Mistis' Adventures Part 31

When they arrived at the house, they discovered that Sharon and Mary had arrived just moments before them, and Mike and Misti had been right behind them. They got out and unloaded the articles they had just picked up. Everybody pitched in to unload the pickup. Mary had stopped just long enough to change her clothes, and Sharon had gone next door to do the same.

The two grandmas went upstairs, along with Betty to get ready too. They had just barely gone up the stairs when Mary, Jerry, Mike and Misti slid open the back door. Papa Breen and Dave were already advised, in rather strong terms, that they were to go on out to the farm, to get out of the way. Jerry and Mike were told, just as strongly, to "park it in the kitchen or living room until they were called." Jerry poured them a cup of coffee, and started a new pot. They were wise enough to know not to argue.

Sharon was there in a few minutes, wearing her housecoat, and some mukluks. She came in and sat on the sofa and removed the heavy shoes, and stood up to remove the housecoat. Nobody was really surprised to see that she was naked underneath. "I know my Mama." she stated. She will be naked when she comes down, just like Betty. Mama Breen will, most likely, just have her panties on. It's how the work." Misti came to the head of the stairs. Mama wants Jerry and Mike up here for a minute." They immediately noticed that she was naked, also. Papa Breen was right behind her. With a grin, he commented, "I don't rightly know if I want to go out to the farm. All these pretty, naked ladies make me want to stay here and enjoy the sights." Mama Breen had stepped in back of him and swatted him gently on the butt. "You old fart. You ain't seen anything you've not seen before. You'll do the rest tonight when you get back. Now, you two get going, and give Billy and William our love. Now scoot!!!"

Dave and his father-in-law headed for the back door and were gone. Papa Breen admired the country as they were driving out to the farm. The thick blanket of snow was easy to drive in and covered the ground like a thick, white blanket.The scenery looked like something out of a picture postcard.

In less than 30 minutes they were parked in front of the barn. Dave beeped his horn as he was getting out, and William came to stand in the door. "Hi, Pop. Did Dad come, too?" Papa Breen stepped over and hugged him, as he had done all of his life. "No, son. I just came to bring the girls. I'm going back in the morning. I'm just going to hang around long enough to get some more pictures of Carol and the baby. If I don't, there'll be Hell to pay. Especially from Robbi. She already threatened me over it. That girl has a mean streak, and I don't want to give her any excuses." Billy was laughing at his Father's talk. They both loved Robbi beyond any words. She had turned out to be the smartest of the bunch. She was in her Junior year at college, and was carrying a double major. Computer Science and Business Administration. She had been on the President's Honor Roll ever since her second semester. It had been her that had bought each of them a new smart phone, and taught them how to use it. She was, in every way, just like her Mother. When she had come in the door, all her clothes had come off. Then she went in and started cooking. She was a bundle of energy.

Robbi was 23 now. She was just a little taller than her mother. She stood 5' 10 in. in her usually bare feet. She weighed just 110 lbs., and proudly told them she was 38 D, 24, 36. She had strawberry blond hair that hung to her round butt, and was nearly always naked. She was just as free and open as her mother. In spite of his words, Billy knew his Papa was joking.

While they were talking they walked over to one of the stalls. The red mare was down, and a tiny nose was just peeking out. William looked up with relief. "I was just getting ready to call you. Junior wants out." The others quickly shed their coats and got in the stall, Billy grabbing the foal just behind his forelegs. A couple of minutes and there was a new colt in the hay in front of them. He, just like his mama, was bright red, with a white star on his forehead, and four white stockings. He was dripping wet, and breathing heavily due to his ordeal. They stood and watched as the mare cleaned her new baby, and in a few minutes more, watched him as he wobbled to his feet, to take his first steps. His mother had got to her feet, and stood nuzzling him as he took his first drink of her milk.

The men were admiring him, but soon decided to head inside the house. William and Billy wanted to be caught up on the latest. "Dave told them that the doctor was going to release Carol and Sarah the next day, and that the women were at the house to make everything ready for them. THEY had been run out, and told to take their time getting back. Jerry and Mike were there to take care of the few things that might be too heavy for the women.

Dave winked at Papa Breen with a sly smile on his face. They were ALL wearing their working clothes. William hadn't known what he was referring to. "They're ALL Naked!" Upon hearing this, William looked over at Billy. "You think they probably are gonna need more help?"

Billy couldn't help but to laugh at him. "You go in now, you'll be lucky not to get a broom upside the head. When those ladies tell you to go, you better be leaving a dust trail. They get mean if you don't do what they say. We'll drink some coffee and wait a bit before we go."

They waited and drank their coffee and talked some more. Billy wanted to hear the latest about Robbi. He and her had been together constantly all their lives. Where you found one of them, you usually found the other. They were always cooking up mischief to pull on the others, and even though they never spoke of it, they knew that Robbi had probably given Billy her virginity. Most of the time, weather and circumstances permitting, they were naked in front of each other. It had been a surprise that they had not been married.

It was about 3:30 when they decided to go ahead and go home. They had checked on the livestock, gathered the eggs, and put some fresh hay in the stalls for the other horses. Billy had checked the other mare, and decided that she wouldn't drop her foal for a couple of days. They got into the two trucks and hit the road.

They pulled into the driveway, and, locking up, went into the house. The first thing they saw were Mike and Jerry sitting at the kitchen table. "They're all upstairs," Mike said. " You better stay down here." Jerry added. "You're mom runs us out every time we try to go up without being called." She shifted a few things around and started giving the once over to everything, so it would be just as clean as the hospital."

Just then Sharon came down the stairs. She was, like all the other women, completely naked. William never tired of seeing her like this. He had been looking forward to the day they were married. She had done as he had asked, checking to see if there was anything she wanted to change. There were a couple of very minor things, but nothing serious. She marveled at his late wife's taste. He had, at her request, taken out a couple of photo albums for her to look through. She thought his late wife, Chen, had been a beautiful lady.

"We're almost done, Sweetie." she told William. "Betty is going to stay over at our house, and Mom and Mommy are going to stay here." They are going with Davey to get Carol and Sarah, tomorrow. They will be down in a minute." Just then they saw the others coming down the stairs. Billie looked up at Cathy. "We got a new, red stallion, today, Honey." He's about 6 or 7 hands tall, and looks just like his mom. Bright red, with four white stockings, and a star between his eyes. William was surprised at how fast he got to his feet. He was up inside 30 minutes."

Mama Campbell came up to stand right behind Cathy. "We got everything ready for the girls. Now, what do we want for supper?' Cathy turned and told her, "We have a lot of leftovers in the icebox to eat. We'll need room for Sarah's things, too." Mama Breen laughed at this. "Sarah's things are on Carol's chest. She is being breast-fed. Just like all the others were." Misti chimed in, "There's a pot of soup in the fridge we can make hot. You've not tried my soup, yet. The others like it." She went into the kitchen to put it in the stove to start heating. Mama Campell's eyes went to the men.
"Betty told me she has a surprise for you all, a little later. She's gonna give it to you later." Betty was just a half step behind her mom.

The night was shaping up to be a memorable one.
Published by sandlicker
5 years ago
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