Semen puts them happy

A study in the journal New Scientist recently published a study that says that semen makes women happy.

This is an investigation that compared to women whose sexual partners do not use condoms and another group that does use.
They concluded that women who are directly exposed to semen are less likely to get depressed this is explained by hormones that possesses to be absorbed through the vagina, mood-altering or mood.

Of course, this goes a bit against the policy of encouraging condom use, but it is also true that many couples do not use stable, use other contraceptives.

But it's nice to know that we are made of chemically tailored.
Published by billysti1
12 years ago
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gatita14086 9 years ago
puede que sea cierto en mi caso yo disfruto cuando el hombre eyacula hasta la ultima gota de semen en mi vagina, para mi es muy placentero sentir como el esperma del hombre se corre hasta el fondo, aunque como dices va en contra del uso del condom, pero la mayoría de la gente prefiere a lo natural ya que se disfruta mas, los perceptivos como el condom se crearon con la finalidad de protegerse de las enfermedades y de los embarazos no deseados, o hay mujeres como es mi caso que usan una pastilla anticonseptiva para disfrutar de sexo natural.

It may be true in my case I enjoy when a man ejaculates every last drop of semen in my vagina, for me it is very pleasant to feel the man's sperm runs down to the bottom, but as you say it is against the use of condom but most people prefer to nature as you enjoy more, perceptual as the condom were created in order to protect themselves from disease and unwanted pregnancy, or there are women like me who use a tablet anticonseptiva to enjoy natural sex.