PSNM Adult Survey

answered by yours truly. Please feel free to answer and post your results in the comments below!

1. Would you describe yourself as a naturalist (nudist)? Sort of
2. Do you actively walk around the house in the nude? Every time i have a chance
3. Would you want your partner or roommate to walk around nude more? Don't have one.
4. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone you didn't know? Yes
5. Have you ever been walked in-on while naked yourself, such as while changing? Yes...i always leave the door unlocked
6. Do you sleep in the nude? Yes...the only way for me
7. Do you find partial nudity (lingerie) more appealing than full nudity? Sometimes
8. Did your parents keep a stash of porn in the house? No
9. Have you ever been to a nude beach? Yes, few times
10. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Yes
11. Do any nude pictures or videos of you exist? Of course! Many!!!
12. Have you ever received a nude picture from someone? Yes
13. Have you ever sent a revealing picture of yourself to someone? Oh Yes! and i love it!
14. Have you ever sunbathed naked in your own backyard? Yes
15. How did you feel about showering after gym class in middle and/or high school? Loved it! I really enjoyed showing myself naked
16. As an adult, how do you feel about showering after working out at the gym? I love it! Love to show myself naked
17. Have you ever been to a strip club? Yes
18. Men, How large is your un-erect penis? 2.5 Inches
19. Men, How large is your erect penis? 5.5 inches
20. At what age did you start masturbating? 7
21. How often do you masturbate? Everyday, at the very least once, most of the time, twice
22. What is your sexuality? Homo, but getting bi-curious.
23. How do you usually masturbate? Most of the time, cockring, right hand on the bed, or in the shower, sometimes with sex toys.
24. Do you usually use any kind of lubrication when masturbating? Not usually.
25. Men, When you ejaculate/cum, does it squirt or dribble? Both.
26. Men, Have you ever tasted your own cum? Of course! I love my own cum so much!
27. Have you ever experimented sexually with a friend? Yes! with many friends
28. Where do you usually masturbate? In my bedroom, in the shower, at the computer, in my car, many other places.
29. Where was the most awkward place you've masturbated? At church, at school during class, at work.
30. Have you ever masturbated in public? Yes, many times! love showing!
31. Have you ever had sex? Of course Yes!
32. How long does it usually take for you to cum/orgasm/ejaculate? It really depends. Can do in 3 minutes or 3 hours.
33. Have you ever masturbated on webcam? Yes, a long time ago.
34. Do you enjoy watching other people masturbating? Yes!
35. Do you enjoy sex best with or without a condom? Without, bareback is the only way for me
36. On a scale from 1 to 5, how horny are you right now? 5
37. Men, when you cum, where does it go? My belly, sometime on my face
38. Do you masturbate until orgasm? Depends, i love edging, but i need to cum off at least once a day
39. Has anyone ever caught you masturbating? Yes! Many!
40. At what age did you lose your virginity? Oral and anal at 11.
41. Have you ever had Anal Sex? Yes
42. How often do you have sex? Really depends if i find a partner.
43. How often would you like to have sex? Everyday? Of course i want to have sex every day!
44. How many people are you having sex with presently? 3, sometimes 5, depends on their availability(they are all married)
45. How many people have you ever had sex with? I have no clue, lost count.
46. Would you have sex with someone you did not feel attracted to for financial or professional gain? No.
47. Would you let your partner have sex with someone else for a million dollars? Yes
48. How often do you watch porn? Everyday
49. Have you ever faked an orgasm? No
50. Professional or Amateur Porn? Amateur
51. Have you ever had sex in an unusual place, if so, where? Yes, church, classroom, public pool, in a changing room
52. Have you ever had a threesome, or more? Yes and yes
53. Have you ever had sex with a stranger? Yes, many times
54. Have you ever spied on someone masturbating or having sex? Yes, many times
55. Have you ever took a photo or filmed during sex? Yes, many!
56. Have you ever been forced to have sex? Yes
57. Have you ever cheated on someone? No
58. Have you ever been offered sex by someone other than a partner? Yes, many times
59. Are you for or against nudity around family and friends? I'm okay with that.
60. Do you think women as well as men should be able to be topless anywhere? Yep, why not
61. Do you think being completely or partially nude in public should be legal? Places like beaches, Yes
62. Are you comfortable being nude around strangers? Yes, love it
63. What do you think of masturbation? Love it so much! everyone should do it.
64. Have you ever caught someone masturbating, if so who? Yes, my mom, my older brother, one neighbor, best friend, best friend's dad, and few others
65. How often do you look at porn? Almost everyday or whenever I'm bored
66. What is your favorite part about sex? Everything!
67. Do you, or have you ever used a sex toy? Yes, many times
68. Have you ever been caught having sex? Yes, many times.
69. Are you masturbating right now? Yes!
70. Have you ever been to an Adult Store? Yes
Published by bttm4cum
5 years ago
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