Today's the Big Day

Well today's the big day, I'm all dressed up waiting for my wife to come home and find me that way. While I've dressed in front of her before, it has never started with me being dressed for her, but rather her picking something out for me to wear. Yesterday we were out shopping and she said she should get me some lingerie to wear, I think now is a great time to try and push the boundary/frequency a bit. I'm hoping to start introducing my dressed half to our life on a more regular basis.
Published by zach123483
5 years ago
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dmf399 5 years ago
I hope it goes really well.  It sounds like it might!
kgbcd 5 years ago
Hope it goes well for you and It turns her on, good luck!
joinusbiguy 5 years ago
good luck with that love to dress more girl has never seen me dressed all the way in person ...just a pic or two 