I Need Help With Video!!!!

HI! I'm here today to ask if anyone can help me find a good video editor that is free? I tried a few but they have no features or it saves with a giant watermark on it. I want to be able to blur my face in some spots mainly but all the other bells and whistles would be nice too.
I'm really hoping somebody out there has a product key or something they are willing to share so i can get a good program and start putting some more exciting content up! Who knows, maybe someone out there who isn't broke like me wants to buy something that hopefully everyone can enjoy! :-).
If you have any suggestions let me know in the comments below....and if anyone reeeaally wants to be my hero and can get a legit copy of some decent video editing software, let me know down below and we'll get in contact and i'll give you my email address and we can go from there. The chat is really terrible on this site so if i don't happen to be looking at your message when it pops up I'm unlikely to see it, so if you want to help please say so down below instead of sending me a pm.
Thanks again to everyone who visits and tells me how much they enjoy my stuff, i really think its hot and fun listening to you guys talk about me ;-). Its been alot of fun posting and writing and now trying to get a few short videos on. I try not to just dump tons of trash on here and tend to pick the few random pics i like to put up, I hope to do the same with my vids but would like to clean them up.
Finally i'm just going to say that i think you all deserve something a little more dirty than usual, which is why I need the video software. Going to post a video of me sucking a guy i know, i'm attaching a pic as a sample, hope it motivates someone to help!!!! :-D Thanks so much!!!!


Published by Wild_Flower
5 years ago
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Madnick_007 5 years ago
I second the davinci resolve!
Vincent37 5 years ago
Hello, if you have a Mac iMovie is pretty nice! I edited all my videos with it.
anoniemand 5 years ago
Hey hey!
How is your search for a video editor? I can't wait to see (and hear!!) you sucking cock :wink: 
tech87 5 years ago
You should look up davinci resolve, they have a free consumer version that I use and I know it has the feature you are asking for (used it a long time ago) 
cumforteen 5 years ago
Search on videohelp (dot-com)
anoniemand 5 years ago
(PS, I wish you good luck!)
anoniemand 5 years ago
I'm searching for a good editting program for the same reason. But I haven't found anything yet.
Now I', trying something completely different to hide my identity: A mask when my cam is on. Maybe that is an idea.
The sample photo is very nice by the way! And when I close my eyes, I see you sucking on this lucky cock.
wild-toga 5 years ago
You can use Filmora Wondershare, there is a free version of it on their website for download. They also let you blurr out parts of the frame, even have a tutorial on their website how to do it. They also support lots of different input and output formats. All in all a pretty good video editing tool.
alli69 5 years ago
Get a pirate copy of Filmora
st_john_green 5 years ago
I wish I knew of a way to help yet I do not. I hope that you find something that is free and works for you. 
SierraLeon6 5 years ago
regarding the video editing, i could be your hero n say i can edit them for free but, since its a skill I'll guide you through how to learn it.... If you're looking for a way to find a decent software for free, well forget about it, cheapest option i can suggest is pirated copied
Joey6942 5 years ago
Damn! You are beautiful!