I saw this big red cock of the male who came to project the bitch of the firm) and I would love this feeling of feeling this beautiful red tail slip into my ass even if it would scare me a little. So it's a difficult decision to make because I know all the constraints of having a dog e to handle it properly. To follow ... not in my stories but in the decision to take a companion on 4 legs.
5 years ago