Uncle John and my 1957 Chevy

Writing about Christmas, made me remember another episode in my teen years that I haven’t thought of in decades. I just turned old enough to drive that year. I had just gotten home from school when my Uncle John, the real rich one, drove over to our house in a shiny black, 1957 Chevy and said, “Happy Birthday, Lila.” (Yes, I know, an incredible car. I wish I still had it) My parents and I stood there stunned. My mom and dad looked at him and he said, “I only have one niece. I can get her anything I want for her birthday. Besides, it's not new.” I didn't care, it was beautiful! He then told how it had nice vinyl seating, great for cleaning up spills, and spots. I looked at him and smiled.
I said, “Uncle John, can we go for a ride? Why don't you drive and show me all the features.” He said yes, and off we went. As soon as we turned the block I had his pants unbuckled, unzipped, and my mouth on that beautiful foot long, thicker than a beer can, cock. God, it felt and tasted great. I pulled my lips off with a pop and asked, “I really wanted to have you over Christmas. I really missed this,” as I gave his dick a lick. He said he came to my room Christmas night, but when he opened the door all he saw was my Aunt Peggy moaning as I licked her pussy, and Uncle Sid really giving it to me from behind. “I didn’t want to get caught leering into your room by your cousins, so I left. I knew I was going to see you when I gave you this.”
I gave him a big kiss and said that he should find a spot to pull off. He found a nice quiet place, so I jumped in the back and stripped out of my school uniform, except for my anklets and Mary Janes. He got in the back, pulled off his shirt, took his pants to his ankles, and eased that bad boy into me. My God he was big! I put my one leg on the back window ledge, the other over the front seat, and just let him drive me home to orgasm after orgasm.
He stayed a couple of days, so I had many opportunities to thank him for my car. One night he took me to dinner at a nice place, just the two of us. I was wearing a tight, thin wool sweater, that really showed my breasts and nipples, a very short pleated skirt, garter belt and hose, and 2 inch heels. I still couldn’t walk on anything higher. I wanted to look extra nice for him that night because I had decided I was going to try and take him in my ass. I had thought about it a lot, and thought that I at least had to try.
When he pulled into the parking lot, I told him I wanted to give him a present, so I unbuckled his pants, pulled down his zipper, and pants, and told him to get in the middle of the bench seat. He did what I asked, giving me a quizzical look the whole time. I sucked him awhile, getting him incredibly hard. I don’t think a cat could have scratched that beautiful prick. I left his cock head very wet, reached into my purse, got out a bottle of lubricant, and put it around, and in my ass. He said, “Oh no, Lila, I’m too big!” I said, “Let’s just see, Uncle John, okay?” I slowly lowered myself, one hand holding the back of his neck, the other with the object of my desire. I guided that beautiful thing to my ass, and let gravity slowly take my body. Damn did that hurt! I bit my lip, and buried my head in his neck so he couldn’t see the grimace on my face, and kept going down. He didn’t move a muscle for fear of hurting me. I was just about to yell, “UNCLE” when finally, the head pushed in.
We didn’t move, we barely breathed, we just felt every nerve ending in our genitals catch fire. After a minute or so, I relaxed my grip on his neck and kept going down until I couldn’t take anymore. I remember thinking that all of my girlfriends were talking about the boys in our class, and whether or not they would let them kiss them on their next date. Then here I was, with a monstrous cock up my ass, about to cum. I thought, “No one is getting hurt, I’m really enjoying myself, so what’s the harm?” I asked myself that question many times over all my years.
We were so into ourselves, we didn’t see the old couple walking to their car from the restaurant until they were right by us. Their car was right next to ours. The old guy was smiling, but the old lady looked like she had eaten lemons for dinner. My skirt was over my back and my sweater was pulled up above my tits, so she had a great view of Uncle John in my ass. She stood there, petrified, with me going up and down on his cock, taking more and more on each stroke i was looking into her eyes with a look of lust, my jaw slack. I think I was even drooling a little.
The old guy finally said, “Let’s go, Gertrude” (I don’t remember her name, really, but she looked like a Gertrude). She never took her eyes off Uncle John’s cock as she got in and they drove off. As they left, I started to feel the familiar sensations of a coming orgasm. Uncle John started to breath heavily, too. Suddenly he pushed upward, sending feelings of pain and pleasure throughout my young body, as he came with a cry. I was right behind him, shaking violently with my release. I actually saw stars. I always thought that was a cartoon thing, but nope, I saw them as I clutched Uncle John’s neck so I wouldn’t go down anymore. Fortunately, he started to get soft immediately, and after a few minutes, he was able to lift me off his prick, since I was a dishrag and unable to have normal thought.
We sat there awhile, gathering our wits. I tried to wipe my bottom with a rag I kept for cum clean-up, but he had cum a ton, and deep inside of me. When we went into the restaurant, I guess we looked a little funny, since everyone stopped talking and looked at us. I mean a 39 year old man and a young girl that looked like she had been ridden very hard, (I knew I was being put away very wet, I could feel it dripping down my leg.) with nipples sticking out like Hershey Kisses under her thin, wool sweater. The tops of my nylons were exposed since I hadn’t pulled my skirt all the way down. I could get away with my skirts being short because I looked so young.
Uncle John had a big smile on his face and smiled and nodded at everyone as he guided me behind the maitre d to our table. He said he was so proud of me. My ass was still buzzing. Hell, it had just been stretched wider than ever before. It hurt when I sat down, and I could feel our juices leaking onto the seat. Oh well, the busboy would have a great story to tell his friends about the girl that slimed all over the restaurant seat. I had to make sure my skirt wasn’t under me so as not to get our cum all over it. This caused the skirt to ride up and expose the side of my ass, and my nylons above their tops, showing my garters.
After I started to finally gather my wits, I started to really enjoy the looks everyone, men and women, were giving me. Some smiled, some frowned, but all I knew was I had just taken the biggest cock up my ass that I had ever seen, and liked it. It was the best birthday a girl ever had, and yes, the seats of my Chevy were very easy to clean.
Published by 66Trains
5 years ago
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Ukchris56 2 months ago
Thats my girl
Outrageous14 1 year ago
What a girl 
mrxixi 1 year ago
Great uncle John :smile:
Leomoore 2 years ago
Another really hot post.  Thanks for sharing your experiences.  You are a wonderful lady, disgraceful but wonderful.
funtimes1973 5 years ago
wow I love your stories xxx
66Trains Publisher 5 years ago
to zep75 : Scarlett Johansson. Yes, the looks on the restaurant patrons was priceless. I probably left a trail walking to the table. He had put so much cum in my ass, it leaked all the way to the table.
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zep75 5 years ago
Another excellent tale your life would make a great Movie - who would you have play yourself? The restaurant bit made me hardest funnily enough - had to sort myself out after reading it more wet tissues! 
LoveOlderLadies 5 years ago
to 66Trains : I am hard just thinking about it. Back in those days, I am sure there was a lot more cum. was your face covered/?? Oh, Lila. let me DO that!!!!... I am happy you havent lost your desire for sex as you got older. I LOVE you in red heels. 
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66Trains Publisher 5 years ago
to LoveOlderLadies : New post cumming out today, my friend. Enjoy. It explains a little bit more about how I wound up taking over 20 guys my first night in a fraternity.
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shagswell121 5 years ago
to 66Trains : I am sure he enjoyed the view .. and wank re-living it
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66Trains Publisher 5 years ago
to shagswell121 : I truly doubt it. If you had seen her face... I bet the old guy used his hand when he got home, however.
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shagswell121 5 years ago
Who knows perhaps Gertrude demanded her hairy ass fucked when she got home too
66Trains Publisher 5 years ago
to LoveOlderLadies : New post cumming out today.
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LoveOlderLadies 5 years ago
to 66Trains : great!! and CUMMING is what I will be doing, sexy lady. 
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66Trains Publisher 5 years ago
to LoveOlderLadies : Very glad you like my content. More posts cumming.
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LoveOlderLadies 5 years ago
to 66Trains : Oh, I will, and I DO enjoy your videos and pictures VERY much, and thank you for sharing. 
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66Trains Publisher 5 years ago
to LoveOlderLadies : You're going to have to be happy with just my pictures, I'm afraid. Enjoy!
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LoveOlderLadies 5 years ago
Oh, LILA, you get me SO hard all the time!!! To have my cock in your hot ass while you are dressed in ONLY white lace ankle sox and red high heels is a MAJOR fantasy for me. I want to empty my full balls deep in your asshole. let you lick my cock clean. mmmmmmm Lila, I am so hard for you right NOW!!!
fishkiller 5 years ago
to 66Trains : Thanks for the reply, and candor.  A lot happened when we were teens, people talk about how the newest generation is "enlightened"  and not taking into consideration, "we were there first".  I believe there are a lot of women like yourself, only silent.  You are not a terrible person, your stories give me an erection, and nothing wrong with that, thanks!
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CHELSEA2 5 years ago
mmm wish i had fucked your arse i would have licked you clean
66Trains Publisher 5 years ago
to fishkiller : Thank you. It has really been fun writing down what happened to me when I was a teen. I thought that people would be horribly shocked, and think I was just a terrible person, but it wasn't like that. I have started to remember some things that I had put out of my mind, and never talked about. I never even told my husbands about the priest or my Aunts and Uncles and cousins. So I'm glad you like the stories. More are cumming.
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66Trains Publisher 5 years ago
to lostlovers85 : I'm not sure what you mean. I am 77 years old. The 66 part is the number of trains I did (20 or more men at one time) when I was 16 to 19 years old, and no, dear, I do not want to fuck. I have one gentleman that takes care of my needs, and me his, but thank you for the offer.
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lostlovers85 5 years ago
Only 66 in January. Want to fuck?
Drew311 5 years ago
Fucking hot 
fishkiller 5 years ago
Love the stories, keep them cumming.....
66Trains Publisher 5 years ago
to smallfurrycreature : I didn't waste all the money I made getting laid by college boys. I got a great education. I had a fabulous English teacher. I just remembered what I did with him. You'll read that in a post soon. Enjoy!
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lostlovers85 5 years ago
Another great story.  Worked great with my morning wood.
smallfurrycreature 5 years ago
to smallfurrycreature : and well written too.
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smallfurrycreature 5 years ago
Happy belated birthday.  Such a lovely present.
i am speechless!