The exposure manifesto

1) Once a whore's pics are uploaded to the Internet, there is no going back! They will quickly be downloaded by hundreds (if not thousands) of horny viewers. Those viewers in turn will naturally save them to their computers, share them, post them elsewhere, and (of course) jack off to them over and over again. Their Exposure cant be undone.
2) If the exposed wishes to have her photo removed, she should read #1 again. There is no way to truly recover what has been shown to thousands of others. It is best to accept your exposure.
3) All women, girls, sluts, cunts and whores should always be exposed, shared, and objectified. If a bitch that IS sexually attractive, then she should accept her role in her life as an sexual object.
4) Expose often, expose early. Preferably as soon as the bitch turns 18. Doing this will allow her exposure to last throughout her entire adult life and allow everyone to enjoy the slut.
5) No part of the body is private. Expose with face, tit's, pussy and ass. All private experiences of pleasure and exploration are to be shared.
6) Make the fantasy real. Real names,, any and all info and or personal details should be used.
7) Continue the cycle. It is your job to download, re-post, share, and (of course) jack off to the photos that have been posted. Their exposure has already begun. It’s up to you to make it better, more intense, more pervasive, and more complete. Download. Re-post. Share. Use them like the whores they are !
Published by ihousewife
5 years ago
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komtuvoi 3 years ago
that's correct...
lokopormaduras 3 years ago
Its truth, all truth and only truth
ceyhuntahsin 3 years ago
Very good
tanzuml 4 years ago
Un manifeste très cool ...!
DIOGENE 4 years ago
Tout à fait d'accord ...
komtuvoi 4 years ago
Désirée et possédée le temps de l'étreinte !
komtuvoi 4 years ago
Cee texte me plaît bien et m'excite aussi, oui j'aime voir des visages, des seins, des minous et des fesses. Il me semble que c'est gratifiant pour une femme d'être désirée...
rawkhard9 4 years ago
Oui !!!!!!!!
Piepeloe 5 years ago
bravo que tu pense ainsi 
Tartok 5 years ago
to zuludawn75 : totally agree
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janpol78 5 years ago tout à fait d' surtout pour me masturber comme un cochon,pendant des heures,sur les belles dames exposées!
sucredorgedu38 5 years ago
Qu'est ce que j'aimes ta philosophie  
zuludawn75 5 years ago
This text makes me want to puke