Update: 4 months on
Apart from a break of 2 weeks (so as not to hinder investigation of an unrelated medical issue), I have now been on oestrogen for just over 4 months. Having started on a very low dose, I have just doubled it to something more like the average for most people transitioning.....and yes, I am now starting to think of my experiement as a transition.
From the start, I decided not to take testosterone blockers for two reasons: I have a naturally low testosterone level, and oestrogen actually inhibits testosterone production. There seemed no point in adding another pharmaceutical risk.
So what is happening to me?
The most obvious is that my "breasts" are continuing to develop. They have not grown much outwardly, apart from more prominent nipples, but they are now made of real breast tissue rather than fat.....and they jiggle a bit : ) From my point of view, the most noticable part is that they are much more sensitive and can be painful if I knock them on anything. It is a wonderful and almost constant reminder that my body is changing; I can hardly wait for the warmer weather and the opportunity to wear tight fitting t-shirts!
Not so obvious are the effects on my libido and emotions since I increased the dose. Libido went from virtually unchanged to zero very quickly. If I work at it, I can still get erect and cum.....but it takes forever to get there. On the emotional front, reading, listening to, or watching virtually anything poignant results in tears rolling down my face and there is nothing I can do about it. Watching tv has become quite a challenge.
If there are other folks transitioning out there who want to share experiences, would love it if you got in touch.
From the start, I decided not to take testosterone blockers for two reasons: I have a naturally low testosterone level, and oestrogen actually inhibits testosterone production. There seemed no point in adding another pharmaceutical risk.
So what is happening to me?
The most obvious is that my "breasts" are continuing to develop. They have not grown much outwardly, apart from more prominent nipples, but they are now made of real breast tissue rather than fat.....and they jiggle a bit : ) From my point of view, the most noticable part is that they are much more sensitive and can be painful if I knock them on anything. It is a wonderful and almost constant reminder that my body is changing; I can hardly wait for the warmer weather and the opportunity to wear tight fitting t-shirts!
Not so obvious are the effects on my libido and emotions since I increased the dose. Libido went from virtually unchanged to zero very quickly. If I work at it, I can still get erect and cum.....but it takes forever to get there. On the emotional front, reading, listening to, or watching virtually anything poignant results in tears rolling down my face and there is nothing I can do about it. Watching tv has become quite a challenge.
If there are other folks transitioning out there who want to share experiences, would love it if you got in touch.
5 years ago