The Challenge Technique

Whenever a woman is in a relationship she will always try to challengeher man. Some people refer to these challenges as tests. These challenges or tests like most other women’s behavior happen at a subconscious level. Women will challenge their men to see how strong their men are and how strong their men’s emotional quotients are. It
is widely believed that good genes in men are directly linked to strong emotional quotients. So when a woman challenges you she is basically doing so at a subconscious level to figure out how good your genes

It is important for women to figure this out because women have a limited time span in which they can reproduce. Challenging men helps them pick out good mating material or in other words men with good genes. In this chapter you are going to learn how women’s’ challenges actually work in favor of men who want to be cuckolded and how to
use the powerful ‘challenge technique’ to get your woman to willingly agree to cuckold you.

How do women challenge men?

There is no fixed pattern or way as to how women challenge men but they do it all the time. It might range from showing up late on dates, purposely forgetting to do things, making you jealous or even small minor thing that you may hardly notice. Most of the time men do not even realize that they are being challenged. Sometimes women do not
realize it themselves because this is all happening at a subconscious level. Another thing to remember is that women never stop challenging men. I honestly do not know why this happens but they just do not stop. You can win their challenges a hundred times but they will just keep challenging you. If you are seeking to be cuckolded then this behavior is actually an advantage for you.

What happens when your woman challenges you?
Every time your woman challenges you one of two things will happen. You will either appear as emotionally strong in her mind or you will appear as emotionally weak in her mind. There is no in between. If she challenges you she is not going to mentally classify you as 80% emotionally strong and 20% emotionally weak. You are going to be classified either as being emotionally strong or emotionally weak.

Never forget this point.

So every time your woman challenges you and you win that challenge she feels that you have an emotionally strong quotient which then makes her feel your genes are good and which then leads to strong sexual attraction. As you already know when a woman feels strong sexual attraction towards you the chances of her cuckolding you are absolutely minimal. However every time you are challenged by your woman and you loose that challenge it leads her to classify you as having a weak emotional quotient which in turn leads her to think that you do not have the best genes and thereby reduces sexual attraction.

At this point of time you are probably thinking that all it should take to kill sexual attraction and get your woman to cuckold you is to start loosing her challenges. This is not the case for a variety of reasons.

♠ Most of the time it is very difficult to tell when your woman is challenging you. Woman do it so subtly that most men hardly realize that they are being challenged. If you do not realize you are being challenged then it is difficult to purposely loose her challenges.

♠ In my research and my interaction with all my students, I have found that most men who want to be cuckolded have extremely high emotional quotients. So whenever your woman challenges you and you do not realize you are being challenged, chances are extremely high that you are going to win her challenge and thereby create strong sexual attraction.

♠ Sometimes you might realize that you are being challenged but because you have a strong emotional quotient you may find it extremely difficult to give into her challenges.

So how do you use challenges to help with your desire for a cuckold relationship? I am about to teach you one of the most powerful techniques that you can use to get your woman to cuckold you. You can mess up with all the other techniques that I teach you but if you do this one right you can still get her to willingly agree to cuckold you.
The best part about it is that it is so much fun and it actually gives you a glimpse of what your woman is going to be like when she cuckolds you.

You will find her automatically becoming more dominant and assuming more control in the relationship.
Published by man1982_ca
5 years ago
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