Misti's Adventures Part 28

Dave and Cathy got out of the bed and went, still naked, down the stairs to eat some dinner. Both of them were a bit tired, but very hungry. As they went down the stairs, the first thing they saw was that everyone else had taken off their clothes as well. "We didn't think you would want to get dressed, again," said Sharon, " so we decided to eat in OUR birthday suits, too. Besides, it is much more comfortable." The others nodded their agreement.

Everybody sat down at the table and were just serving up the food, when they heard the back door sliding open. They looked around to see Mike and Misti coming in. "Hi All." Mike greeted them. "Sorry to be so late, but, I was waiting for the boss to get home. She had something come up." Misti stepped out from behind Mike so everyone could see her. She was wearing scrubs like were worn in a hospital. "I got to thinking about Carol getting ready to have her baby, and have been taking some courses in post-natal care, so I would know what to do to help her the most when she brings Sarah home. I wanted to surprise you, so I didn't say anything. That's where I have been going these past few weeks. I graduate tomorrow, and wanted to invite you to the ceremony."

Carol was sitting there, dumbstruck, tears running down her cheeks. "I don't know what to say." she whispered. " I just loved you before, but now, I fully and completely adore you like a sister." She held her arms out to Misti, who stepped over to be hugged and kissed. Sharon had already gone to the cupboard to get plates and bowls for her and Mike. Places were set, and like the others, they took off their clothes, and sat down at the table. Carol told them about what had transpired that evening between Dave and Cathy. Both of them blushed a bit and smiled. "Mike joked at them. "Got into the nookie jar, already, huh? Can't say as I blame you. Awful nice nookie jar." Cathy noticed the play on words, and replied. "Thank You, I think, for the compliment?" Everyone had to laugh at the way she said it.

The meal was eaten, the days events discussed, and Misti was asked about her school. She told about what she had learned, and that with the training she already had received, her instructor had told her that with a little more training, she could be certified as a LPN, which he was encouraging her to do. "He said I could receive my certificate in a little more than two months." Sharon and Mary had cleared the table while the others were talking, but had heard all that was said. Mary chimed in, "If you are that close, it would be silly not to go for it. Good nurses are in high demand." Mike looked over at Misti and said, "See? I told you so. You are so close you can touch it, Why not go for it?" Misti looked around the table and saw nothing but love in every face. "I think you're right. I'll do it."

They moved from the dining room to the living room. Mike commented as they walked, "It's coming up a storm outside. It has gotten MUCH colder out in the last few minutes. We are in line for a winter storm. Up north of us, they are getting snow. We pulled the cars into the garage, and, if you haven't already, should do the same." Dave was the only one to have anything out, and it was his truck, so they were prepared.

They had moved to their chosen seats and resumed their conversation. Billy and Bill, who had asked the others to just call him Willy to cut down on the confusion, were relating what they had seen and done at the farm. They had moved the hay that was stacked there closer together, and nearer to the door, and were going to fix up a place for examination to the rear of of the hay barn. There was already a cement floor, and the rest was easy to build. Both of the mares were ready to foal at nearly any time, so they were going to stay out there for a few days, starting tomorrow. Billy had called a supply house and ordered the equipment he would need, and they asked Dave to give them a look to see about building the office.

In light of the coming storm, they decided to call it an evening. Hugs and kisses were given and only Carol, Cathy, Billy, and Dave remained. Everybody cleaned up, with Dave helping Carol with her shower, and turned in for the night.

Dave felt Carol nudging him in the ribs, and opened his eyes. Carol's face was contorting in pain. "Is it that time?" he asked. She nodded "Yes," to him. He scrambled out of the bed, and pulled on his clothes. Cathy and Billy, hearing the commotion, came in to see what was happening. "Sarah is knocking on her door. Dave stated. "Billy. Please go start my truck so it will be warm. Cathy. Please call the others and let them know what's happening. They'll want to know."

The house was soon a highly organized madhouse. Everyone was dressed in an instant, Cathy was on the phone, and Dave heard the engine to his truck roar to life. He helped Carol into a warm sweatsuit, placed her pac-boots on her feet, and grabbed the suitcase that they had packed for this time. Cathy had re-appeared, telling them that she had not only called the others, she had called the family in Texas to tell them what was happening. Carol simply smiled, but Dave told her, "Thank You." She had also notified the hospital, who would call Dr. Immelmann that she was on the way.

They made their way out to the pick-up. Carol climbed into the back seat with Cathy, and Dave and Billy got in the front. Billy insisted on driving so Dave could pay attention to Carol. They were backing out of the driveway, and saw Sharon and Willy sitting in their car waiting to follow them. They went around the block and saw Mary in her "new" car, the station wagon Jerry had just completed, with Mike and Misti in the back seat. They immediately fell in behind the others for the short trip to the hospital.

They had just arrived, when the storm was on them. It was snowing very hard. Carol was placed on a gurney with Dave and Cathy going in with her, while the others went around to the parking area. Dr. Immelmann was on the way, and would be there in a few minutes. Carol had her vital signs checked, and was wheeled into the delivery room. Her pains were less than 3 minutes apart, now. The nurse prepared her while they were waiting for the doctor. The Doc came in and looked down on her. He smiled at her and told the nurse to get robes for Dave and Cathy. They moved on into the delivery area. Just in time. The doctor had just "gowned up," when Carol took a deep breath. He just moved down to the end of the table in time to see a tiny dark object coming out of her. He made the catch, and handed to new life to the waiting nurse. Wrapping her in a warm towel, she made the necessary tasks, sucking the phlegm from her mouth, receiving her first cry, and wiping her clean. The nurse measured her, and weighed her. She was 19 in. long, and weighed a healthy 4 lb. 14 oz. The nurse laid her on Carol's chest. "Sarah, this is your Mommy. Daddy is the guy standing here crying. Welcome to the world!"

They left Sarah in Carol's arms as long as they could, and taking her back, left to take care of her, while another nurse took care of Carol's clean-up, and moving her to her room. Dave went out to the waiting room, where the others had gathered. He was still choking, so Cathy made the announcement for him. "Sarah is here. She was 19 inches long and weighs 4 lb. and 14 oz. Her hair is dark brown, and she has a good healthy set of lungs. The nurse said you can see her in about 10 minutes, but you have to wait about an hour before you can see Carol." Mary and Misti were crying with joy, and Mike had a big smile, but Jerry was crying quietly, too.

They waited as long as they could and went down to the nursery to see "their" new little girl. The nurse had her, just bringing her in, and held her up to the window for all to see. They all agreed that she was the loveliest thing they had seen in a long while. They had a long look, and went down to the cafeteria to get some coffee and wait until they could go in to see Carol. The nurse, notified as to where they would be, came in to get them, telling them that they could only have 2 visitors at a time, and would have to be quick, so Carol could rest.

They went in as they had been told, hugging Carol gently, and kissing her. Then, too soon for any of them, they had to leave for home. The snow had hit with a vengeance while they were inside. Ir was already nearly 6 inches deep. Cleaning off the cars, they were soon headed home. It took much longer this time. Nobody noticed. They were much to happy and relieved. Sarah was here.
Published by sandlicker
6 years ago
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