Tributes on hold - Full Explanation
Ladies and Gents,
Currently I am being asked to make tributes by people at the place of several per week. If I do not respond with an "affirmative" within about .00000000001 Nano Seconds, I am often hit with some rather belligerent followups asking why I have not complied with their demands. Impatient or aggressive requests aside here is the basic reason;
My "target" you see in the videos/pictures was a very old laptop that finally just gave up the Ghost during 2018 and had to be thrown away.
Seeing as Santa Claus did not bring me a replacement laptop or an iPad for Christmas I am on hold for the time being.
Before being called a total idiot and "ordered" to print up pictures, I have a unique set of circumstances and therefore I will NOT be printing up pictures and cumming on a piece of paper.
Thanks for your understanding, I expect no one will read this anyway lol!
Dick Stroker
For more details about this subject in general, please take the time to read this previous post of mine;
Update on 11-22-21: Boy, I sure wish I could get a tall draft of Beer for every single time I showed this to some LAME LOSER MALE who was posing as a "female" or "couple" read it and got butt hurt, then blocked me. Go ahead and block me, you won't get a tribute for sure after you block me you sad freak!
Currently I am being asked to make tributes by people at the place of several per week. If I do not respond with an "affirmative" within about .00000000001 Nano Seconds, I am often hit with some rather belligerent followups asking why I have not complied with their demands. Impatient or aggressive requests aside here is the basic reason;
My "target" you see in the videos/pictures was a very old laptop that finally just gave up the Ghost during 2018 and had to be thrown away.
Seeing as Santa Claus did not bring me a replacement laptop or an iPad for Christmas I am on hold for the time being.
Before being called a total idiot and "ordered" to print up pictures, I have a unique set of circumstances and therefore I will NOT be printing up pictures and cumming on a piece of paper.
Thanks for your understanding, I expect no one will read this anyway lol!
Dick Stroker
For more details about this subject in general, please take the time to read this previous post of mine;
Update on 11-22-21: Boy, I sure wish I could get a tall draft of Beer for every single time I showed this to some LAME LOSER MALE who was posing as a "female" or "couple" read it and got butt hurt, then blocked me. Go ahead and block me, you won't get a tribute for sure after you block me you sad freak!
5 years ago