
My name is Jennifer, but everybody calls me Jenny. Bill, my husband, and I
started dating in high school, and continued to date until we graduated. We
were sexually active from the second date. I was aware that Bill had a kinky
side, but it didn't bother me all that much. By kinky, I mean he liked to
show me off to his buddies and even to strangers. Things like lifting my
shirt or pulling my top down, to show off my boobs. I was always self
conscious of my breasts, because to me they were too small and looked funny.
My nipples are puffy and breasts are cone shaped, but that didn't deter
Bill. He showed then to every man that seemed interested. I was a late
bloomer that didn't bloom all that much. Until I was sixteen, I had the body
of a little boy. At twenty, I had the body of a thirteen year old girl.

One night just a few months before we got married we went to a Forth of July
fireworks show. As usual Bill packed a lot of beer in a cooler. We ran into
an old friend of Bills and he sat with us on our blanket and helped us drink
the beer. I don't even remember his name. After the fireworks there was
still beer left and good old Bill was never one to save some for later. We
ended up at the lake and Bill's friend went with us. While Bill and I made
out in the front seat of the car, the guy sat in the back and watched us. I
felt a flash of embarrassment when Bill took my shirt off. It wasn't long
before Bill had me out of the car and bent over the trunk of the car. While
Bill screwed me the guy watched us. I was terribly embarrassed, but I didn't
say anything. By that time it was too late anyway, because both Bill and I
were too hot to stop.

I was working as a bank teller while Bill drove a city delivery truck. After
we were married Bill kept showing me off to anybody we happen to run across.
Often he would have me model lingerie for his friends. Over time, Bill had
became more and more brazen with our sexual activities, and on several
occasions he would have sex with me with his buddies watching. After a while
I stopped being embarrassed and went with the flow. I guess Bill had what
you would call a low libido, because he needed something extra to get his
motor running. I took what I could get, even if it meant an audience. He
would put on a show for his friends every couple of months when the mood
suited him. We never talked about it. He never mentioned it and neither did
I. It just got to be a part of our routine. We had been married nearly a
year, and during that time none of his friends ever touched me. It was a
rule that abruptly changed one night.

"Jenny, I'm home," I heard him call. He was late, but I knew he was going to
be out with friends drinking. "Come on out here and say hello to my new
friend, Toby."

"I'll be out in a minute," I called back. I had just gotten out of the bath
and was wearing my old quilted robe. I assumed that it was going to be
another show time for his new friend. It was okay with me, because I was
horny, and because Bill hadn't touched me for several days. Like I said, I
took what I could get and when I could get it. Toby turned out to be a large
black man, which was odd because I hadn't even known Bill knew a black

"Hi Toby," I said. Bill and Toby were setting on the couch in the living
room of our small apartment. "I'm Jenny." Toby was a very large man with his
head shaved and shining in the light. He grinned and nodded at me.

"You want a beer?" Bill asked, his words slurred.

"No, Honey, there's some wine in the frig," I answered. I was a little
pissed, because when Bill drank a lot, which apparently he had been, he
couldn't get it up, or keep it up if he happened to get an erection. It was
shaping up to be another night of his fumbling attempts and going to sleep
before I even got aroused. I got a glass of wine and went back to the living

"I was telling ol' Toby that you have the prettiest tits in this part of the
country," Bill said stumbling over 'prettiest' "Why don't you show him your

"Why don't you just go to bed, Bill?" I snapped. This was going to be
another dry run for sure.

"'Cause I was goina show Toby what a great body you have, Jenny," Bills head
was bobbing around like it was on a spring. He wasn't even going to make it
to the bedroom. "Open your robe and show him your pretty tiny tits." I
wasn't about to show Toby anything, because I knew there was nothing in it
for me. Toby watched Bill with an amused expression on his face.

"I would like to see them," Toby said in a surprising soft voice for such a
large man. "Bill's been braggin' on them all night."

"How do you know Bill?" I asked. "You have a last name?"

" Brown, Toby Brown. Met him tonight at a bar. He was fucked up when I met
him, but he kept on bragging about his beautiful wife, so I had to see for
myself. Besides he couldn't drive, so I brought him home. He was right on
the money. You are beautiful, Jenny."

"Thank you, Toby," I said. "And thanks for bringing him home."

"Don't I get a reward for bring the lush home?"

"I suppose," I said. "What would you consider a proper reward?"

"A real good look at that luscious body would be a good start," he said with
a big grin. "Bill said you did lingerie modeling."

"Not like a professional model," I said. "Just here at home sometimes."

"Okay," he said. "That would work for me." I did owe the big guy for
bringing Bill home, so I figured why not. Modeling always got me hot, and I
thought that might be a good start to my night with my trusty dildo.

I went and changed out of that old ratty robe into a white teddy. By the
time I got back to the living room, Bill was passed out. I put some music on
the stereo and began to model for Toby. At Toby's insistence I changed into
another little number. When I returned Toby applauded. I made sure to give
him a tit flash a couple of times as I paraded around. There was something
sexy and taboo about showing off for a black man. Bill was there, but he
wasn't really there. He was snoring loudly.

"Nice, Jenny," Toby said. "More please."

I make a couple more changes the last one was a red bra and panty set. I
didn't bother with the garter because I didn't want to dig out my red hose.

"Now that's what I'm talkin' about!" Toby said when I came into the room.
"Girl you look like a million dollars." I don't know why I took such delight
in his opinion of what I looked like, but I did. I blushed at his words of
praise. I strutted around the room and came back in front of where he sat.
"Am I going to get a good look at your tits?" he asked. I reached back and
undid the bra. This was what Bill brought him home for, wasn't it? I let the
bra drop and tossed it away. I could almost feel the heat from his eyes as
he stared at my boobs. I've always gotten a thrill when some man looked at
me, but this was certainly more than a thrill. I felt a well-known tingle in
my groin.

"Show me the rest of you," Toby said in his soft voice. I think it was then
that I knew for a certainty that Toby was not just a watcher. I knew in my
heart that that black man was going to have sex with me while my husband sat
snoring in a drunken stupor. I eased the panties down a little at a time.
For some reason I got a kick out of teasing this big black man. I knew
without having to look, that my outer labia was swollen and puffy.

"Come here, girl," Toby said. I kicked the panties on off and slowly
approached the man. My heart was racing and my mouth was dry. Toby pulled me
down onto his lap. "Have you ever fucked a black man?" he asked. I shook my
head. "You are about to, you know?" I nodded my head. Yes, I did know. He
had his big paw on my breast, toying with my puffy nipple, which felt like
it was about to explode. "I'm going to stick my hard black cock in your
pussy and fuck you 'til you beg me to stop. Do you want that?" As my answer
to the question, I spread my legs to give him access to me. He chuckled as
he ran a finger between my pussy lips. "Nice and wet for ol' Toby ain't
you?" His finger and thumb found my extended clitoris, and he grasped it and
tugged. I nearly jumped from his lap. It was like an electrical surge went
through me. I was moaning loudly. I glanced over at Bill, who didn't even
twitch at the racket I made. Toby stuck a finger in my wet pussy, keeping
his thumb on my button. I had a small orgasm.

"You are some kind of hot Mama, Jenny," Toby said. "I'm going to love
fucking you, and I think now is the time." He stood up, lifting me as if I
weighed nothing. I pointed the way to the bedroom where he gently deposited
me on the bed. "You want to see what you're about to get?"

"Yes," I said, my voice husky. He took off his shirt and tossed it aside. He
undid his belt and let his pants fall. He was wearing a pair of red briefs
with a huge bulge. He quickly removed the briefs, displaying the largest
penis I had ever seen. It was almost twice as big as Bill's dick. "Oh my
God," I said, unaware until he grinned at me, that I spoke aloud.

"You're gonna love this piece of meat," Toby said with a grin as he
approached the bed. "And I'm gonna love you loving it." Then Toby did
something that no man had ever done to me. He licked and nibbled my pussy,
sending me into one whimpering orgasm after another. Bill never engaged me
in oral sex. He was always one-way about it. He wanted me to suck his dick,
but never returned the favor. I was flying high from this big black man's
tongue. Just when I thought it could get any more intense Toby put his big
cock in me. I realized that I was screaming, but didn't care. The worst
thing that could happen was Bill would wake up to find a black man fucking
me. We did it with Toby on top of me, doggy style, and with me on top of
him. I came at least once in every position. Toby ejaculated several times,
but never seemed to go completely soft. His recovery time was remarkable.
Toby ate me two more times that night. One while we were in a sixty-nine. I
really enjoyed that. I didn't even mind the taste of our combined fluids on
his cock.

Toby left me about three o'clock in the morning. He had to let himself out
because I was too exhausted to get off the come soaked bed. I remembered him
telling me that I was a great fuck, and that he wanted more of my pussy.
Bill was gone to work when I got out of bed the next morning. He never asked
me what happened that night, and I doubted that he even remembered bringing
the black man home with him.

A week later, Bill got promoted to short-haul over the road driver. He would
leave on Sunday night and get back home either late Friday night or early
Saturday morning. I didn't see or hear from Toby. I thought about him and
his wonderful tool many times, and had fingered myself and used the dildo
several time. I chalked it up as a one time thing. I couldn't have been more

One afternoon I looked up at a customer approaching my teller window and
there he stood with a broad grin on his face. He looked even larger standing
in the bank then he had in my house.

"Hi Jenny," Toby said in his soft silky voice. "How you doin'?"

"I'm fine," I managed to say. There wasn't another customer in the bank and
my fellow teller had not returned from her lunch break. The manager was in
his office with the door closed. Even at that distance, I felt myself start
to moisten.

"I've thought about you a lot," Toby said handing me a check to cash. I
automatically went through the check cashing procedures. "Have you thought
about me?" I nodded while counting out his money. "Good. I hear Bill is
running over the road these days. Why don't I drop by tonight?" I felt a
tingling in my midsection. I nodded while looking into his eyes. "Good, I'll
see you about seven?" Again, I nodded not trusting my voice.

Toby showed up right on time. He didn't waste a moment. He had me naked and
on the bed within ten minutes of his arrival. He fucked me until nearly ten
o'clock when hunger drove us out of bed. I called in a pizza order and we
had pizza and beer. In fact Toby finished the last slice of pizza while I
straddled him. He sucked my whole breast in his mouth in an effort to get
the splattered pizza sauce off. We were back on the bed shortly after that.
Toby left around two o'clock in the morning.

After that night Toby came to me two or three time a week. I made sure that
Toby didn't come while it was still daylight because of the neighbors. The
old bag that lived next door had her beak in everybody's business. We live
in a pretty conservative town in the south. There are several larger cities
within a short driving distance.

Toby and I maintained our covert relationship for several months. I asked
Toby what he did for a living, but he was always vague with his answer. I
gathered that he was some sort of personnel recruiter. Toby called himself a
headhunter. Bill didn't catch on. He spent every weekend drinking or drunk.
Now it wasn't all that important to me, because I had plenty of sex without
him. Great sex, too.

One day in early summer, Toby called me at work on my cell phone and told me
we were going out that night to a large city close by. That was a departure
from our normal routine. We had never gone out in public together before.
Because it was some distance away, I thought it might be fun for a change,
so I agreed to meet him just outside of town for our trip.

The night out was fun. Toby took me to a nice upscale restaurant and we had
a lovely meal. We went to a night club that was mostly all black. I only saw
a few white faces and they were all women. Toby seemed to know everybody in
the place and he apparently enjoyed showing me off. We got back to my house
just after midnight for some great sex.

In early June, Bill got another promotion to long distance driving. He was
gone more now than he had been. His run was from Atlanta to the west coast
and back to the east coast. Now he was gone for two or three weeks at a
time. Bill wanted me to give up my bank job and make the run with him. I
declined for two reasons. I don't like to travel all that much, and I didn't
want to give up my black lover. I was too use to having hot sweaty sex
whenever I wanted it. Of course I didn't tell Bill the second reason.

"Jenny," Toby said. We were laying on the bed cooling off after a hot
session of fucking. "Is Bill going to be gone this weekend?" I told him that
he was going to be leaving on Friday morning and wouldn't be back for over
two weeks. "Good," Toby said. "Let's take a weekend trip. I have some
friends I want you to meet, and we'll do some dining and dancing. Why don't
you take off Monday so we won't have to be in any hurry?"

I had plenty of vacation days so that's exactly what I did. Since Bill
hardly ever called home while he was away, I didn't worry about his calling
and wondering why I was gone. Toby and I left right after I got off on
Friday afternoon.


"Who's place is this?" I asked looking around at the magnificent place. It
was in a ritzy neighborhood that was still just inside the Atlanta city
limits. The house was luxurious beyond anything I had ever seen. A pretty
Latina let us in, and apparently had been expecting us.

"It's owned by Colin Beck," Toby said. "He a business man that I know. He'll
be joining us later. What do you think? Could you get used to living like

"I think I could," I said laughing. "It would be tough, but I could do it.
What does Colin Beck do?"

"He has several irons in the fire," Toby said. "Some of this and some of
that. Let's take a dip in the pool." I changed into a tiny bikini that I had
bought just a few days earlier. It didn't leave much to the imagination.
Maria, the maid, brought us a pitcher of margaritas to the pool side table.
We were still in the pool when Colin Beck came home.

"You must be Jenny," he said in a loud booming voice. Colin Beck was bigger
and blacker than Toby. "I've heard a lot about you." I was hanging on the
side of the pool and he was standing above me, looking down at my loose top.
I knew he could see nearly all of my little cones. "Let me get changed, and
I'll join you in the pool." He left yelling at Maria to get more margaritas.

Colin was back in a few minutes. In his swimming suit he looked even larger
then he had in street clothes. His legs looked like tree trunks. He paused
at the table only long enough to gulp down a drink, and he dove into the
pool without hardly a splash.

"Colin almost made the Olympic swim team," Toby said swimming up beside me.
"Had a little trouble with one of the female swimmers and got kicked off the

"He must be pretty successful to own a place like this," I said.

"This is one of four homes I own," Colin said suddenly surfacing beside me.
"I also have homes in California, Florida, St. Thomas and Mexico." I smiled
my appreciation for his success. "Now let's drink some more of Maria's

We got out of the pool and they went to sit in the shade of a large
umbrella. It was still warm and I elected to set on a lounge chair to catch
the last of the sun's rays. Toby brought me a margarita. I didn't really
need another drink because I had already drank three. I was feeling a little
light-headed as it was.

Colin and Toby were talking, and I listened with only half of my attention.
It wasn't until I heard the word "pussy" that I listened harder to their

"So what's the big deal?" Toby said. "What's she bitching about?"

"Wants a bigger percentage," Colin said.

"Fuck her," Toby snapped.

"No, fair's fair," Colin said. "She's worth it, and besides we'll pass it on
to the consumer. Forget about it. What's your plans for tonight?"

"I figured we'd just hang here tonight," Toby said. "Is that all right with
you Jenny?"

It took a moment for me to realize that he was talking to me. "Oh, sure," I
said. "Whatever you want is fine with me."

"You better get your pretty ass up and move around or you'll be asleep in no
time," Toby told me. He was right, so I got up and went over to the table. I
stood between them and Toby put his arm around me, his hand resting on my
butt. He quickly slipped his hand inside the suit to my bare bottom. With
his other hand he poked at the water droplets that still clung to me. "Ain't
she pretty, Colin?"

"That is a fact," Colin said. "You are a study in beauty, Jenny." My face
flushed at the compliment. "Is she any good, Toby?"

"One of the best I ever had," Toby answered. "No matter how many time I fuck
her, her cunt still stays tight. Jenny likes it anyway I can give it to
her." If my face had been flushed, it was now bright red. Even Bill had
never spoken about me like that, but I didn't have time to analyze my
feelings about it.

"How about anal?" Colin asked as if I were not there. "She like it up the

"Loves it up her shitter," Toby said taking his hand out the back of my
bikini bottom. "You got to take it easy until she gets opened up, but then
it a real go." He untied the top of the bikini. The top was loose, but still
hung down over my breasts. "Get a load of these beauties," Toby said pushing
the top to the side completely exposing my breasts to Colin's eyes.

"Damn, brother," Colin said. "Those are nice puppies. Just right for a
mouthful." He proceeded to test that theory by putting one whole breast in
his mouth and sucking hard. Toby didn't want to be outdone, and he took the
other one in his mouth. They seemed to be engaged in a contest to see who
could suck harder. If they had not each had a hand on my butt, I would have
fallen, because my knees got too weak to hold me upright. There was nothing
I had ever experienced to prepare me for the sensation of having two men
suckle at the same time. I came while they sucked on my breasts.

I didn't notice a signal, but simultaneously, they untied the strings on my
bottoms and let it fall to the patio. I was naked with two black men and
they each had my tit in their mouth. I came again.

Toby released my breast long enough to take his swim suit off. When he was
back on my breast, Colin did the same. When Colin's cock sprang out of his
suit I nearly fainted. It was even larger than Toby's. There was not any
doubt in my mind that I had been brought there for Colin's enjoyment. I
tried, for a few moments to feel some resentment or even anger, but it
failed to materialize. All I could feel was the excitement of being consumed
by two men.

"She's wet," Colin announced sticking a massive finger in me. I could have
told him that. "Let's take her into the den."

Toby nearly carried me into the spacious den. Colin went ahead of us and sat
down on a chair. Toby led me to him and turned me around so that my back was
to Colin. Toby then pushed me back so that I had to straddle the bigger
man's legs. When I had been backed as far as I could go, Toby pushed me down
onto Colin's waiting rigid cock.

I thought for a moment that I was being split into by his massive dick, but
suddenly he slipped into me, and I settled down on him. I was never so full
of anything in my life. I looked up to see a grinning Toby standing there
stroking his own cock.

"You look good, Jenny," Toby said. "With your cunt stuffed full of black
cock. How does it feel?"

"It feels big," I stammered. "Good, but very big."

"You'll settle into it in a minute. They tell me that Colin is quite the

"I don't get many complaints," Colin said. He put his hand on my head and
pushed me forward. "Suck Toby's cock while your cunt adjusts to my cock."

Toby stepped up, and I leaned forward and took his stiff cock in my mouth.
Now I was stuffed at both ends. It wasn't very long before I was moving up
and down on Colin's cock. Just a little at first then more and more until I
was bouncing the full length of his massive pole. I found it hard to
concentrate on sucking Toby and fucking Colin at the same time, but neither
man complained.

Over the next thirty minutes the men swapped places a couple of times. I was
a mass of quivering passion. I don't know how many times I came, but I know
it was a bunch. I was zoned out and it startled me when Colin called for
Maria. I had forgot all about the maid.

"Maria, get your ass in here," Colin bellowed. I was sitting on Colin who
was on his back. I was facing away from him. We were on the sofa and Colin
was fucking my ass. It had taken a long time for him to work his whole cock
in me, but finally he had succeeded.

"Yes sir?" Maria said coming into the room.

"You need to be eating Jenny's cunt for her," Colin said. "Get to it."

I have never even seriously thought about sex with another woman. When the
woman came and got on her knees I didn't know what to do or what to say. I
couldn't get up, even if I had wanted to. I was impaled on Colin, and he was
holding my hips. Colin shifted around so that I was accessible to the maid.
The little Latina lowered her head to me and began to lick and nibble on my
pussy, which was leaking sperm from the several loads the men put in me.

"Oh, good," Toby said laughing. He was coming back from the bathroom.. "I
see you added some more pussy to the party." He knelt behind the woman and
flipped her short skirt up. "I might as well have some Mexican gash while
it's here."

"Might as well," Colin said. "How does Maria's mouth feel, Jenny?"

My answer was a long moan as I reached another climax. Her mouth was driving
me crazy. Toby's pounding of her drove her mouth down hard on my swollen
pussy. I could hear Maria whimpering as Toby fucked her hard. Maybe it was
my own whimpering, it's hard to say for sure. We all came about the same
time. Colin was last and when I felt his hot sperm in my bowels, I had a big
orgasm. I think I may have blacked out for a moment.

That was the beginning of a long night of passion. Between Maria, Colin, and
Toby there was a mouth or a cock in my pussy most of the night. It was my
first experience at any type of group sex. I had read about it, heard about
it, and wondered about I knew about it. It was great! At some point
Colin insisted that I eat Maria's pussy. I resisted, but he insisted, and
won. In all honesty it wasn't that big of a deal. I didn't get a big thrill
licking her, but I wasn't repulsed either. It was interesting to play with
the strings of come that came out of her, and it was kinda nice to make her

I got to witness a double penetration before I actually became involved in
one. Colin and Toby doubled up on Maria. Toby was in her butt, and Colin in
her pussy, while I played with her big breasts. I thought the poor thing was
going to faint. It wasn't long before I knew how she felt, and I did faint.
At least for a few minutes. Colin woke we up by slapping his dick on my
face. Sometime in the wee hours of the morning, I remember thinking that the
weekend had sure started off with a bang.


I was waking up in gradual stages when the door flew open and Toby came in
the room. Without a word he scooped me up and carried me naked out side to
the swimming pool, and tossed me in.

"That ought to get your eyes open," Toby said laughing. "Putter around for a
few minutes and come to brunch. Clothing optional." I swam a few minutes and
went to put on some clothes. While I had became pretty used to nudity,
eating without clothes seemed a bit much.

"Good morning," Maria said giving me a cheery smile. "I have a buffet set up
in the dining room. She had prepared a scrumptious meal and I was hungry. I
made a pig out of myself. Colin joined me after a few minutes and Toby
showed up about ten minutes later.

"Jenny," Colin said. "After you finish eating, Maria is going to shave your
pussy for you."

That pissed me off. "What if I don't want shaved? I tried it once, and
didn't like it when it started growing back."

"You'll get your snatch shaved," Colin said as a matter of fact. "I like to
eat pussy and I don't like picking hair out of my teeth. Besides when you
get that bush shaved, you'll look like a little girl with your cute little
tits. Some men like the idea of fucking a teeny-bopper."

I opened my mouth to argue, but when I saw Toby give me a warning shake of
his head, I closed it again. After all I was a guest in Colin's home, and it
wasn't that big a deal for me.

An hour later, after Maria finished, I was as bare as a little k**. She was
gentle and used some kind of lotion that soothed the razor sc****s. She made
the endeavor more pleasurable by occasionally biting my clit and tonguing my
slit. Looking in the mirror, I had to laugh. I did look like a p*****nager.

Colin came in right after Maria left and he looked at me admiralty. "Nice
looking cunt, Jen," he said. "The Badger is going to love getting into

"Who's The Badger?" I asked.

"A business acquaintance," Colin said playing with my exposed clitoris. "I
sometimes let him sample my girls." My girls? What did that mean, I
wondered? I didn't have time to wonder about it right them. Colin had
removed his shorts and was stroking his big cock while looking at me with
lust in his eyes. "I need a quick fuck, little girl," he said as he pushed
me down on the bed. Bill's quick fuck took all of five minutes, if that
long. Colin's idea of a quickie, was more like half an hour.

"Ahh, that's good pussy," Colin said rolling off of me. "Get your cunt
cleaned up, and come on out to the patio. The Badger will be here in a
little while. Wear your bikini, Sweetheart. You look fuckin' good in it. I
want to surprise The Badger." He ignored my questions about The Badger and
left me to get ready.


Forty-five minutes later I met The Badger. I don't know what I expected, but
he wasn't it. The Badger was seventy years old if he was a day. His hair was
mostly grey and he was a little stooped. His voice was high, and he spoke
with a stammer. The poor old guy, didn't look like he could stand up. From
the way Toby and Colin were yelling he apparently couldn't hear all that
well either.

"Well ain't you a pretty c***d?" he said reaching out to take my hands.
"Colin said he had a surprise for me, and you sure are a surprise. Let me
see you, Honey." I stood in front of him and struck a poise.

"He means he wants to see all of you Jenny," Toby said even softer than he
normally spoke. "Strip for The Badger." It seemed like a cruel thing to do
to an old man, but I took off the top and then the bottom of the bikini. The
old man stared at me with his watery eyes.

"My, my," he said, literally smacking his lips.. "She is something else. You
did good, Colin. Is there someplace..."

"Yes sir," Colin said quickly. He jumped up to help the old man get up.
"Jenny, take The Badger to your room and be nice to him."

"Be nice? What do you want me to do?" I asked. Surely they didn't expect
that old man to be able to do anything with me.

"Whatever he wants," Colin said. "And, Sugar, I mean anything at all."

I led the tottering old guy to my bedroom. As we walked the old fart put his
hand on my ass. This was going to be a touch and feel deal, I was certain. I
helped him set down on a straight chair and waited for his instructions.
Since he didn't have enough wind for talking, he motioned me to come closer
to him. I did, and he grabbed me, by sticking a bent and knotty finger in my
pussy and pulling me closer. It surprised me that he had the strength to do
it. That was the first of several surprises The Badger had in store for me.

The old guy licked every square inch of my body, paying a lot of attention
to my tits. After washing me with his tongue, he pushed himself up from the
chair and dropped his pants. That old codger was hung like a bear! His old
wrinkled cock was still soft, but it hung nearly to his knobby knees. He sat
back down and told me to suck it. I got to my knees and took his cock in
both hands to keep it from folding over. I licked and sucked for a few
minutes and lo and behold the damned thing begin to stiffen. Now it was a
challenge for me. I had to see if I could make him hard. I was totally
successful. It only took a few more minutes and the old man's cock was
sticking straight up.

I straddled him and using his cock I played with my pussy by rubbing it back
and forth through the slit. I was a little surprised when he jerked me down
on it. I was even more surprised when his cock went in so easy. After it was
fully in me I sat still waiting on a cue. I took his feeble attempts to lift
me as a sign he wanted me to fuck him, so I did. Slowly at first, and then
faster and faster. While I bounced on his cock, he sucked on my puffy tits.
The old bastard caused me to come within a few moments, and I did it several
times after that. The Badger ejaculated with a tiny little squeak, but that
was the only thing little about it. He sprayed a huge load of come in me.
The old guy must have been saving it for a long while. It gushed out around
his withering cock and ran down across his skinny legs to the floor.

Fifteen minutes later, after I cleaned him up, he tottered to the bed and
lay down, motioning me to come to him. I got on the bed and he lifted his
legs up. He told me to suck his ass. Remembering the instruction from Colin
and the warning he implied, I licked and kissed his puckered old ass. While
I did I stroked his cock and the old man got it up again and fucked me for a
second time. It took longer the second time and I enjoyed it even more. I
got off four or five times.

I checked to make sure the old fart was still breathing, and left him
sleeping peacefully on my bed. Since it didn't seem to matter if I had
clothes on or not I went to the pool, naked and dove in. A short while later
I found a float and lay on it getting some sun.

"Jenny, I have some refreshment for you," Maria said from the pool side. She
was holding a pitcher of drinks. I paddled over and got out of the water.

"Thank you Maria," I said. It was some fruity drink and it tasted wonderful.
"Where is everybody?"

"Mister Colin and Mister Toby went into the city. The old one is still
sleeping." She smiled at me. "You have caused him great pleasure, I think."

"Let me tell you," I said with a laugh. "There may be snow on the roof, but
there a fire in the furnace. He was a pretty good fuck, even if I did do
most of the work. Let me ask you something. How long have you worked for

"Four years," Maria answered. "He has been most generous to me and to my

"You must have started when you were still a teenager. You can't be much
over twenty now."

"I'm twenty-one," she said. "Yes, I started when I was still in high school.
My mother and my older sister also work for Mister Colin."

"Are they maids also?"

Maria laughed, "No, they work as escorts. My mother is working on her second
contract and Tanya, my sister started last year. They both make a lot of
money. As I said, Mister Colin is very generous. May I ask how long you work
for him?"

"I don't work for him. I work in a bank in Gloversville. Why do you think I
work for him?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said. "I just thought... Oh..."

"But why did you think I worked for Colin?"

"Mister Toby brought you to Mister Colin. When you were having sex with
Mister Colin I just thought you were an employee. I'm sorry. I must go fix
lunch." Maria hurried away. I sat in the sun, sipped the drink, and wondered
just what I had gotten myself into.

Colin apparently had some call girls and apparently Toby recruited for him.
I didn't get much passed that before I dozed off. I awoke when I felt the
lips on my nipple. It was Toby. I woke up and checked myself to make sure I
hadn't burned. Luckily as the sum moved put me in the shade of the giant

"Hi Sweet tits," Toby said. "Have a nice nap?"

"Yeah, I guess," I answered. The pitcher had been replaced with a fresh one.
Toby poured me a drink and set down beside me on the lounge.

"Boy you sure did impress The Badger," Toby said.

"I think I was the one to be impressed," I replied. "How old is he anyway?"

"About seventy-five. I think he wants to see you again, soon."

"Toby, what the hell am I doing here?"

"Getting laid, mostly," Toby said with a laugh. "Aren't you having a good

"Sure, it's been fun," I said. "Tell me, Toby, what's going on?" Toby didn't
answer right away.

"You like to fuck," he finally said. "You like to fuck me and so I assumed
you liked to fuck black men. Was I wrong?" I shook my head. After Colin and
The Badger, it would be foolish to deny it. "I figured you could use a few
extra bucks doing what you love to do."

"I'm getting paid for this?" I asked surprised.

"Sure you are," he answered. "That session with the Badger got you a grand.
You should make a couple thousand more this weekend. Are you upset?"

I didn't answer his question, because I didn't know the answer. I should
have been upset, because I wasn't a whore. I pondered that for a moment.
Maybe I was a whore. I had already come to terms with the fact I was a slut.
After the first week with Toby I knew I was a slut. I sipped some more of
the fruit drink. I made a thousand dollars for fucking that old geezer? That
took some more deliberation. Except for having to suck on his old asshole, I
had as much fun as he had. Maybe even more.

"Jenny, you are going to have to make up your mind pretty soon," Toby said
interrupting my thoughts. "If you want to keep on with the party, fine. If
not, we need to get you back to Gloversville tonight."

"Is that what you do?" I asked. "You find women for Colin?"

"Among other things, yes."

"So I was just a recruit?"

"Not at first," Colin said. "In the beginning, you were just a pretty white
woman I wanted to fuck. When I realized that you had a talent for it, I
figured why not? Don't tell me you are content with what the bank pays you?"
He made a good point there. I wasn't contented with what I made. Even with
Bill's promotions we still were not living the good life. It cost a lot for
Bill to be out on the road and he drank up most of the rest of it.

"What's expected of me?" I asked Toby.

"You go where Colin tells you, and do what your are told to do. Mostly just
fuckin' and suckin' Nobody will hurt you. You are too much of a high-quality
a prize for anybody to hurt you. Some of the older women get into the rough
trade. Bondage, and S and M shit. The bottom line is simple. You'll get a
lot of cock and get paid well for doing something you like to do."

"Black men?" I asked. I had already made a decision and I knew it. I wasn't
going back to Gloversville until the weekend was over.

"Yeah, for the most part," Toby answered. He grinned at me. He knew I was
hooked. "Few white men, and maybe some Asians from time to time. You may
have to eat some pussy, but we already know you can do that, don't we?" I
nodded. "Hell, Jenny, you can make five or six grand a month just fucking on
weekends. That little girl's body will make us all a lot of dollars. You are
sitting on a gold mine, Sugar. A fucking gold mine."


"Party time," Colin said coming out onto the patio. "You ready to get your
cunt fucked, Jenny?"

"I guess so," I said. "What's the plan?"

"Private club I know," He said. "Maria laid a dress on your bed. She took it
in so it will fit you. By the way, good job with The Badger. He had nothing
but high praise for you. Said you was the best fuck he'd had in years. Get a
move on, Sweetie. "We'll catch a bite to eat on the way."

"Is Toby going with us?"

"Naw, he got things to do. I guess he'll be around later."


The Club Colin took be to was called the Kenya Club. From the people I saw
it was a club for black men. It was in a old refurbished three story house.
Colin took me on a tour of the place. I quickly got the impression it wasn't
for my benefit. He was showing me to the members.

I was wearing a bright red cocktail dress that barely covered the cheeks of
my butt and had a plunging neckline. Following Colin's instructions, I had
on just a small amount of makeup and Maria had braided my hair into
pigtails. I looked like somebody's little niece. From the conversation and
remarks, I was developing a large group of uncles.

"Is she new, Colin?" a portly man asked.

"Yes sir she certainly is. Got the cutest little tits you ever laid your
eyes on."

"Let's have a look," the man said. He was sitting with a black woman who was
at least twenty years younger then he was." Colin pulled one side of my
dress over to expose my breast. "That is prime tit meat," the man said
looking at his date or whatever she was. "Ain't she Betty?" The woman nodded
her head. "How much for me and Betty?"

"Five hundred for an hour," Colin said. "Worth every penny of it, too."

"How does she feel about eating Pussy," the woman asked. She wasn't talking
to me, but I was getting tired of being ignored and talked around.

"I don't have a problem with it," I spoke up. She glanced at me and nodded.

"Can I fuck her up the ass?" the man asked.

"When you pay your money, you get all her fuckin' holes. Let me know pretty
soon. I'm bookin' her up pretty fast." Colin said. He took my arm and
steered me away from the couple. "If I want you to talk, I'll tell you to,"
he whispered to me. "Until I do ask, keep your fucking mouth shut." He
squeezed my upper arm hard for emphasis.

We stopped at several tables and Colin showed me off to individual men and a
few other couples. Colin was talking to two men, when the lights flicked a
couple of times. Apparently a signal for something to happen. Colin cut his
conversation short and took me to a room off the main room. It was a bedroom
because except for two chairs and a bedside table that was all there was in
the room. A small bathroom and shower was off that room.

"Okay, Sugar-pie," Colin said. "You wait here and pretty soon some swinging
dick will show up. You do whatever they want except no bare-backing.
Everybody wears a condom, and there are no exceptions. There is a button on
that table. Push it if you have any problem. I'll see you later."

He had not more than left when the door opened and a short heavy-set black
man came in. He didn't bother to introduce himself, he just fucked me.
fortunately I didn't need foreplay to be lubed, because there was none. He
stripped, motioned for me to do the same and wham-bam, thank you ma'am. He
was followed by a succession of other men. All black and all without an
ounce of finesse. I fucked five men before I had time to take a shower, then
five or six more and another shower.

I had completely lost track of time, but it had to be somewhere around
midnight when the portly man and his date, who I later found out, was his
wife came in. Betty and Harry. Betty took me to the shower and washed me,
first with just her tongue and later with hot water and soap.

While Harry fucked me, Betty sat on my face and forced me to eat her. From
then on it was a variation on that theme. Apparently Betty had a lot of
experience with the girl-girl performance, because she gave as good as she
got. Harry and Betty were followed by another couple and they, in turn was
followed by two black men. For a while the two men took turns with me, then
they doubled up and gave me a hell of a two dick fuck.

When Colin came and got me I was shocked to find out it was nearly daylight.
The sun was just coming up. I managed to make it to my bed and died for
nearly ten hours. Sunday afternoon, The Badger came back for more of me.
Again he proved to me more than a satisfactory lover. Sunday night we went
back to the club and I got it on with a bunch more people. In singles, twos,
and threes they came, and came, and came, and so did I. I made a little over
three thousand for the weekend.

That started my life as a whore for Colin Beck. I was in Atlanta for three
weekends a month for nearly a year. During that time I managed to put back
over seventy thousand dollars. Poor stupid Bill never caught on that his
wife was a whore for black cock Even when I announced that I wanted a
divorce, he didn't know. After I left Bill, I moved to Atlanta and became a
full time whore for another year. Then Colin moved me to Chicago for a year.

Since I never developed extravagant tastes I managed to save a lot of money.
Some I invested in blue chip stocks as safe investments. I took a chance and
bought some stock in a computer company that really took off, and I made a
pile of money. When the novelty of a white woman that looked like a teenager
wore off in Chicago, Colin moved me to Los Angeles. Actually that was what
he intended for me to do, but I took a different plane and lost myself in
middle America.

I legally changed my name to Jennifer Albright and started my own business.
I met a man, we fell in love, and married. The perfect storybook ending
except that it doesn't end there.


"Hi Jenny, long time no see." I nearly fainted. Toby Brown was standing at
my front door.

After a long time of trying to assemble my mental facilities, I stammered,
"go away Toby."

"Can't do that Sweet Tits," he responded with a huge grin. "I've spent too
much time, effort, and money finding you. Aren't you going to invite me in?"

"No, Toby," I said firmly. "I'm not. You are a part of someone else's life.
Please just go away."

"Okay, if that's what you really want." He held up a photograph. It was me,
Colin, and some other black man. I was engaged in sex with them and my face
was plainly recognizable. "I have a box of these and some great video tapes.
I guess I'll have to see that Harold.that is your new hubby's name isn't it?
Anyway, I guess ol' Harold will love to see what his little wifey was doing
before he met her, huh?" My mind went blank again. Toby opened the storm
door and came in. "How you been makin' it Jenny?" Toby asked, brushing
passed me and entering the living room. "How's married life?"

"It's great, Toby," Willing my brain to start working. "Why are you doing

"Colin was pissed that you didn't give notice," he said with a grin. "It's
dangerous to piss Colin off. Nice place you got here. Is Harold home?"

"No, he at work," I snapped. "It's been two years, Toby. Colin can't still
be pissed after all this time. Why are you here?"

"Naw, you're right," Toby said with a laugh. "Colin ain't pissed, he's dead.
He got cross-ways with some really bad dudes. The problem is, he sold the
rights to all his video's to a syndicate before he died. The boss of the
syndicate had reason to believe Colin also sold your contract to them. They
got to looking around for you and what do you know? You were gone."

"There was no contract, Toby. You know that. What's the real deal?"

"After Colin's demise, I went to work for the syndicate. A man by the name
of Donk Miller is the head of that group. Donk sent me to find you."

"Why on earth would he go to all that trouble? There can't be a shortage of
girls. What kind of name is Donk, anyway?"

"Short for Donkey, I guess. My mission was to find you, and tell you to get
your ass back. Donk wants you, Jenny, and what Donk wants, he gets."

"You can just charge back, and tell Donk to go to hell. He probably doesn't
want the cops swarming all over him, and that's what will happen if he fucks
with me." I was getting pissed off.

"So you don't care if Harold sees your pictures getting hosed by black cock?
You think he'll like the videos?"

"No, I don't think he'll like them very much," I admitted. "But if that's
what you have to do, then do it, and get out of my face. I'll deal with
Harold, myself." I was scared. My new life was about to crumble, and there
wasn't much I could do about it. I did love Harold and I was sure he loved
me, but I had serious doubts that there was enough love of overcome my
previous life and activities. That would take a lot of love.

There was another thing, too. Seeing him and standing close to Toby had
conjured up a flood of memories. Things I had shoved to the far back of my
mind. His powerful body, his beautiful black cock and the way I had felt
when he was fucking me. Over the two years I had been out of the
prostitution game, I had not missed it even for a single minute. I had,
however, missed the raw, a****listic sex that I had gotten from Toby and
even the rougher Colin.

"Shame, you are going to give all this up," Toby said, looking around at my
house. "A lot of nice things, here."

"Maybe so," I rejoined, "but all these things are mine, and I'm not going to
give up a damned thing."

"I see," Toby said slowly. "Well if that's how it has to be." He reached and
gently stroked my arm. "You still have them cute little tits?"

"They haven't grown, if that's what you mean." His touch sent shivers
allover my body.

"Good, 'cause I really love your perfect little knockers. Always fun to suck
on. How about a fuck for old times sake?"

"I don't think that's going to happen, Toby," I answered trying to keep my
voice calm. "Your threats to destroy my life are not really a turn-on, you

"I'm not going to do anything," Toby said, his hand reaching up to my
shoulder and then down across my chest to my breast. "Whatever is done, it
will be Donk's doin'" His fingers went unerringly to my nipple which he
squeezed, causing me to shudder. There was no use in trying to pretend he
hadn't turned me on.

"Can you prevent him from giving the photos to Harold?" I asked with a
trembling in my voice.

"I don't have that much influence over Donk," Toby answered. "I'm not going
to lie to you. We've been through too much for me to lie." Toby had
successfully unbuttoned my shirt, and had both of my breasts in his black
hands. If anything the years had increased the sensitivity to my large puffy
nipples. I couldn't hold back a moan as he stroked and fondled my nips. As
if they had a mind of their own, my hands went to his crotch. Toby was hard,
as I knew he would be. Five minutes later we were on my bed, and Toby has
his wonderful cock in me.

My Harold is a wonderful lover. Kind, gentle, and considerate of my wants
and needs. Harold always made sure that I had at least one orgasm. With Toby
I had one climax before he was fully in me. Toby was longer and thicker than
Harold. He was rougher, also. Not as rough and hard as Colin had been, but
much rougher than Harold. Harold approached sex with me as if he were afraid
that I might break or something.

I knew that it was unfair to compare the two men. They both had their good
points, but in all honesty I came like crazy with Toby. Toby fucked me for
over an hour before he finally had to rest. It was old times revisited.

"What's does this Donk dude want?" I asked Toby as we lay on the bed trying
to recover.

"Damned if I know," Toby answered. "He just told me to find you and bring
you back to him, even if I had to fuck you up." He sighed, "you probably
should get ready for the heat, Jenny. I ain't got the balls to go tell Donk
I couldn't find you." Toby stayed for another hour or so, giving me another
great fuck.

I spent the rest of the afternoon catching up on some business. I have
several people who do the actual nuts and bolts of my business, but there
are some things that require my personal attention. Most I can do from the
office at home. Most of the time I cussed and fretted about my situation. By
dinner time I had reached a decision. I would tell Harold everything. If he
beat the crap out of me and left, so be it. He would have that right. At any
rate, Harold wouldn't get blind-sided by the photos or videos. I owed him

"Did you have a nice day?" Harold asked me. We were getting ready for bed. I
was wearing a powder blue baby-doll. I got on the bed beside him.

"Honestly, no," I answered. "Could have been a lot better. There are some
things I need to tell you, Harold." I started at the beginning, telling
about Bill, and told him everything. Except for quick glances, I couldn't
look at him. Harold didn't interrupt me during the revelation, but I could
feel his eyes on me. I finished my story and waited for the storm. After a
few minutes of complete silence I couldn't stand it any longer.

"Well, say something, dammit!" I snapped.

"What do you want me to say?"

"Yell, scream, hit me, or something. Don't just lay there, for Pete's sake."

"Jen," Harold said slowly. "I truly don't know what to say. I'm not stupid.
I know you've had a past. Wait here a minute." He left the bedroom and was
back within a few minutes. He put a video tape in the player and turned the
TV on. I was shocked speechless. It was a video of me and two black men.

"Oh my God," I finally managed to utter. "Where did you get that tape?"

"I've had it a long time," Harold answered getting back on the bed beside
me. "Even before we were married. I recognized you from the first minute we
met. This tape is actually the second one. I wore the first one out,
watching it."

"You knew? I mean you knew I did porno, and you still married me?"

"Of course," he answered as a matter of fact.

"Didn't it bother you to know that I had been with black men.a lot of black

"Not in the way you mean it," he said with a chuckle. "One big turn-on for

By that time I was confused. Really confused. We lay there watching the
video with the sound turned down for about fifteen minutes. I remembered
clearly when the video was made. It was like it was yesterday instead of
over two years earlier.

Colin had not bothered to mention that I would be the star in a sex video.
He took me to a place, we went in and he gave me to the two guys. I noticed
the lights and things, but didn't pay all that much attention to them. It
wasn't until after the two started playing with me and Colin started telling
us what to do that I figured it out. There were two guys each with a camera.
One doing video and the other making still pictures., but by that time I
didn't care who was doing what, as long as someone was doing me.

The video took several days to shoot. It was later edited, and the pieces
put together to make an hour and a half video. I didn't even know it had
been put out into the market place, although it didn't surprise me. It
wasn't the only video I did. At that time in my life I was in my "don't give
a shit" mode.

I glanced over at Harold and saw that he was watching the video with rapt
attention. It was a hot video, I'll have to admit. It had been called
"School Daze", starring Sunni Daze, if I recall correctly. I had seen if
before, and it never failed to get me hot. Very little thought went into the
plot and it was mostly fucking and sucking.

"So you knew," I said to break the silence. Harold nodded without taking his
eyes off of the exhibition on the TV. I looked down and saw his dick was
sticking out of his boxers. "And it doesn't want to make you run away?"

"No, it makes me want to fuck you," Harold answered, still without taking
his eyes from the TV. "You look like you are having a good time. Were you?"

"Yes," I admitted. "I always have a good time."

"When you and I are fucking, do you ever think of those black cocks?" I
admitted that I did, sometimes. "Have you had a black cock since we've been

"Yes, once," I told him. I thought I might as well get all the cards on the
table. He turned his head, and looked at me with an inquiring look. "This
morning," I said. "I fucked Toby.twice. Right here on our bed."

Before I could even move, Harold was on me. He tore the baby-doll bottoms
off, and rammed his cock in me. It was the roughest, the most aggressive, he
had ever been with me. He was too excited to last very long, but the time he
did last was great. I had a couple climaxes. It wasn't long after that we
went to sleep nestled in each others arms with the video still playing.

The next day was Saturday and we slept in. It was after nine o'clock when we
managed to get up and stir around. By the time I got out of the shower,
Harold had the coffee made and was waiting for me at the kitchen table.

"You don't have any idea who or what this Donk is?" Harold said.

"Nothing except what Toby told me and what I told you last night. What does
it matter now? The worst thing he could do was tell you and now you know. He
can go fuck himself."

"That's not entirely true," Harold said slowly. "He can make trouble for you
in the community and for your business. It stands to reason if they can
locate you, they find out about your business, if they haven't already."

"Again I say, feed'em fish and fuck'em. I've had several good offers to buy
me out. I'll sell the business, and we can relocate somewhere else."

Harold was shaking his head. "That would only work for the short haul. If he
found you once, he'll find you again. Do you have any idea where he's

"No, but Toby knows. I'm sure we haven't heard the last of Mister Toby." My
prophecy proved correct. Toby came back the following Friday morning. I
happened to see him drive up so I called Harold. Since Harold worked only a
short drive away, he was soon home.

"Harold this is Toby Brown. Toby this is my husband, Harold," I said when
Harold came in the back door. Toby and I were sitting at the table in the
kitchen. Toby looked at Harold and then back at me, and laughed. "You told
him, huh?"

"Yes I did, so you can tell your asshole buddy to fuck off."

"Okay," Toby said quietly. "If that's what you want." He looked at Harold.
"You okay with what Jenny told you?"

"Water over the dam," Harold said.

"Last Friday was that many gallons ago," Toby said. "She tell you that I
fucked her last week?"

"No, she said she fucked you," Harold replied with a grin. Toby stared at
him a moment then laughed loudly.

"I guess that's how it happened," he said still laughing. "I guess we don't
have as much to hold over her as we thought." He sobered and continued. "But
we do have some. Your business may go right down the shitter when the word
get around. I'm telling you, Jenny, Donk won't be denied."

"I sold the business," I said. I couldn't help but smirk a little. The
timing couldn't have been better. Monday two men marched into my downtown
office and demanded I sell, so I sold. Got more than I though I would, too.
I laughed out loud at the expression on Toby's face. "Now what, Toby?"

"Damned if I know," Toby admitted. "But you can expect Donk to do something
and it won't be nice. I hate this shit, Jenny. I never wanted anything but
good things for you. I hope you know that." The funny thing is, I believed
him. Toby didn't have a mean bone in his body.

"Who the hell is this Donk?" Harold asked. "Where is he located?"

"His home in Memphis," Toby said. "Who is he? He's a lot of bad news. Runs a
bunch of whores in several cities. He produces a lot of fuck flicks and
heads up a large syndicate."

"Do you have any idea why he wants Jen so bad?" Harold asked. "What's the
deal here?"

"I don't know," Toby said. "Jenny, do you remember that old guy. The one
called The Badger?" I said I remembered him. "Donk is that old man's
grandson. Maybe that's the connection."

"The Badger?" Harold said. "What the hell is The Badger?" I told Harold
about my meetings with the old man. He laughed, "You fucked an eighty year
old man?"

"Older than that," I said. "But to answer your question, yes I did. Toby, is
he still alive?"

"I guess so," Toby said. "I left Atlanta pretty soon after you did, but I
haven't heard about him kickin' off."

"An eighty year old man?" Harold said shaking his head. "That's hard to
believe he could even get it up."

"Well, I'm telling you he did and the old fart was hung like a bull." I
said. "Toby, does this Donk want me to get back into the business?"

"I don't know, Jenny. I don't know what the fuck he wants."

"Find out," I said. "I don't have a problem meeting him, but I'm not getting
back in the whore's game and that's final." Toby looked at me a moment and
took out his cell phone.

"Yeah Donk, it's me, Toby. I'm sittin' here with Jenny and her husband.No
that ain't going to, that either. She sold out.I don't know Donk.
Here you ask her yourself." Toby handed me the phone.

"Hello," I said into the tiny phone.

"So you sold out and your husband knows all, huh?" a deep voice said.

"Yes. What the hell do you want with me?" I said.

"I heard all about you Jenny," the voice said. "I liked what I heard. I've
seen your videos and I liked what I saw. I want some of that pussy you got
for myself." Harold had leaned over so that he could hear the conversation.
I glanced at Harold who nodded at me.

"Is that all?" I asked. "You threaten to ruin my life and my business for a
piece of pussy?"

"Maybe not all, but it's a big part of it. I do want some pussy, but I want
you to be in one more video. I got a distributor over in London who can
guarantee me a bunch of sales all over Europe, but he wants another Jenny
flick. I'll bet you never knew you were such a big hit overseas, did you?"

"No I didn't," I admitted. Harold had a scratch pad and was writing
furiously. He handed me the pad. It said 'go for it'

"I still don't get it," I said to Donk. "There are no shortage of young
girls who would jump at the opportunity to make a fuck video. There are very
few constraints in parts of Europe. Tell me the whole story."

"Yeah, you're right," he said with a chuckle. "I could get a dozen before
the sun goes down tonight. The big difference is, you can take two big dicks
in your cunt at the same time, but you still look like a young innocent k**.
You got any idea how hard it is to find that combination? You can come off
as a young school girl and still take whatever's thrown at you." I gave that
some thought.

"Okay, I can see that it would be hard to find the right girl. Hard, but not
impossible. Let's have the rest of it."

"I want some of that famous pussy," the man said flatly. "You fucked half
the niggers in Atlanta and now I want some for myself. You satisfied, now?"
Harold handed me the note pad again. It still said, 'go for it'.

"If I agree, what's in it for me?" I said to Donk, after mouthing 'are you
sure?' to Harold and getting his enthusiastic nod.

"Ten grand guaranteed, and two percent net," Donk answered quickly. "And as
a bonus you get the biggest, blackest, hardest cock in the country. That
would be me."

"Okay, I'll get back to you," I said. "Where do you see this taking place?"

"Memphis. Do we have a deal?" Donk insisted.

"Yes, in principal," I answered. "Give me a number to contact you and like I
said, I'll get back to you."

"Okay Toby," I said handing him his phone back. "Does he?"

"Does he what?"

"Have the biggest, blackest, hardest cock in the country?"

"I don't know," Toby said grinning. "I haven't ever seen his cock. I did
find out that Donk is short for Donkey Dick. I guess from what I heard
you'll find out for yourself."

"Yes, it appears that Sunni Daze will ride again." I said, looking at
Harold. "Are you sure you are going to be okay with this?"

"Absolutly! I was always hopeful that there would be another video for my

"You have others?" I asked.

"I have them all. At least all that I could find. My friend Tim will be
pleased also."

"Tim? Who's Tim?"

"He was a guy I met several years ago. He changed jobs and relocated so we
don't see each other all that often anymore. We still e-mail and the
occasional phone call. I met him at the Adult Supermarket. He was buying one
of your tapes and so was I. We started talking about you. We found we had
our admiration for Sunni Daze in common. Tim even tried to start a Sunni
Daze fan club, but it never got off the ground." Harold grinned and shook
his head. "Poor Tim would eat his heart out if he knew that I married Sunni

"Okay, Harold," I said trying to sound miffed. "You didn't marry Sunni Daze.
You married Jennifer Albright." I turned my attention to Toby. "So what are
you going to do now that your mission has been accomplished?"

"Don't know," Toby said. "I guess I can find some work with Donk. Maybe I'll
sign up to be one of his pimps."

"Not to say you wouldn't be good at it, except that you would eat up all
your profit. Did you know you were the first man to perform oral sex on me?"
Toby looked surprised and shook his head. "Yes, that first night when Bill
brought you home and passed out."

"Son of a bitch, I sure didn't know that," Toby said. "Always been my theory
that if a man won't eat it, he don't deserve it."

At Harold's suggestion, Toby gave a demonstration of his oral talent. He
also gave Harold a close-up view of a black cock fucking a white pussy.
Watching Harold watch us was almost too funny. He was like a big eyed boy in
a candy store. It felt good to be able to share the sex with Harold.

"Well, here she is in the flesh," The man said to me. He was not all that
impressive in stature. An inch or so short of six feet and neither slim or
heavy. In fact he was ordinary except that he was coal black. I would guess
his age around forty or forty-five. We were in the Memphis airport and he
could easily blend into the crowd. "I've been waiting for ages to meet Sunni
Daze. Did you have a nice flight?"

"Yes, it was fine," I answered. Harold was supposed to come to Memphis with
me, but at the last minute he had to cancel. Seems half of his office came
down with a bug.

"That's good," The man called Donk said with a big smile. "I have the studio
set up for tomorrow night. We'll start shooting at six o'clock. Should wrap
it up in a couple of days." He was looking closely at me. "Damn girl, you
look even better in person than you do on film or tape." He took my carry-on
case with one hand and my arm with the other. "I have a car right outside.
Any other luggage?" I told him that I didn't. The car was a stretch limo as
black as Donk.

"I have your place all ready for you," he said when we started rolling. "You
are getting a stars treatment. You will spend tonight with me, if that's all
right." He said it like it didn't make any difference if it was all right
with me or not.

"That's fine," I said. "There are a few ground rules we need to go over." He
raised an eyebrow. "First, you have to understand that this is a one shot
deal. One video and one night with me. Second, you will leave me the hell
alone after we get this over and done with. You will stop fucking with my
life. Are we clear on that?"

"Oh sure," he said with a wave of his hand. "Clear as crystal. Of course you
may change your mind after tonight. I plan to show you a fuckin' good time."
He didn't seem to expect a comment, so I made none. I'll admit that the
whole thing was exciting and I felt an old yet very familiar feeling in the
pit of my stomach. There is always that feeling when I'm about to meet
someone new and exciting or do something exciting. It was the same when I
was a working girl and was on my way to meet a date. Excitement, anxiety,
fear, apprehension, and even anticipation.

Donk showed me to the Grand Suite at the Peabody Hotel. The rooms were as
large as my house. Ostentatious comes to my mind as I looked the place over.
There was enough room to accommodate the Dallas Cheerleaders and most of the

"So what's the plan? We going to jump in bed or what?"

"Not immediately," he answered with a laugh. "I'm taking you out to meet
some of the investors and my partners. Later you'll meet the men you're
going to be performing with."

"Out where?" I asked. "I didn't bring much in the way of fancy clothing>"

"No problem," he said. "I have some things for you to choose from. Your job
is to stroke, flirt with, and tease these guys so that'll want to invest in
my movie. Keep in mind that you got two percent of the net comin' so you're
really workin' for yourself." Donk took me to one of the spacious bedrooms
and showed me the clothing he had selected.

"Now I expect you'll be wantin' to see what you going to get later on." He
dropped his pants and showed me his equipment. Nothing in my experience had
prepared me for what I saw. With just a few exceptions most of the men I
encountered were "average" size. Five to seven inches long. The super hung
black man is mostly a myth, but Donk defiantly fit into the super-size
category. He was as long as the Badger had been, but way thicker. His cock
looked more like a small, inverted ebony baseball bat.

"Nice," I said struggling to keep my face impassive. "I've seen bigger,
though." I almost laughed at the expression of surprise on his face.
Apparently he had expected some sort of reaction from me. A scream of fear
or delight.something.

"Shit," he drawled. "I'll bet you ain't seen nothing like this before." He
hefted it and pointed it at me. "You'll change your tune when I ram this
pussy packer in your cunt. You'll fuckin' sit up and take notice then."

I suspected he was right, but I turned back to the closet without comment,
and picked out my dress for the evening. None of the outfits were expensive,
just sexy. I selected an off the shoulder black dress that came to mid
thigh. Not needing a bra, I didn't wear one. The dress was thin enough so
that my puffy nipples were plainly visible beneath the dress. The guys that
doted on big tits might not even look, but the rest would certainly get an
eyeful. It had been a long time since I had worn anything so provocative. It
felt good.

"Not bad," Donk said, watching me change. "You still got it Sugar. Easy on
the make-up. You can still pass for a teenager, so let's work that." I
seldom wear make-up anyway, so a little eyeliner, some blush, lipstick, and
I was ready. I wasn't sure having my twenty-four year old body described as
a teenage body was a compliment, but I've learned to live with what I have.

Donk took me to eat at a ritzy place. He seemed to delight in the stares
from the other patrons, who were mostly white. After dinner we went to a
club. I assumed it was mostly for blacks, but there were a few whites
s**ttered around. Mostly women. It reminded me of the club Colin took me to
in Atlanta. Maybe a little nicer, but essentially the same. It became
apparent from the service and the demeanor of the serving staff that Donk
was a person to be reckoned with. We were shown to a table toward the back
and on one side of the place. It wasn't long before the parade began.

Men came to talk with Donk. They came one or two at a time and some came in
groups of four or five. Donk put his spiel on each of them telling them that
it was a sure fire money maker and that they would be fools to pass up the
opportunity to invest.

"Look at her," he would say to them. "She's a winner with a proven track
record. Sunni Daze videos sold a million copies of her tapes and disks. The
whole fuckin' world has been waiting for her to make a comeback."

Some of them committed then and there. Some said they would get back to
Donk. A few said no outright. Donk had put a portfolio of my photographs
together and showed it to everyone. It was strange having men, mostly black,
look at the pictures and then look up at me, comparing the real woman with
the photos. One man apparently liked what he saw because he offered Donk
five hundred dollars to spend the night with me.

"Two things wrong with that," Donk said with a huge smile. "One, tonight
she's mine, and two, five hundred is just barely enough for you to smell her
pussy." The man quickly raise his offer to a thousand. It was flattering in
a bizarre kind of way, to be the object of the bidding process. "Hell man,"
Donk said. "It ain't up to me anyway. She's don't work for me except for
this movie deal and tonight. She can fuckin' take it up with you after we
get the movie made." The man left only after insisting that I take his card
and call him if I was interested. I promised to ring him up if I had time.
It was shortly after midnight when Donk figured I had enough exposure.

"It's show and tell time," he said to me. "I'm goina show you some major
fuckin' and you're goina tell me how much you like it."

After Donk and I got back to the hotel he wasted no time. He nearly tore the
dress off of me, threw me down on the bed, and fucked me. It took him a long
time to work that massive cock in me and to his credit and my relief , he
didn't force it. He took his time and gave me a, I'll be honest. He
gave me a great fuck. To his credit, Donk hadn't lie about his prowess. He
proved his competence several times before he left me in the wee hours of
the morning. I was sorry Harold missed it, and I knew he would be also.

Published by hondo1906
4 years ago
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