My Early Experience
Some might wonder how a woman ends up like me? Needing, desiring to be used, treated like a slut, whore, etc. Only explanation I can give is my early experience. When I was a much younger lady I had experience that would change my life forever. One night it started. My own older brother came to my bed one night. He put his hand over my mouth and mounted me. Fighting, saying no these words actions never escaped my mouth brain. I laid back and let it happen. The next morning not only did my body feel different but so did my mind. I loved when he used me. If I got mouthy try to say no he slapped me across the face. He let me know right away who was in charge. He only had to slap me a couple times until I understood. I loved how he treated me. My usage from my brother continued as often as we could. Daily or at least ever other day I was getting used by him. He would use me sexually cum in me, have me give him blow jobs always swallowing, handjobs. Whenever he wanted, wherever. The word no never was allowed to escape my lips. He was the first man to train me, to show me what my purpose on earth was. I am on this earth to serve man. Due to events out of either one of our control he moved away. I was devastated. He opened a door that couldn't be closed no matter what. I craved, wanted my training to continue. I wanted it to continue by an older man. But didn't know how to go about doing the training. Who to ask? How to ask? This was before ever home had a computer internet. Before everyone had smart phones. If it was now I probably could of found a willing older man to continue what my brother started. But back then me being extremely shy didn't help matters. Sadly to say i didn't find the older man then. Would be many years later until I found my Owner, where he would help me, train me again. I always wonder how better i be if the training could of continued then. But tis life we move on.
5 years ago