My Man Wants to Suck a Penis, Now what?

A blog post from Friday, October 4, 2019 by Genderfun.

Ladies chances are your boyfriend wants to suck a penis. Trust me on this. That being said they most likely donā€™t want to suck a penis on someone that looks like a man. Thatā€™s because they are not sexually attracted to men. However, I bet they are curious about sucking a penis on someone that looks like a woman. That would be a transgender woman or a very feminine crossdresser.

Of course guys will be guys and they may not admit to it at least not to you, nor to their friends nor family but trust me ladies, your man has probably thought about sucking a penis. They might have even watched tranny porn, and liked it.

So, what do you do if your boyfriend or husband wants to suck a penis but you donā€™t have one, because you know, you were born with a vagina?

Here are a few suggestions:

1) Buy a strap-on and make him suck it while you wear it. Slap his face with it while you're at it.
2) Make friends with a trans woman or a Crossdresser and have a threesome.
3) Give him a hall pass so he can explore his sexuality with a trans woman or a Crossdresser

The key here is to have a dialogue out in the open. Because letā€™s face it, if their desire and curiosity is strong enough they will go about sucking a penis behind your back. Not because they donā€™t trust you, or love you but simply because they may be a bit ashamed of their desires. And they may not quite have the vocabulary to articulate why it is they have such a curiosity in the first place.

Traditionally speaking we tend to, as a society, accept that women experiment sexually during their collage years, but rarely do we hear guys talking openly about their sexual experimentation. You are fooling yourself if you think that guys donā€™t experiment or at the very least have a desire to explore their sexuality and fantasies.

Having your guy open up about this side of himself can bring you two closer so long as you listen with an open mind and you donā€™t judge him.

So ladies, grow a pair and show your man you care by asking him if they want to suck your dick. You might be pleasantly surprised with his response as he drops to his knees to worship you.
Published by alexistv
5 years ago
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antverp 1 month ago
i love to suck cock
skibumhi 2 months ago
shavedcockandballs 4 months ago
Nothing on this Earth is hotter than sucking a pretty trans lady to orgasmic bliss... absolutely NOTHING !!!!
manupxx 4 years ago
I only like trans partners, have I sucked 1 off, yeah, but not my primary interest