1. If you get offered a quick Job, no matter how broke
you're, walk away.Say No & don't look back; even if it's for
charity, Baleka!
2. No earphones while walking in the CBD.
3. When you see a lot of People running & Shouting
"Vimba" Just know something is about to go down
4. When someone offers to sell a brand new smartphone
at a cheapest price in the CBD, Baleka!
5. Don't be shocked when you see celebrities at Braam /
NewTown they're always there.
6. Do not wear Mini Skirts in Jo'burg CBD
7. Never go to China Mall alone, that side is a bit quiet &
dangerous; You will be jacked.
8. In a TAXI Close your nearest window especially if you're
using a taxi from Rivonia or Morningside, as soon as you
enter Hillbrow put your phone away. Only take out your
phone on the freeway because these local born Nyaope
Boys Have skills on opening the Window from outside to
access your phone, and It happens so freaking fast.
9. If you see someone with a big bag asking for taxi money
to go home trust me, those streets are his home, they
always have that bag & that Story, so Just keep moving
10. Those Nigerian guys by those Small Shops at Bree Taxi
Rank will always stop you & say " Don't you wanna sell your
PHONE for Good Money" Just say NO & flee fast.
11. Also when you see a guy "accidentally" dropping a
stack of cash" don't pick up the money, just mind your own
business & keep walking faster.
12. It Helps to walk where everyone walks, there are no
short cuts in JOZI.
13. Never ask for direction especially at MTN taxi rank
14. Never say sorry
15. Never let anyone help you carry your bag, no matter
how heavy it is.. Never.
you're, walk away.Say No & don't look back; even if it's for
charity, Baleka!
2. No earphones while walking in the CBD.
3. When you see a lot of People running & Shouting
"Vimba" Just know something is about to go down
4. When someone offers to sell a brand new smartphone
at a cheapest price in the CBD, Baleka!
5. Don't be shocked when you see celebrities at Braam /
NewTown they're always there.
6. Do not wear Mini Skirts in Jo'burg CBD
7. Never go to China Mall alone, that side is a bit quiet &
dangerous; You will be jacked.
8. In a TAXI Close your nearest window especially if you're
using a taxi from Rivonia or Morningside, as soon as you
enter Hillbrow put your phone away. Only take out your
phone on the freeway because these local born Nyaope
Boys Have skills on opening the Window from outside to
access your phone, and It happens so freaking fast.
9. If you see someone with a big bag asking for taxi money
to go home trust me, those streets are his home, they
always have that bag & that Story, so Just keep moving
10. Those Nigerian guys by those Small Shops at Bree Taxi
Rank will always stop you & say " Don't you wanna sell your
PHONE for Good Money" Just say NO & flee fast.
11. Also when you see a guy "accidentally" dropping a
stack of cash" don't pick up the money, just mind your own
business & keep walking faster.
12. It Helps to walk where everyone walks, there are no
short cuts in JOZI.
13. Never ask for direction especially at MTN taxi rank
14. Never say sorry
15. Never let anyone help you carry your bag, no matter
how heavy it is.. Never.
5 years ago