The Therapist part 1

The company operated out of a shop in the old part of town, so she had to leave the car at multi story parking complex and pay a small fortune, before walking the rest of the way through the light but cold early spring rain. Not many people were out on this early Monday in March. Not many shops were open for business yet, only a few cafe´s serving breakfast for tourists.
There was rain in the air, it was cold, not yet spring. Astrid turned down a narrow side street and slowed down. She felt like smoking, although she had given that up more than 2 years ago.
She could see the shop now, two windows, one on each side of the door, three steps up. Located in a building several centuries old. Only one floor above the shop. Her heart was beating fast now. Everything was a mess, but she only had herself to thank for that. She had made the same stupid little mistake at work a few times too many and her boss, a woman name Charlotta (who had a keen interest in anything alternative), had been adamant, as a diagnostician and to come up with a cure. The many faults came from Astrid´s love life but she (Charlotta) would strongly recommend a full day of therapy at her own certified senseo-ther****ts. Luckily, it could be written off as “education”, so it would only cost Astrid two days off. The deal was made right there, in Charlotta´s corner office, and the date set. When she had gotten home, Astrid had of cause googled “senseo-therapy” but had drawn a blank there.
She was about 25 meters from the shop now, could see the sign simply saying “alternative therapy”. Both windows had laced curtains and a few dusty succulent potted plants in front of them. As she got closer, she could see a warm light from the door. She got her phone out and checked it. She was about three minutes early.
Astrid looked both ways before crossing the narrow street. Not a soul in sight. To her own surprise, her knees felt a little wobbly as she climbed the stairs and opened the door. Entered.
It was a rather nice office. A Persian rug on the floor, book shelves covering 3 walls and a large desk at an angle, facing the door. A man, of about 50, with dark glasses and a well-kept beard sat behind the desk. He was wearing a lab coat, not white, but Gray, with black trimming. There was a strange but rather pleasant scent in the air.
“Ah, you must be..Astrid, yes?..please put your clothes on the coat hanger and tell me, how much do you know about our system?” he said. He had an accent that she could not place.
“Eh, almost nothing...My boss, Charlotta has...told me to do this, but I come here with an open mind, ready for new input...”
She hung her coat and scarf on the coat-hanger. Then turned to him again. There was no name tag on his chest.
“My concept is brand new. We enter the subconscious system and..massage it, to relief both pleasure and energy...We have a very high success rate, even though some call our methods...unorthodox...Now, Mrs Charlotta gave me your basic are 27, single, not seeing any one, hetero...Forgetting things and has a tendency to repeat faults..Is this correct, Astrid?”
“Yes, but why…
“When did you last have good sex?” he interrupted.
“What has that got to do with anything?” she asked back, blushing. The man sighed, patiently.
“It is all energies...There´s good energy, there is VERY good energy and there is...the not so good energies...And I think we need to focus on the good energies, am I right?”
She folded her arms in front of her chest.
“You...supervisor told us that you might be...reluctant to go through with this session...” he said without looking up from the papers he was reading. Astrid noted how her arms dropped down her sides now.
“I..had sex this Saturday...” she said softly.
“With a partner..?
“, but...”
“The negative sexual energy will build up inside you...Your mind will subconsciously on your lack-full sex-life, leading to problems in your work-life, which again will affect your sex-life in a negative way…
She was about to say something, but at the exact moment she was about to open her mouth, he looked at her with his very green eyes. She felt a shiver and instantly forgot what she was about to say.
“Then the confidence goes down and you are caught in a trap...It happens a lot more than you would think, Astrid.
He was holding her gaze. Her breathing had become heavier, not much.
“When was the last time you did something...wild and wonderful?...something that knocked you off your feet...Something that you sometimes think back at, with a smile on your face...”
“That years eve 2 years ago...”
“Good..what happened?”
“Well..i was at a friend´s party...i met this guy and since we both lived a bit away, we went up the stairs from the apartment and..made l...had sex on the top landing..” she confessed, her face tomato red now.
“Good, very good, Astrid”
It had been quick, very quick, but it had been inspiring, the thought of being caught in the act. But none of the other party guests had never suspected any thing.
“We will provide you with tools that will help you ending in situations like that much more frequently…
“Oh, I doubt that! She said and began to laugh, too loud and too long.
“You know that you want that to happen…
She just laughed. She was not really sure why. There was nothing THAT funny about anything. The man pressed a button on the desk and a bell ran somewhere in the building.
“You would be amazed if I told you the name of some of the persons that has been attending our sessions..and more than 85 per cent comes back, to have a regular session…
“Are Charlotta amongst those?”
“I can´t tell you that.
“Oh...i see”
“Now, are you prepared to go trough with this, Astrid?
“I...i am not sure, sir” she said, feeling oddly dizzy.
“Good...My assistant is brewing tea, I will go and get it..When I get back, I want you to have locked the door and to have taken at least some clothes off, Astrid..”
But he had already risen and had walked past her, disappearing behind a door hidden behind a curtain. Was this some sick joke from her boss?
Or had arrogant, posh Charlotta already been through this and had come out better and stronger?
Had she not been acting a bit...different a few months ago, right after she had had a few days off?
Astrid sat down on the chair in front of the desk and took her boots of. She had not come prepared for this!
Then she rose and removed her warm tights and her underwear in one swift motion, before she had time to think twice. She straightened her skirt and opened the top button in her blouse. She could hear steps approaching now. She quickly stuffed her knickers into the pocket of her coat and then sat down. The man had not yet reappeared. What was taking him so long?
Why was the room so hot?
She opened a second shirt button.
The door!
She hurried to the door, struggled a bit to find out how to make it lock, but somehow managed. Then she hurried back to the chair and sat down.
Now he was back, and he placed a tray with teapot and two mugs on the desk.
“ didn´t run away, Astrid”
She said nothing, but cleared her throat. Her tights hung over the back of her chair, it was impossible not to notice.
“Most people are very shy at this point...I recently had a business woman who only removed one shoe...You are already doing much better.
“It is….very challenging” she confessed.
“I know...but you have an advantage...because you look the way you do...being younger and fitter that most of our...clients.
She giggled while looking in his eyes.
“You body will be your tool to fix your mind...i know it sounds controversial, but we know that it works..
He poured tea and she leaned forward to take one mug.
“No, please take your shirt off first, Astrid…
Her jaw dropped, but she did not look down, simple undid the last few buttons and pulled the shirt off her shoulders. She had been in the office or shop or clinic no more than 15 minutes, maybe less, and all she was wearing was a long skirt and a black bra. She never went to the beach topless, yet she did nothing to cover herself now.
“Let´s try again...when was the last time you had sex with a partner?
“About a year ago” she confessed.
“And let me guess, it was okay but not great…
“How do you know that?”
“Because you have not had the yet, Astrid.”
She said nothing, leaning back, holding the mug with both hands. If she had known that this would be happening, she would have dressed differently!
“It has nothing to do with being loose or cheap...It is all about deciding when to have control and when to let go and be...guided...”
Astrid nodded and sipped the tea. It had a strange aroma. Not unpleasant, just...unusual.
“I can already read you like a book...You are type that would jump in your chair, if I went over to give your shoulders a good, gentle rub...Am I right?
“Well, yes, of cause...because I am not that kind of...intimacy from...strangers” she said softly and put the mug back on the table. She could feel how her face was reddening now. It annoyed her. She wanted to play this cool.
“Are you beginning to feel that...well-known feeling?” he asked casually.
“What kind of a question is that?” she giggled.
“A simple one, Astrid...You must remember that you gender and your libido can be your worst enemy or...Your best friend and your strongest weapon.”
She grabbed the mug and drank a little tea, in a vain attempt to wipe the smile off her face. As soon as the strange aroma hit her nostrils, she began to wonder if the tea perhaps was spiked in any way. Not with alcohol, more like a herb. One believed to have afrodicial powers, if such even exists.
“You never answered my question, Astrid…?”
“Well..this does affect me...” she said, trying to be as cool as possible and probably not being very good at it.
“We will take care of all your needs today..”he said with his soft voice. She put the mug down a bit harder than intended. There HAD to be some kind of aphrodisiac in that tea!
There was no way she could be like this, even if this was a professional ther****t!
“Are you feeling comfortable...Now, that you are not fully dressed?
“Actually, it is better than I thought it would be.
“You decide if you want to take more or it all off..
She reached behind her, unhooked the bra, took it off and tossed it in the general direction of her bag. She sat very straight in the chair. Her breasts were rather large, but pointy and the nipples were dark and hard.
“You know, I am not even...topless on the beach, when everyone else is…!”
“That is could create some jealousy issues, Astrid...Are you sure that you have never been offered modelling jobs?
“Yes, I am sure! She said and giggled. She could feel how her face was turning red. Her legs were parallel. She was only wearing her booths now.
“Now...are you ready to take the next, big step, Astrid?” he asked,” It is going to be a big step, but it will help you get a power you never knew you had…
Her jaw dropped, and she heard herself gasp.
“I will now take you on a long, exiting journey, but I will be there all the time, to guide you and to observe your reactions…
She flew to her feet and let her arms drop down her sides. She was breathing heavily, but apart from that, she appeared calm. She was wetting her lips, primarily to keep herself from smiling like a complete idiot.
“Unfortunately, I will not be able all the work, so my assistants will help...But we have protected your identity...they know you only by your first name...”
She nodded. Astrid was not that common a name.
“A….aa...” she stuttered,” Assistants..?
“Yes..I think that you will understand that there will be more than one person can...overcome”
Astrid sighed and softly closed her eyes. There was no way that this was happening, this had to be some kind of weird practical joke. She heard the faint sound of a door being opened and then soft steps. Some one was approaching her, as she stood there, naked, apart from her long, tight skirt and her shoes. She made a quick movement with her hands to make sure that her long, brown curly hair fell the right way over her naked shoulders. Had her annoying boss Charlotta really been through something similar to this?
It seemed hard to believe.
“Do you want to take your skirt off as well, Astrid?” the man behind the desk asked, his voice as calm as ever. She nodded behind closed eyes. Her fingers found the buttons, undid the top 3 or 4 and sighed softly as the skirt fell to the floor. The she stepped free of it. She was naked among strangers…
She did not really know what to do with her hands, so she placed one on her hip while she fought her instinct to put the other in front of her groin. Her heart skipped a few beat when she felt another hand on her other hip. A warm, soft hand rested on her naked skin.
“You are doing very, very well, Astrid…
A second hand now lay on her on her waist. It suddenly felt like it had been very long since some one had been touching her. Without really realizing it, she leaned back a little. She could feel the warm breath from the person behind her. She wished that she had know what would happen in advance. One hand was on her stomach and the other just below her breasts now.
“Now, it is our experience that many of our students prefer it be blindfolded at this significant point...”
Her jaw dropped and she looked at the man behind the desk. He was as calm as ever.
“Would you like that too, Astrid?”
“Yes, please she said, short of breath. Instantly, the hands left her body and soon a black, silky scarf, scented with some kind of pleasant perfume, was tied over her blue eyes. She could see a little, when she looked straight down, but more. A hand gently cupped over her left breast. Fingers found and played with the hard, erect nipple. A soft kiss was placed on her shoulder.
“You are, of cause, free to remove the blindfold at any time, but we advice you to keep it on at this part of”
She nodded and folded her arms below her breasts. She could hear the sound of a drawer being opened and closed again. Then she heard steps approaching, but not from the direction of the desk. Now she could see a black shoe when she looked down.
There was two!
She closed her eyes behind the scarf. Lips kissed her other breast, licked the nipple. She felt dizzy and she knew that she would never have ended up in a situation like this on her own. Unless there was large amount of alcohol involved. Even then, it would be very unlikely!
“Are your leg getting a little...wobbly?” the man behind the desk asked. His voice still very calm. She nodded quickly. Her love life had been less than exiting for way too long. Yet, somehow, she felt safe. After all, it was her boss that had initiated this.
“Perhaps it will be easier if you..knelt…
She gasped loudly. This was almost too much. She reminded herself that she could remove the scarf and tell the man that she would like to stop, but she knew that she couldn´t. Not now. She could feel two bodies close and hands on her body as she slowly knelt on the thick, Persian rug. She realized that her mouth was still open. There was something against her chin. She turned towards it. Now she had a hard penis in her mouth. She could not believe that this was happening!
She began to suck, but after a few seconds, the cock slipped out of her and then hands softly turned her head. Another penis!
She had her hands on her thighs as she began to suck, taking turns, sucking both the men in front of her. Like women, she on rare occasions had seen on the internet.
“I know you can feel the power this gives you, Astrid...” the ther****t said. She lifted her hands, held around the root of each penis with a few fingers. In a way, it was true. They were letting her control things. The scarf had shifted a little, she could see a bit more. Both men had shaved all pubic hair off. She had never met a man that did that!
At one, brief moment, her lips were touching both heads..
“Please remember that you are in control, Astrid...You can keep doing this if you want to, but you can also say what you want to”
She drew her head back, but still held a grip around both cocks.
“ of them….behind me.” she said slowly, in a voice that sounded very different from her normal voice. One of the men freed himself and went behind her. Eager hands help her down on hands and knees between them. Hands that parted her thighs, while she began to suck the man in front of her. She gasped, with her mouth full. The one behind her was kissing her thighs, high up, on the insides. Then he began to lick her. Yes, she was wet, had been so, since the man with the beard had begun to ask his more daring questions. Yet, feeling his tongue was not really what she wanted. Was she really in control of the two of them?
“No, not that” she said and began to kiss the shaft in front of her.
“Then say what you want them to do, Astrid
She hesitated. She had never been very good at talking dirty.
“I would like to be...taken!”
“You can use better words, I am sure!”
“so...fuck me..”
She took the head in front of her in her mouth again, as a cock slowly slid inside her pussy. She was shivering. She was not a woman that came easily, especially not with a man that did not know her very well. She also knew that this would be fuel for her fantasies for a long time to come. She was building up confidence to say how she wanted it to be. That was by no means easy for her.
“I never been with two men...Maybe it would be...”She started, but the began to suck cock again.
“What are you trying to tell us, Astrid?
She hesitated a few seconds. Then she pushed the man away from her mouth. The other slipped out of her pussy.
“I...i...i want them to show me how a woman should be...taken by two men” she finally said, standing on all four between them. She could feel them move around her. She was breathing heavily, with her mouth wide open.
“Would you like my assistants to be...demanding?”
“Yes!...i mean, maybe a little”
One man was lying next to her and he helped her leg over him, so that she was sitting on top of him. She moaned softly as she felt a cock penetrating her. She hoped that they would not take her for a slut.
“Suck!” the other demanded. It was the one that had just been fucking her, she could smell AND taste that!
But she complied. She had, after all, asked them to show her. The guy had a firm grip around her head. A teasing fingertip was dancing around her little clit, but without really hitting bull´s eye. Teasing her. Then she realized that not only was she having sex with two strangers, she also had an audience!
The ther****t was watching her, watching them, and probably taking notes along the way. One man was holding her head with both hands and using her mouth. A bit too hard really. She had never had a cock this deep into her mouth. When he finally was out of her, she grabbed it with both hands. Now she was in control.
“Make her come, please” the ther****t said, his voice as calm as ever. She was licking around the base of a cock-head and she thought that he did not know how a woman worked. The she felt something. A tongue. Close to her clitoris. No, on her clitoris!
There had to be three men working on her, one fucking her gently, one in her mouth and one licking her. She had to look down. The one licking her had long, smooth black hair. Then she closed her eyes and moaned softly with her mouth filled with a penis. The man in front of her was breathing heavier now. Was he coming too?
She lifted herself a little, letting the man under her do all the work for her. She knew she was coming. A thick warm burst of sperm was ejaculated into her mouth at the exact moment the orgasm made her entire body shiver.
The man under her slipped out her and several hands embraced her.
“Enough for now” the ther****t said.
Published by Ortsal
5 years ago
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