Loyalty( The captain( Her) goes down with her ship
I want to write a little about loyalty and how it sort of drives add least as a cuck to pursue such a relationship. One of the biggest reasons for wanting this style of relationship is consistency of loyalty. Sex is one of the biggest driving factors as human beings we have. For some of us who aint particularly crazy about our chosen career paths, sex allows us to still have a reason to value the daily in and outs of being human. Its a major factor in deciding who we end up with and more often than not is the reason we end long-lasting relationships with peolpe who once held a major role in our lives. Even if all the right amount of connection is there, the lack of sexaully fulfillment can just make anyone feel that the relationship should part ways.
Me personally I've had some troubles in my past with people staying around. My mother passed in 1997, i have had several women come a go since then. My father who traveled for work a great deal left me with my grandparents a lot up to about being 13. It was just me, a older sister and my father for some time until about 18. When he met my current step-mother( they never married). Then my grandparents did what all old peolpe do who can afford it and moved to Florida. Leaving our family down to 5 members.
My sister who was for the must of my life very close to me had a really bad relationship and a unsuspected c***d. She had a already shity medical history and turned to pretty heavy d**gs. She stole a couple thousands dollars from me when i was away in the military by writing fake checks, well real checks fake signatures. Even today she spends more time in the bathroom than anything else when I'm over. IF you have any history of d**gs usage in your family you know what that means. I've had a friend who did similar to me. My current step-mother or whatever you would call her, doesn't like me much for being there for my sister and even less because i lived at home for way to long in her opinion. Even though her first husband was 29 when she was just 20. So who do you think was paying the rent lol.
So as a cuck being able to have the loyalty of a woman who i feel wont just leave becasue she wants someone new or she gets bored or she doesn't feel satisfied sexaully. But its not just about personal insecurities, of which i have few i couldn't fix; its about having unconditional loyalty to a woman and as your role as her cuck. It goes pass how she looks compared to other women. It's sort of how a captain( Her) goes down with her ship(cuck)
Me personally I've had some troubles in my past with people staying around. My mother passed in 1997, i have had several women come a go since then. My father who traveled for work a great deal left me with my grandparents a lot up to about being 13. It was just me, a older sister and my father for some time until about 18. When he met my current step-mother( they never married). Then my grandparents did what all old peolpe do who can afford it and moved to Florida. Leaving our family down to 5 members.
My sister who was for the must of my life very close to me had a really bad relationship and a unsuspected c***d. She had a already shity medical history and turned to pretty heavy d**gs. She stole a couple thousands dollars from me when i was away in the military by writing fake checks, well real checks fake signatures. Even today she spends more time in the bathroom than anything else when I'm over. IF you have any history of d**gs usage in your family you know what that means. I've had a friend who did similar to me. My current step-mother or whatever you would call her, doesn't like me much for being there for my sister and even less because i lived at home for way to long in her opinion. Even though her first husband was 29 when she was just 20. So who do you think was paying the rent lol.
So as a cuck being able to have the loyalty of a woman who i feel wont just leave becasue she wants someone new or she gets bored or she doesn't feel satisfied sexaully. But its not just about personal insecurities, of which i have few i couldn't fix; its about having unconditional loyalty to a woman and as your role as her cuck. It goes pass how she looks compared to other women. It's sort of how a captain( Her) goes down with her ship(cuck)
5 years ago