The finished articles......probably
For those who were kind enough to read my earlier posts, apologies. It has been a long time since I posted anything despite promising to do so.......sorry.
After a little over a year on hormones, I have recently stopped taking them. Two main reasons for stopping:
* Other health issues have rendered it unwise to continue taking hormones (irritating!)
* My breasts have reached a decent size with which I am quite satisfied for now.
So what have been the effects of my "experiment"?
They are a quite decent A cup with areaolas which are just the right proportion along with much larger and more sensitive nipples. Stopping is a good idea as they are now quite noticable under a t-shirt, but still look not too unusual on a man of my age. This was a personal thing, not something I wanted everyone in "real life" to know about.
Having sensitive nipples is a real plus! A small estim machine and a couple of nipple clamps works wonders. In have found a new addiction....not something everyone would enjoy, but well worth trying if you have never been there.
Much smaller and softer!
Much more difficult to get hard and often never quite manage it.
I have discovered that enjoying yourself does not necessarily mean cumming every time! When I do manage, it takes a long time. An hour is not unusual. Getting there is really helped by electro stimulation of my new nipples, and having some poppers to hand can lead to the most amazing orgasms I have ever experienced.
What is fascinating is that I will frequently lose the ability or desire to orgasm half way through. This is not unpleasant and mirrors what sometimes happens for women. If you are straight I am sure you know what I mean as your wife / partner is bound to have just "lost" the thread at some point.
I had always wondered why emotionally charged films etc were referred to as "weepies". The answer is Oestrogen! Show me something I can get emotionally involved in, or ask me to talk about something I feel deeply about and I just cannot stop the tears appearing and lip wobbling. It can be a bit embarrassing, but I can live with that.
Overall it has been a wonderful journey. Having stopped the hormones, my breasts have stopped being tender which is a pity, but I can now look in the mirror and love what I see. Which of us could honestly say that they have never, even fleetingly, wanted their very own pair of breasts?
Much love to anyone who has got this far. I have posted a few pics that I hope you will enjoy xx
After a little over a year on hormones, I have recently stopped taking them. Two main reasons for stopping:
* Other health issues have rendered it unwise to continue taking hormones (irritating!)
* My breasts have reached a decent size with which I am quite satisfied for now.
So what have been the effects of my "experiment"?
They are a quite decent A cup with areaolas which are just the right proportion along with much larger and more sensitive nipples. Stopping is a good idea as they are now quite noticable under a t-shirt, but still look not too unusual on a man of my age. This was a personal thing, not something I wanted everyone in "real life" to know about.
Having sensitive nipples is a real plus! A small estim machine and a couple of nipple clamps works wonders. In have found a new addiction....not something everyone would enjoy, but well worth trying if you have never been there.
Much smaller and softer!
Much more difficult to get hard and often never quite manage it.
I have discovered that enjoying yourself does not necessarily mean cumming every time! When I do manage, it takes a long time. An hour is not unusual. Getting there is really helped by electro stimulation of my new nipples, and having some poppers to hand can lead to the most amazing orgasms I have ever experienced.
What is fascinating is that I will frequently lose the ability or desire to orgasm half way through. This is not unpleasant and mirrors what sometimes happens for women. If you are straight I am sure you know what I mean as your wife / partner is bound to have just "lost" the thread at some point.
I had always wondered why emotionally charged films etc were referred to as "weepies". The answer is Oestrogen! Show me something I can get emotionally involved in, or ask me to talk about something I feel deeply about and I just cannot stop the tears appearing and lip wobbling. It can be a bit embarrassing, but I can live with that.
Overall it has been a wonderful journey. Having stopped the hormones, my breasts have stopped being tender which is a pity, but I can now look in the mirror and love what I see. Which of us could honestly say that they have never, even fleetingly, wanted their very own pair of breasts?
Much love to anyone who has got this far. I have posted a few pics that I hope you will enjoy xx
5 years ago