The Haters.... in life..... #cool
#hate has 4 letters so does #love
enemies has 7
friends has 7
lying has 7
negative has 8
positive has 8
cry has 3
joy has 3
anger has 4
happy has 5
right has 5
hurt has 4
heal has 4
it means life is like a double edged sword....... one must transform every negative side into an aura of #positivity.. we should all choose a better slice/chop of life... #amen
enemies has 7
friends has 7
lying has 7
negative has 8
positive has 8
cry has 3
joy has 3
anger has 4
happy has 5
right has 5
hurt has 4
heal has 4
it means life is like a double edged sword....... one must transform every negative side into an aura of #positivity.. we should all choose a better slice/chop of life... #amen
5 years ago