True tights pinching experience from years ago
This is another true experience i had from a good number of years ago now back when i was in my twenties. I used to enjoy taking tights (pantyhose) (and occasionally panties and stockings if i was lucky) from washing lines of females that i had known who had hung them out and who they had belonged to in my local area from when i had seen them either hanging them out or knew they had lived in the blocks of flats and seen them out and about wearing tights. I always used to wonder what the females thought when they came out to collect their washing then noticing their tights etc were missing. It was a huge thrill at the time and very risky but it was back in the days before cctv camera's and it always felt worth it having acquired the tights that had just recently been worn by the females before they had been washed and hung out to dry on the lines. This female in particular lived just opposite and across the road from the block where i lived and she also lived in a block of flats. I had seen her a couple of times in the morning at the same bus stop that i used to go to work. She was always smartly dressed in a skirt and tights and either flat shoes or heels but not too high heels and she had a young daughter who she must have been taking to drop off at a nursery before she went to work. She was probably in her late 20's not much older than me at the time and was quite tall with a nice figure and short brown hair. I had seen her going in and out of the block of flats a good few times also so i knew she lived there. Anyway one friday night quite early on so it was still sunny and light i was walking up to the local shops at the top of the road and as i was walking towards the back green of her block of flats (which was a large area where some of the back windows looked out onto and had a large black fence but there was a big open gap that anyone could walk into) i noticed there was washing hanging out and i saw 6 pairs of tights! 3 pairs were cream/natural coloured and there were also 3 darker pairs barely black and black. i new they must have belonged to her as i had seen her wear those colours before at the bus stop a few times when i had seen her. I knew i had to have them but i could tell from one of the flats that there was a party going on as there was loud music and voices and an open window so i didn't want to risk it. I kept checking a few times that night and passed the block and the washing was still out on the line but the party was still going on. I got up early in the morning and went out and the washing and tights were still out on the line so she had left them out all night so as it was early i didn't think anyone would be up and looking out of any of the back windows so i quietly snuck into the back green and grabbed all 6 pairs of the tights as quickly as i could and stuffed them into my coat pocket then quickly walked back down to my house. That day i tried on all of the pairs of tights and wanked a couple of times when wearing them and it felt great. The funny thing was even after i had taken them all after that there were quite a lot of other occasions that she kept hanging more tights out on the line! and i kept on taking them whenever i could! Sometimes the same colours and other times dark navy opaque tights and sheer natural tan tights or barely black tights. I always used to wonder what she thought the first time she came back out to collect her washing and noticed all her tights were missing but the fact that she kept hanging more out afterwards and i kept taking them and she kept hanging more out then clearly she must have enjoyed the fact that she knew someone must have been taking them and she must have kept buying more to wear! I ended up having a really nice collection of her tights that i loved to wear and it was great when i saw her now and again after that knowing that i had taken lots of pairs of her tights.
5 years ago